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Ciprofloxacin Eye Ointment Tenders

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Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :39140538 Due date: 13 Feb, 202513 Feb, 2025 32.42 Lacs
Tender For medical books under scp/tsp scheme to bmcrc ballari - fundamentals of tooth preparation., contemporary fixed prosthodontics.., textbook of pediatric dentistry, textbook of pedodontics., mcdonald & avery dentistry for child and adolescent., removable orthodontic appliances, textbook of orthodontics.., contemporary orthodontics.., textbook of public health dentistry, essentials of public health dentistry.., burkets oral medicine.., essentials of clinical periodontology and periodontics, textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery, white and pharoahs oral radiology principles and interpretation., carranzas clinical periodontology.., handbook of local anesthesia.., the extraction of teeth., minor oral surgery, oral & maxillofacual pathology, shafers textbook of oral pathology.., srbs surgery for dental students.., a manual on clinical surgery.., medicine-prep. manual for undergraduates, hutchisons clinical methods an integated approach to clinical practice. , essentials of medical microbiology., ananthanarayans text book of microbiology., modern medical laboratory technology methods and interpretation, essential pathology for dental students.(with free practical pathology for dental students), pharmacology for dental & allied health sciences, essentials of pharmacology for dentistry.., grossmans endodontics practice.., textbook of operative dentistry.., sturdevants art and science of operative dentistry., mc crackens removable partial prosthodontics., textbook of dental materials, craigs restorative dental materials.., prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients, phillips - science of dental materials., wheelers dental anatomy physiology and occlusion., orbans oral histology and embryology.., a t/b. of biochemistry for dental students., text book of biochemistry for dental students., ghais text book of practical physiology.., human physiology for bds. , inderbir singhs text book of human histology., inderbir singhs human embryology., textbook of anatomy (head, neck and brain) vol.3., cunninghams manual of practical anatomy vol3 head and neck, roxburghs common skin diseases 19/ed , illustrated synopsis of dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases, 7/ed, the harriet lane handbook 23/ed, ug textbook of pediatrics-as per the competency-based medical education curriculum (nmc) 1/e(2023), the short textbook of pediatrics 13/ed , ghai essential pediatrics as per the latest cbme guidelines competency based undergraduate curriculum for the indian medical graduate 10/e, care of the newborn, 9/ed , text book of orthopedics for undergraduates , natarajans textbook of orthopedics 8/ed, essential orthopedics 7/ed , manual of obstetrics 4/ed , shaws textbook of gynecology 18/ed , dc duttas textbook of gynecology 9/ed , dc dutta s textbook of obstetrics 10/ed revised reprint, a manual on clinical surgery 17ed, bailey and loves short practice of surgery 28/ed 2 vols ie, medicine prep manual for undergraduates 7/ed, manual of practical medicine 7/ed, bedside clinics in medicine 9/ed, exam preparatory manual for undergraduates medicine 4/ed, community medicine with recent advances 7/ed, parks textbook of preventive and social medicine 27/ed , parikh s textbook of medical jurisprudence forensic medicine and toxicology for classrooms and courtrooms 9/ed, the synopsis of forensic medicine & toxicology 30/ed, essentials of medical pharmacology (covering competency-based nmc curriculum), 9/ed, medical pharmacology 7/ed , pharmacology and pharmacotherapy, 27/ed, practical pathology 5/ed , textbook of pathology free pathology quick review 9/ed (revised reprint), robbins and cotran pathologic basic of disease 10/ed 2 vols sae , essentials of medical microbiology 4/ed, practical microbiology for mbbs 5/ed, ananthanarayan and paniker s textbook of microbiology 13/ed , practical textbook of biochemistry for medical students as per the competency based medical education curriculum (nmc) 4/ed, textbook of biochemistry for medical students

CTN :39124463 Due date: 17 Feb, 202517 Feb, 2025 75.00 Lacs
Tender For annual rate contract for supply of surgical items for eye department - 10-0 non absorable monofilament polyamide black sterilized surgical suture with 6.5mm 3/8 circle spatula micropoint double needle, 5-0 non absorable surgical suture black braided silk with 3/8 circle reveye cutting needle, 6-0 absorble surgical suture sterilized braided coated polyglactin 910 violet with 8mm circle sapatula micropoint, 8-0 absorable surgical suture braided coated polyglactin 910 violet with 6.5mm, 3/8 circle spatula micropoint double, 9-0 polypropylene non absorable surgical suture with spatula straight double needle, b-hex ring, 30 gauge needle, bbg dye, bcl, blub 50 watt 12volt ((nidek)), capsular tention ring, corneal trephine sterilized (6mm to 14mm), cotton buds sponge, cresent knif, cyanoacrylate glue, endo illuminator probe ((nidek)), endolaser probe 23g (nidek), eye drape ( 80 70 cm ) precut disposable, sterile, eye pad disposable, sterile, sticking eye pad, galaxy turbo-orbit viterctomy cutter bi-blade appasamy, hydrophilic lens, hydrophillic foldable lens ( double hepic, squire edge ) ( power - 1 to +5 ), hydrophillic foldable lens ( double hepic, squire edge ) ( power + 1 to +5 ), hydrophillic foldable lens ( double hepic, squire edge ) ( power +6to +30 ), hydrophillic foldable lens ( double hepic, squire edge ) ( power 31 and above ), hydrophobic foldable lens ( aspheric, square edge ), infision canulla ((nidek)), infision set ((nidek)), infusion canulla (nidek), iris claw lens pamma single piece, iris retractor / hook, keratome 2.8, keratome 5.2, lance tip knife, mvr knife 19g, mvr knife 23 g, pama lens 6.5mm, pama lens 6mm, pfcl ((nidek)), phaco cassette ((nidek)), phaco chamber ((nidek)), phaco sleeves appaswamy, phaco sleeves for amo machine, phaco sleeves for machine ( (nidek) fortas ), phaco tip 15*for (nidek) fortas machine, phaco tip 15*for amo machine, phaco tip 30*for (nidek) fortas machine, phaco tubing ((nidek)), phaco tubing (appasamy), polyvinyl alocohol sponge (pva) ophthalmic surgical, schirmers strip, scleral fixed iol pmma 6.50 mm optic 13.50 mm length, silicone oil, silicone oil syringe (nidek), silicone oil syringe tip (nidek), silicone soft tip (nidek), strips box fluorescain sodium ophthalmic, trephine 6.5, trephine 7.0, trephine 7.5, trephine 8.0, trephine 8.5, trocar set 23g ((nidek)), tryphan blue dye 0.6 mg/1 ml, us tip 23g straight 300 (nidek), vitrectomy cutter (23g) (nidek), vitrectomy cassette ((nidek)), vitrectomy pack ( vgpc input 23g ) (nidek) fortas, acetazolamide(250mg ), e/d atropine eye drop(0.0001)(5ml), e/d atropine eye drop(0.01)(5ml), e/d betadine, e/d brimonidine + timolol eye drop (5ml), e/d brimonidine eye drop (5ml), e/d bromefenac eye drop (5ml), e/d carboxy methyl cellulose + soc eye drop(0.01)(10ml), e/d ciprofloxacin eye drop (10ml), e/d cyclopentolate eye drop(5ml), e/d dorzolamide eye drop(5ml), e/d fluoromethalone eye drop(5ml), e/d hometropin hydrobromide eye drop(5ml), e/d hypersol eye drop(10ml), e/d loteprednol eye drop(0.005)(5ml), e/d moxifloxacin + dexamethasone eye drop (preservative free) (10ml), e/d moxifloxacin + keorolac eye drop, e/d moxifloxacin 10 ml, e/d moxifloxacin eye drop 0.5% unims 0.4ml, e/d na cl 6 eye drop, e/d naphazolin + phenylepherine eye drop(10ml), e/d natamycin eye drop(5ml), e/d nopafenac, e/d olopatadine eye drop(5ml), e/d pilocarpine eye drop(0.02)(5ml), e/d potasium iodide eye drop (10ml), e/d prednisolone acetate eye drop (10ml), e/d proparacaine ophthalmic solution 0.5%, e/d timolol + pilocarpine eye drop (5ml), e/d timolol maleate eye drop(0.05)(10ml), e/d tobramycin eye drop (5ml), e/d tobramycin + fluoromethalone eye drop (5ml), e/d travoprost eye drop (preservative free) (5ml), e/d tropicamide (plain) eye drop (5ml), e/d tropicamide with phenylephrine hcl solution 5ml packing, e/o atropine 1%, e/o azithromycin 1% w/w, e/o ciprofloxacin eye ointment (5gm), e/o hydroxypropyl mathyl cellulose eye ointment 0.3%, e/o hypersol eye ointment, e/

CTN :39073515 Due date: 14 Feb, 202514 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of air warriors true stories of valour and courage from the indian air force , raf india to vayu bhawan indias air hqs over the last , 1965 courage unleashed short stories on indo pak war , leadership in the indian army biographies of twelve soldiers , naam namak nishan 2 , bipin the man behind the uniform , why nations fail , watershed 1967 , one hundred days , call sign chaos , sailing north , essentialism , how to say no , on china , reimagning pakistan , the clash of civilisation and the remarking of world order , think like a freak , steve jobs the man who thought different , the china pakistan axis , six thinking hats , how the mighty fall , built to last , surf when you can , the anarchy , invent and wander , shoe dog , attitude is everything , the power of positive thinking , lifespan , deepwork , sapiens a brief history of humankind , think like a monk , 12 rules for life , factfulness , the alchemist , homo deus , a short history of nearly everything , the autobiography of yogi , benjamin franklin , why we sleep , 5am club , meditations , lives of the stoics , stillness is the key , beyond order , crime and punishment , measure what matters , the compound effect , the richest man in babylon , your next five moves , kafka on the shore , educated , a brief history of time , millionarie fastlane , the hard thing about hard things , never split the difference , leaders eat last , outliers , the 4 hour workweek , skin in the game , tuesdays with morrie , indistractable , the war of art , mindset , letters from a toic , training within the industry , implementing twi , ranks and rosaries a soldiers journey from battlefield , who dares wins a soldiers memoir , kargil untold stories from the war , swamy establishment and administration , swamy rti , swamy pension compilation , swamy ccs cca rules , swamy new pension scheme , swamy question bank on service and financial rules , kargil war the turning point , the composition code the art of photography , official history of the indian armed forces during second world war 1939-45 medicine surgery and pathology , official history of the indian armed forces in the second world war i939-45 indian war economy supply industry and finance , indian armed forces in the world war ii 1939-45 medical services campaign sin the eastern theatre , campaigns in western asia , campaign in south east asia 1941-42 , east african campaign 1940-41 , expansion of the armed forces and defence organisation , post war occupation forces japan and south east asia , the arakran operations 1942-45 , the north african campaign 1940-43 , the campaign in italy 1943-45 , the reconquest of burma vol i june 1942 to june 1944 , the difficulty of being good set , intelligence in war knowledge of the enemy form napolaon ai qaeda , cant hurt me and never finished , artificial intelligence a modern approach , essential of physical chemistry , essay in maritime studies vol ii , uncertain life and sure death , preference based spatial co location pattern mining , cloud computing bible , introduction of modern physics by john dirk , defence from skies , a miltary history of china , the indian space programme , operation pawan bid details/ 2 / 72


CTN :38075112 Due date: 29 Jan, 202529 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For bid to ras bid to ras supply of medical books - lees synopsis of anaesthesia , clinical anaesthesiology morgan , clinical anaesthesia by barash, cullen and stoetling , textbook of anaesthesia by aitkenhead rowbotham and smith , pharmacology and physiology for anaesthetists by stoelting , millers anaesthesia , stoelting rk, miller rd basics of anaesthesia , icu book, paul marino , stoelting and dierdorf anaesthesia and coexisting disease , dorsch and dorsch understanding anaesthesia and equipments , ecg by shamroth goldman , clinical anaesthesia by pg barash , airway management by lj benumof , obstetric anaesthesia by chestnut , human embryology , medical embryology , principles of anatomy and physiology , manual of anthropometry , principles of general anatomy , anatomy and physiology , textbook of basic histology and atlas , histophysiology , histology , handbookof histopathological and histochemical techniques , textbook of human histology , histology technique , human anatomy , embalming history,theory and practice , principles and basics of autopsy , skandalakis surgical anatomy the embryologic and anatomic , surgical anatomy , a text book of surgical anatomy , surface anatomy the anatomical basis of clinical examination , microteaching and prospective teachers , a practical guide to objective structured practical examination on , manual of anthropometry or a guide to the physical examination and measurement , essentials of anthropometry a handbook for explorers and museum collectors , body organ donation , practical guide qualitative methods in health and educational research , mahajans methods in biostatistics for medical students and research workers , research design and methods , basic atlas of sectional anatomy with correlated imaging , research methodology for health professionals including proposal, , histology technique , using and understanding medical statistics , embalming techniques , text book of human genetics , devlin textbook of biochemistry with clinical corelation , harpers illustrated biochemistry , lipincott illustrated reviews biochemistry , voets principles of biochemistry , kuby immunology , wilson and walkers principles and techniqes of biochemistry , stryer biochemistry , inborn errors of metabolism , clinical chemistry techniques, principles, correlation , clinical biochemistry metabolic and clinical aspects , kaplan clinical chemistry , genes xi , textbook of medical biochemistry , biophysical chemistry , nelson textbook of paediatrics , textbook of biochemistry , essentials of immunology , manuals of practical biochemistry , textbook of medical biochemistry , medical biochemistry , biochemistry , concepts and cases in biochemistry , textbook of biochemistry and human biology , parks textbook of preventive and social medicine , iapsm textbook of community medicine , iapsms textbook of comprehensive research methodology , essential medical statistics , medical biostatistics , research methods in community medicine , epidemiology beyond the basics , qualitative research a guide to design and implementation , practical guide qualitative methods in health and educational research , public health and epidemiology at a glance , national health programs of india , epidemiology and management for health care for all , competency based practical and viva community medicine , a hand book of medical entomology , modern epidemiology , fundamentals of clinical trails , textbook of community medicine , clinical paediatrics , interpretation and uses of medical statistics , epidemiology, principals and methods , principles of assessment in medical education , clinical epidemiology , public health and infectious diseases , clinical epidemiology essentials , mayhalls hospital epidemiology and infection prevention , applied statistics in health sciences , research methodology methods and techniques , epidemiology , sexually transmitted diseases sharma v k sexually transmitted diseases , iadvl text book of dermatol

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39069873 Due date: 14 Feb, 202514 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of adams and victors principle of neurology, dejongs the neurlogic examination s asia edition, current medical diagnosis and treatment cmdt 2025, ward procedures, the icu book, harrisons principles of internal medicine vol 1, harrisons principles of internal medicine vol 2, davidsons principle and practice of medicine, manual of practical medicine, robbins and cotrans pathological basis of diseases, essentials of medical pharmacology, radiology in medical practice, tintinalis emergency medicine a comprehensive study guide, manipal manual of emergency medicine and critical care, hutchinsons clinical methods, lcu protocols a stepwise approach, williams textbook of endocrinology, textbook of clinical neuroanatomy, guytons textbook of medical physiology, parks textbook of preventive and social medicine, mahajans methods biostatistics for medical students and research, l a ps textbook of pediatrics surgery, human anatomy by b d chaurasia 4 volumes, essentials of forensic medicine and toxicology, textbook clinical neuroanatomy, nelson textbook of pediatrics 2volumes, essential of human anatomy 3 volumes, ganongs review of medical physiology, guytons textbook of medical physiology, harpers liiustrated biochemistry, biochemistry u satyanarayan, robbins and colrans pathologic basis of disease, the kelalis king belman textbook of clinical paediatric urology, essentials of medical pharmacology, katzungs basic and clinical pharmacology, ananthnarayan and pannikars textbook of microbiology, essentials of paediatrics op ghai, aiims nicu protocol, osce clinical paediatrics, iap updates and guidelines paediatric critical care 2024 4 sets, iap textbook of growh developmental and behavioural paediatrics, ghais textbook of practical physiology, human embryology, transesophageal echocardiography for paediatrics and congenital heart discase, paediatrics intensive care protocol of aiims, practical textbook of biochemestry, cardia emergencies in children a practical approach to diagnosis and mangement, neonatal and paediatric respiratory care, piyush gupta pg textbook of paediatrics 3 volumes, harpers textbook of paediatric dermatology 2 volumes, crofton douglas respiratory diseases 2 volume set, fishmans pulmonary diseases and disorders 2 volume set, interstitial lung disease, murray and nadal text book of respiratory medicine 2 volume set, textbook of tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacterial diseases, pleural diseases, tomans tuberculosis case detection treatment and monitoring questions and answers, current medical diagnosis and treatment, chest sonography, computed tomography of interstitial lung diseases, bedside clinics in medicine, ward procedures, standard treatment guidelines, practical guidelines on fluid therapy, icu protocols, diagnosis of diseases of chest 4 volume set, isccm textbook of critical care medicine, principles and practice of sleep medicine, teaching pearls in niv, conns current therapy, thoracic tumours who classification of tumour, talley and o connors clinical examination 2 volume, clinico radiological series imaging of chest infection, clinico radiological series imaging of lung tumours, textbook of pulmonary rehabilitaton, high resolution ct of the lung 2 volume set, pilbeams mechanical ventilation physiological and clinical applications, goodman and gilmans the pharmacological basis of therapeutics, the chest x ray a systematic teaching atlas, the chest x ray a survival guide edition, ct teaching manual a systematic approach to ct reading matthias hofer, textbook of tuberculosis, marinos the icu book, exam preparatory manual for undergraduates, golwallas medicine for students a reference book , practical pulmonary pathology a diagnostic approach, essentials of medical pharmacology, icu quick drug guide, pleural diseases, ekg ecg interpretation made easy, upper and lower respiratory disease, respiratory care anatomy and physiology, practical guidelines on fluid therapy, pulmonary circulation disea

CTN :38932703 Due date: 03 Feb, 202503 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of book / journals osborns brain imaging pathology anatomy , diagnostic ultra sound , text book of radiology and imaging , mainciot s abdominal operation , bailey love s short practice of surgery , master of surgery , recent advances in surgery , laproscopic surgery technique , applied anatomy , zollinger atlas of surgical operation , clinical anaesthesia , miller s anaesthesia , stoelting s pharmacology and physiology in anaesthesia practices , icu book by paul l marino , understanding anaesthesia equipment and procedures a practical approach , dermatology essentials , rooks dermatology handbook , bolognia dermatology , jopling book of leprosy , compendium of dermatology for exams , sexually transmitted diseases , aiims protocol neonatology , iap textbook of paediatric picu protocol , essential paediatric pulmonary , nammalwars principle and practices of paediatrics nephrology , iap standard treatment guidelines 2022 , paediatric orthopaedic and fractures , tumors and tumorous condition of bone and joints , campbells operative orthopaedics , tuberculosis of the skeletal system , tractions and splintage , tureks orthopaedics principles and applications , watsons and jones fractures and joint injuries , fractures in adults and children s , clinical methods , hutchinsons clinical methods , api textbook of medicine , macleod method of clinical examination , dejong s neurological examination in clinical practice , bickerstaff s neurological examination in clinical practices , braunwald s heart disease , hurst s the heart , sheila sherlock s diseases of liver and biliary system , adams and victor s principle of neurology , crofton and douglas respiratory diseases , shamroth s an introduction of electrocardiology , indian journal of anaesthesia , journal of anaesthesiology and clinical pharmacology , indian journal of anaesthesiology , british journal of anaesthesiology , journal of association of physician of india neurology india indian heart journal , indian journal of gastroenterology diabetes care , jicam , new england journal of medicine british , journal of medicine lancet , post graduate journal of medicine gut , medicine uptodate subscription

CTN :39011257 Due date: 08 Feb, 202508 Feb, 2025 1.38 Crore
Tender For supply of books - biomineralization , biological invasions in changing ecosystems volume 3 , gene prediction applying ontology and machine learning volume iii , genetically engineered organisms environmental and economic risk assessment , natural products in chemical biology , butterfly wing patterns and mimicry , behavioral ecology of primates , animal reproduction handbook , invertebrate zoology an introduction , mammalogy , handbook of endangered species , encyclopedia of entomology volume iii , becoming a professional makeup artist , the essential guide for becoming a chef , becoming a personal assistant a complete career guide , essentials of inventory management , customer relationship management , handbook of tourism and travel behavior , tourism hotel management and hospitality , encyclopedia of tourism industrial strategies , handbook of geotourism and geoheritage , nuclear tourism , emerging trends in tourist destination management , leisure and tourism economics , refugees and migrants international affairs , human rights and the international law of military operations , public administration concepts and practices in switzerland , sociocultural heritage of russia an ethnography case study , social exclusion a comprehensive study of older people , gendered crossings women and migration , the psychology of peace global perspectives on children and adolescents , psychology of shame interdisciplinary perspectives , subjectivity theory and practice , introduction to health psychology , neuroscience and behavioral health , psychology the science of mind and behavior , global civil society issues challenges and solutions , united nations peace operations , the role of digital tools and technologies in european democracy , portuguese emigration , political science from theory to practice , european citizenship , constitutionalism and democratic governance a global overview , handbook of political psychology , fundamentals of acoustics volume 2 , quantum dynamics from theory to applications , relativity the special and the general theory , fundamentals of acoustics volume 1 , encyclopedia of quantum mechanics volume 3 selected applications , handbook of acoustic emission , handbook of engineering heat transfer , microgravity a new tool for space experiments , advances in mathematical physics , physical education and sport , sport and exercise psychology , physical education and sport a psychological perspective , essentials of exercise and sports medicine , psychological aspects of physical education and sport , philosophy elements and theories , understanding world religions , hinduism traditions and divinity , introduction to mythology , drug discovery research a comprehensive overview , resistance diagnostic and therapeutic applications of drugs in cancer , drug delivery science and technology , brain function augmentation brainmachine interfaces , breast cancer innovations in research and management , cardiovascular system physiology and disease mechanisms , clinical gastrointestinal endoscopy , colorectal cancer diagnosis and clinical management , computational modeling of the human body and brain , current research in brain function augmentation , current research in herbal medicine , new insights into tribology , composite materials for aircraft structures , the metrology handbook , concepts and applications of thermal engineering , recent advancements in space flight , textbook of mechanical engineering , international arbitration law and practice , disability law and policy , understanding gender crime and justice , emerging issues in sustainable development international law and policy , cybercrime and digital forensics , a study of grammatical gender , posthumanist themes in graphic novels , understanding turkish american literature , information structuring from a crosslinguistic perspective , media and communication techniques and technologies , media and mass communication in a digital age , astronomy and cos

CTN :38877259 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of cap deferiprone 500mg , cap danazol 200 mg , cap nifedepine 5mg sl , cap tramadol hcl 50mg , tab ascorbic acid 200mg plus sod ascorbate 338mg , tab azathioprine 25 mg , tab deferasirox 250 mg , tab deferasirox 500 mg , tab di ethylcarbamazine 100mg , tab imipramine25mg , tab lithium carbonate 300mg , tab lithium carbonate 450mg , tab meclizine hydrochloride 25mg , tab methylphenidate 10mg , tab methylphenidate 5mg , tab mifepristone 200mg misoprostol 200mcg , tab mosapride 5mg , tab olanzapin 7 5mg md , tab oxcarbazepine 450mg , tab penicillin v 250mg , tab piracetam , vinpocetine and ginkgo biloba extract rinbuz , tab promethazine 25 mg , tab pyridostigmine 60mg , tab pyridoxine hcl 40 mg , tab sulfamethoxazole 400 plus trimethoprim 80 ss , tab sulfasalazine 500mg , tab quetiapine 400mg sr , tab sildenafil citrate 50mg , tab sodamint , tab sumatriptan 85mg plus naproxen 500mg , tab tetrabenazine 25mg , tab theophylline 77mg plus etophylline 23mg plain , tab trifluoperazine 10mg and trihexyphenidyl 2mg , tab warfarin 5 mg , tab buspirone 10 mg , tab cariprazine 3 mg , tab opipramol 100 mg , tab tadalafil 10 mg , tab clomipramine 25 mg xr extended realese , tab clomipramine 50 mg xr extended realese , tab amisulpride300mg , suppositories glycerine 2 gm , suppositories paracetamol 170 mg , cream cetrimide 1 125 wor w plus calamine 1 5 wor w plus dimethicone 20 wor w plus zinc oxide 7 5 wor w 20mg , cream fluocinolone acetonide 0 025 20gm , cream hydrocortisone 0 25wor w and crotaminton10 wor w , cream salicylic acid 12 , cream tacrolimus 0 03 , cream lidocaine 1 5 wor w plus nifedipine 0 3 wor w , drop betamethasone and neomycine earor eye drop , drop mefenamic acid 15ml , drop pilocarpine 2 eye 5ml , drop vitamin e 50mgor ml 15ml , cream zinc oxide , gel nuprep skin prepration gel 4 oz , mapiform silicon sheet , oil simyl mct 50ml , oint atropine sulphate 1 eye ointment 3gm , oint calcitriol 0 0003 wor w , oint ciprofloxacin eye ointment 5gm , powder gloves 1 kg , powder sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate sachet for nasal wash niti wash , sachet racecadrotil 10mg , sol boric acid or boro spirit 500ml , sol chloroxylenol i p 4 8 wor v terpinelol b p 9 0 vor valcohol absolute 13 1 vor v 500ml , sol dubecco s modified eagle medium solution 100ml dmem , sol ether 500ml , sol glycolic acid 25 solution 60ml , sol glycolic acid 50 solution 60ml , sol haemocoagulase 0 2 cu 10ml , sol ipratropium bromide 30ml , sol liquid parafin 400ml , sol melas peel kh 60ml , sol salicyclic acid 25solution salipeel alcoholic solution 60ml , sol salipeel ds 30 solution 60ml , sol tca peel 25 solution 60ml , sol tca peel 35 solution 60ml , sol trypsin edta solution 100ml , sol xylocaine viscous 100ml
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