Tender For supply of rewirable type fuse unit complete grip with base made up of porcelain. contacts are m ade of electrolytic copper & silver plated, the fixed contacts are provided with removable shield. fuses are 240v/ 415v ac, current rating 100 amps. as per conforming to is : 2086/1993. [ warranty perio d: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For switch fuse unit,rated current 100 amp, three phase, tripale pole with neutral lin k, weather proof, metal clad, air break. utilisation category ac- 23a,degree of protection ip-2l3, confir ming to is or iec 60947,(part-1/2004) and is or iec 60947 (part- 3/1999) with positive make & break arrangement ,suitable for 3 phase 415 volts,50hz ac supply with inter lockable cover and rewire able type porcelain fuse unit conforfoming to is 2086/1993 (3 rd revision) reaffirmed 2004 with amend n o.1 & having cable entry holes,sealing & mounting arrangement . [ warranty period: 30 months aft er the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of description :switch fuse unit,rated current 100 amp,three phase,triple pole with neutral link,weather proof,metal clad,air brake,utilization category ac-23a,degr ee of p rotection ip-2l3,conforming to is or iec60947(parti/2004)&is oriec60947(part-3/19 99)with positive make & brake arrangement,suitable for three phase 415 volts,50 hz ac s upply with inter-lockable cover & rewire able type porcelain fuse units conforming to i s:2086/1993(3rd revision)reaffirmed 2004 withamend.no.1 & having cable entry holes,sea ling & mounting arrangements. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of fuse hrc porcelain complete assly. with fuse base for front connection fuse link 16 amps 500v ac (quick action duty type d-ii with alternative shape) fuse carrier gauge piece and co ller ring to is:8187 of 1976 c&d no. 5111/f-341/656 & 657. each unit should be emboss/ engraved wi th maker's name, month, year & batch no. of manufacturing at a conspicuous place. [ warranty pe riod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]