Tender For special repairs of chainlink wire fencing 407 mtrs around security area esh3 and esh4 at building no p283 and p284 alongwith brick and pcc boundary all along the fence inside depot area at 23 fad main under age i suranussi
Tender For supply of fd perimeter fence - provn of fd perimeter fence , provn of nut bolts for fd perimeter fence , provn of line bar for chainlink fence , provn of footing of posts of angle iron , provn of constr mtrl for perimeter fence
Tender For supply of supply and fixing of ppgi sheet for view cutter , supply and fixing of gi chainlink fence for view cutter , supply and fixing of wire mesh for view cutter not less than two mm , supply and fixing of ms poles both vertically and horizontally for view cutter , material and labour for newly iron structure by applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over it and one coat of red oxide primer complete in all respect
Tender For corrigendum : provn of toilets block near qm store and window iron grill in female cadet cabin and chainlink fence astride road m and p sqn and addn altn renovation of staff office at sudan block and building no p 294 feed mixing room at ett at nda khadakwasla