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Chest Drainage Tenders

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Tender Value

CTN :39141249 Due date: 10 Feb, 202510 Feb, 2025 57.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of sterile hypodermic syringe (v3) (q2)

CTN :39141257 Due date: 10 Feb, 202510 Feb, 2025 94.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of sterile hypodermic syringe (v3) (q2)

CTN :39124463 Due date: 17 Feb, 202517 Feb, 2025 75.00 Lacs
Tender For annual rate contract for supply of surgical items for eye department - 10-0 non absorable monofilament polyamide black sterilized surgical suture with 6.5mm 3/8 circle spatula micropoint double needle, 5-0 non absorable surgical suture black braided silk with 3/8 circle reveye cutting needle, 6-0 absorble surgical suture sterilized braided coated polyglactin 910 violet with 8mm circle sapatula micropoint, 8-0 absorable surgical suture braided coated polyglactin 910 violet with 6.5mm, 3/8 circle spatula micropoint double, 9-0 polypropylene non absorable surgical suture with spatula straight double needle, b-hex ring, 30 gauge needle, bbg dye, bcl, blub 50 watt 12volt ((nidek)), capsular tention ring, corneal trephine sterilized (6mm to 14mm), cotton buds sponge, cresent knif, cyanoacrylate glue, endo illuminator probe ((nidek)), endolaser probe 23g (nidek), eye drape ( 80 70 cm ) precut disposable, sterile, eye pad disposable, sterile, sticking eye pad, galaxy turbo-orbit viterctomy cutter bi-blade appasamy, hydrophilic lens, hydrophillic foldable lens ( double hepic, squire edge ) ( power - 1 to +5 ), hydrophillic foldable lens ( double hepic, squire edge ) ( power + 1 to +5 ), hydrophillic foldable lens ( double hepic, squire edge ) ( power +6to +30 ), hydrophillic foldable lens ( double hepic, squire edge ) ( power 31 and above ), hydrophobic foldable lens ( aspheric, square edge ), infision canulla ((nidek)), infision set ((nidek)), infusion canulla (nidek), iris claw lens pamma single piece, iris retractor / hook, keratome 2.8, keratome 5.2, lance tip knife, mvr knife 19g, mvr knife 23 g, pama lens 6.5mm, pama lens 6mm, pfcl ((nidek)), phaco cassette ((nidek)), phaco chamber ((nidek)), phaco sleeves appaswamy, phaco sleeves for amo machine, phaco sleeves for machine ( (nidek) fortas ), phaco tip 15*for (nidek) fortas machine, phaco tip 15*for amo machine, phaco tip 30*for (nidek) fortas machine, phaco tubing ((nidek)), phaco tubing (appasamy), polyvinyl alocohol sponge (pva) ophthalmic surgical, schirmers strip, scleral fixed iol pmma 6.50 mm optic 13.50 mm length, silicone oil, silicone oil syringe (nidek), silicone oil syringe tip (nidek), silicone soft tip (nidek), strips box fluorescain sodium ophthalmic, trephine 6.5, trephine 7.0, trephine 7.5, trephine 8.0, trephine 8.5, trocar set 23g ((nidek)), tryphan blue dye 0.6 mg/1 ml, us tip 23g straight 300 (nidek), vitrectomy cutter (23g) (nidek), vitrectomy cassette ((nidek)), vitrectomy pack ( vgpc input 23g ) (nidek) fortas, acetazolamide(250mg ), e/d atropine eye drop(0.0001)(5ml), e/d atropine eye drop(0.01)(5ml), e/d betadine, e/d brimonidine + timolol eye drop (5ml), e/d brimonidine eye drop (5ml), e/d bromefenac eye drop (5ml), e/d carboxy methyl cellulose + soc eye drop(0.01)(10ml), e/d ciprofloxacin eye drop (10ml), e/d cyclopentolate eye drop(5ml), e/d dorzolamide eye drop(5ml), e/d fluoromethalone eye drop(5ml), e/d hometropin hydrobromide eye drop(5ml), e/d hypersol eye drop(10ml), e/d loteprednol eye drop(0.005)(5ml), e/d moxifloxacin + dexamethasone eye drop (preservative free) (10ml), e/d moxifloxacin + keorolac eye drop, e/d moxifloxacin 10 ml, e/d moxifloxacin eye drop 0.5% unims 0.4ml, e/d na cl 6 eye drop, e/d naphazolin + phenylepherine eye drop(10ml), e/d natamycin eye drop(5ml), e/d nopafenac, e/d olopatadine eye drop(5ml), e/d pilocarpine eye drop(0.02)(5ml), e/d potasium iodide eye drop (10ml), e/d prednisolone acetate eye drop (10ml), e/d proparacaine ophthalmic solution 0.5%, e/d timolol + pilocarpine eye drop (5ml), e/d timolol maleate eye drop(0.05)(10ml), e/d tobramycin eye drop (5ml), e/d tobramycin + fluoromethalone eye drop (5ml), e/d travoprost eye drop (preservative free) (5ml), e/d tropicamide (plain) eye drop (5ml), e/d tropicamide with phenylephrine hcl solution 5ml packing, e/o atropine 1%, e/o azithromycin 1% w/w, e/o ciprofloxacin eye ointment (5gm), e/o hydroxypropyl mathyl cellulose eye ointment 0.3%, e/o hypersol eye ointment, e/

CTN :39123116 Due date: 12 Feb, 202512 Feb, 2025 20.2 Thousand
Tender For essential ot drugs for taluk general hospital, hassan district 573213 - diclo suppository, succinile choline, ab geell, ecgg electrodess, surgicall blades, surgicall glovess, inj lignocaine ten percent spray , endoo tracheal tube, e t tube, et tubes, vvicryl, vicrryl, viccryl, vicryl suuture, vicryyl, vicrly suture materials, inj bupivacaine hydrochloride , cautery pencil- monopolar, dynaplaster elastic adhesive bandage b p width stretched length, povidone solution for painting , povidone solution for scrubbing , iso flurane, benzoin tinctute, romo vac vaccum suction, romo vac vaccum suction , surgical bladde , surgicall blade , pct suppository , auto clave tape (indicator tape , ethilonn suturre, catgutt suuture, catgut suture, ethilon suture, ethilon suture material , ethilon sutture, disposable needle , disposable needle needle , spinal needle , gloves , endo tracheal tube, e.t tube , e.t tubes, hundred cm extension with three way, oxymetrazoline nasal drops, lacrigel ointment, ten cm extension with three way, swab sending culture stick, equivalent synthetic coated braided polyglycolic acid suture , dispo van syringe, nebulization mask pediatric, dispodable mask, disposable shaving blade- easy equivalent glide, uro bag, folleys catheterr , folleyss catheter , folleys catheter , suctionn catheter , suction catheter s, suction cathetter , sterile glove , injjection mephentermine, surgical mop , injection neostigmine , inj glycopyrolate , inj dextomid , inj dopamine e, injectionn clonidine, inj butodol , inj carbitocin , inj thiopentone sodium , inj buprinorphine , inj veccuronium , inj propofol , inj noradrenaline , inj nitroglycerine , inj myopyrolate , inj atracurium , nebulizationn masks adult, disposable capss, suction cathetre, cidex , vaccu suck suction set ramsons equivalent, spirit soln, sodium hypochloride soln, formaline, surgical bladess, appavisc hypromellose opththalmic solution sterile , spinal needlee, inj haemocoagulasee, ing sodium bicarbonate, inj labetaloll, inj midazolam , inj bupivacans hydrochloride heavy (anawin equivalent ), inj lignocaine , inj methylene blue, inj hyalase , inj metherginn, inj oxytocin , inj carboplast , inj atropine , plastic appron, hydrogenn peroxide

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38558892 Due date: 05 Feb, 202505 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of sterile hypodermic syringe (v3) (q2)

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39128879 Due date: 19 Feb, 202519 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of trypsin from porcine pancreas 25 g -1 , trypsin from porcine pancreas 25 g -2 , vaccum filtration unit for media filtration pore size 0 point 22um- polyethersu lfone membrane- funnel capacity 1litre- pack of 12 each-1 , vaccum filtration unit for media filtration pore size 0 point 22um- polyethersu lfone membrane- funnel capacity 1litre- pack of 12 each-2 , minimum essential medium eagle- 50l- with earles salts- l-glutamine and non-essenti al amino acids- without sodium bicarbonate- powder- suitable for cell culture-1 , minimum essential medium eagle- 50l- with earles salts- l-glutamine and non-essenti al amino acids- without sodium bicarbonate- powder- suitable for cell culture-2 , pvdf syringe filter pore size 0 point 22 micrometer- diam-33mm-sterile -50 nos-1 , pvdf syringe filter pore size 0 point 22 micrometer- diam-33mm-sterile - 50 nos-2

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :39114012 Due date: 19 Feb, 202519 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of consumables - surgical spirit 250 ml bottle , bd plain vacutainer blood collection tube 6ml red cap pack of 100 , quick release buckle tourniquet , swab sterile size small pack of 100 , powder free nitrile gloves size medium box , scalp vein no 25 pack of 50 nos , scalp vein no 24 pack of 50 nos , cryo box 50 wells , cryo box 100 wells , cello chiller ice box 8 liters blue colour , tarsons 2 0ml pp sterile amber screw cap tube self standing with knurl pack of 500 , 5 ml syringe with needle single use pack of 100nos , filter tips box 96 x10 1 ml , filter tips box 96x10 200 aul , fiber reinforced taylor measurement tape non stretchable 3meters , clean puncture proof sharp containers 2 ltr blue colour

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :39130285 Due date: 20 Feb, 202520 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of beckman coulter clenz 5l , amnis speedbead kit 16 tubes x 10 ml mk400041 , borosilicate glass petridishes 90mm x 17mm 10 pieces per pack , 35x10mm dish nunclona c delta , millexa pvdf syringe filter pore size 0 22 i1 by 4m diam 33 mm sterile hydrophilic , disposable plastic mini serological pipettes capacity 25 ml z740307

CTN :39129155 Due date: 19 Feb, 202519 Feb, 2025 41.04 Lacs
Tender For supply of sterile disposable knee arthroscopy drapes pack with fluid collection bag with suction port and , knee arthroplasty drape set compliant with aami pb70 2012 level 4 standards , trauma drape pack lower u drape one impervious o drape 4 x large sheets two cling films , water resistant synthetic orthopaedic cast padding 10 cm x 3 meter , synthetic bone graft granuals sterile packed 5 cc , ao pattern 1 by 3rd tubular titanium plates 3 point 5mm 8 holes 316 lvm stainless steel 2x3 point 5mm cancellous screws complete construct , ao pattern reconstruction plates 3 point 5 mm 8 holes with compatiblcomplete construct , sterile 3 l normal saline irrigation solution in collapsable bags for arthroscopic surgeries , augmented posterior stabilized modular knee replacement prosthesis consisting of femoral component asymmetric deep trochlear , bone cement with antibiotic and pigment low viscosity 40 gm , disposable pulse lavage system usfda approved or registered , bone graft substitute paste in prefilled syringe genex stimulan sterile packed 5 ml , bone graft substitute paste in prefilled syringe genex stimulan sterile packed 10 ml , cross linked sodium hyaluronic acid inj 48 mg per 2point4 ml , plain endobutton , endobutton with adjustible length fiberwire or orthchord loop for acl it should have a leading thread and two , end cutter shaver titanium blades 4 point 5mm for arthroscopoic shaver system implants should be usfda , orthopaedic tear resistant gloves size 7 point 5 ultrathick 0 point 33 mm 40 percent thicker than regular gloves , orthopaedic tear resistant gloves size 8 ultrathick 0.33 mm 40 percent thicker than regular gloves with textured , dressing 15 into 9 cm , post op dressing 35 cm into 9 cm film

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39124098 Due date: 30 Jan, 202530 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For emergency procurement of pharmaceutical products surgical consumables and medical equipment for onward supplies to foreign country - list of products, water purifier without electricity (aquaguard/kent), mosquito net, mosquito repellent drdo approved, ors hydration salts 21.8g (as per who formula), amoxycillin 250mg cap, amoxycillin 500mg cap, ampicillin 1000g injection, ciprofloxacin 250mg tab, ciprofloxacin 500mg tab, albendazole tablets (400mg), doxycycline 100mg cap, amoxycillin + clavulanic acid 500mg + 125 mg tab, inj. amikacin 500mg, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid powder for oral suspension (125mg+31. 25/5ml) syrup/ oral liquid, cefixime 200 mg tab, ceftriaxone 500 mg inj., ceftriaxone 1 gm inj., norfloxacin 400 mg tab, ofloxacin 200 mg tab, telmisartan 40 mg tab, amlodipine 5 mg tab, metformin 500 mg tab, ofloxacin 200mg + ornidazole 500mg tab, dicyclomine + mefenamic acid tab, fluconazole 150 mg tab, itraconazole 200 mg cap, miconazol 15 g ointment, eye drop gentamycin 5 ml, eye drop ciprofloxacin 10 ml, etizolam 0.5mg tab, tranexamic acid 500 mg tab, tranexamic acid inj., diclofenac 50 mg tab, ibuprofen 400 mg tab, paracetamol 500 mg tab, paracetamol 650 mg tab, aceclofenac 100 mg tab, paracetamol 325mg + diclofenac 50 mg tab, etoricoxib 60 mg tab, etoricoxib 90 mg tab, etoricoxib 60mg + thiocolchicoside 4 mg tab, diclofenac 1ml inj., ibuprofen syp., paracetamol 125mg/5ml syrup/ oral liquid, paracetamol 250mg/ml syrup, povidine iodine15 g ointment, povidine iodine 5% 500 ml liquid, lycopene 5000mcg+ vitamin a acetate 2900i.u.+ niacinamide 18mg+ vitamin e acetate 10mg+ vitamin d3 400i.u+ ascorbic acid 75mg+ zinc oxide 15mg+ calcium pantothenate 5.45 mg+ thiamine mononitrate 2.22mg+ riboflavin hcl 2.74mg+ pyridoxine hydrachloride 2.9mg+ copper sulphate 1mg+ folic acid 300mcg+ vitamin b12 2.2mcg+ chromium picolinate 65mcg+ lactic acid bacillus 60million spores, salbutamol inhaler 100 mcg 200mdi, pantoprazole 40 mg injection, pantoprazole tablet 40 mg tablet, levocetrizine 5 mg tab, montelukast 10mg + levocetrizine 5 mg tab, gauze swab (sterile) 7.5 x 7.5 12 ply with american fold, gauze swab (sterile) 10 x 10 8 ply with american fold, plaster of paris size 6 inch x 2.7 mtr, plaster of paris size 4 inch x 2.7 mtr, elastic adhesive bandage 10 cm, cotton 500 gm, cotton bandages 4", cotton bandage 6", surgical paper tape 1", examination goves powdered small, examination goves powdered medium, examination goves powdered large, alcohol swab (box of 100), disposable syringe 10mlx21g with needle, disposable syringe 20mlx21g with needle, disposable syringe 2mlx 24g with needle, disposable syringe 50ml with out needle, disposable syringe 5mlx 24g with needle, iv safity cannula 22 g, iv safity cannula 18 g, iv safity cannula 20 g, iv safity cannula 24 g, iv set, urine bag 2000ml, face masks (3-ply surgical), thermometers (digital), blood collection tubes, arm sling pouch, cervical collar, spine board, hiv1 test kit., hcv test kit, fabpro 15% whey protein supplement 200gm, baby food cerelac 1, baby food cerelac 2, baby food cerelac 3, baby food cerelac 4, baby diapers small, baby diapers medium, baby diapers large, adult diapers medium, adult diapers large, rl 500 ml, ns 0.9% 500 ml, ns 0.9% 100 ml, dns 500 ml, d5 500 ml, i/v paracetamol 100 ml, i/v ciprofloxacin 100 ml, portable ventilators, patient monitors portable, defibrillators, 4 fold stretcher, autoclave sterilizers (portable), wheel chairs
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