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Tender For supply of detergent powder in 01 kg pack , pvc flexible water hose 1 inch , room freshner , torch cell 1.5v std size or battery 1.5v , synthetic mat green , battery dry 1.5v size large , cans plastic 10 ltrs , bag gunny 27 x 21 , door mat or foot mat floor synthetic , toilet paper , brown sheets laminated , paint roller 4 inch , paint roller 7 inch with artificial fur and handle , paint roller 12 inch , distember white , paint brush 9 inch , paint brush 6 inch , paint brush 4 inch
Tender For supply of synthetic mat red , synthetic mat green , battery aa 1.5v , door mat , pencil cell 1.5 v , m seal , safety gloves cloth , paper napkin , candle wax , teflon tape , tape insulation 25 mm , wonder tape 2 inch , anti rust spray , tape transparent 2 inch , tape transparent 1 inch , envelope cloth clothed size 12 inch x 16 inch , envelope cloth coated size 10 inch x 14 inch , envelope cloth coated size 9 inch x 12 inch , envelope size 10 inch x 14 inch , envelope size 6 inch x 12 inch , envelope size 4 inch x 10 inch , photo copier paper 210 mm x 325 mm , toilet paper , photo copier paper 210 mm x 297 mm , brown paper sheet laminated , paint roller 4 inch , paint roller 7 inch , paint roller 9 inch , paint roller 6 inch , paint brush 4 inch , green nursery cloth 16 inch x 64 inch , face mask , wiper soft rubber , solder lead , rope polypropylene 16 mm , detergent solution , bleaching powder stabilised
Tender For supply of glass cleaner 500 ml , cleaner white toilet 500 ml , duster cloth , disinfectant fluid white phenyl 01 ltr pet bottle , spin mop set , lime slacked , super mop refills spin mop refills , polish metal brass 100 ml tin , feather broom , broom country ribs of dalda leaves , urinal screen mat , room freshner , paint brush 2 inch , naphthalene balls 01 kg pack , plastic mug capacity 01 ltr , gash bag 24 inch x 30 inch x 75 micron , detergent powder 01kg pack , odonil cum deodoriser , soap liquid toilet 05 ltrs can , hand wash liquid 250 ml pack , paint roller 9 inch , envelope cloth coated 10 inch x 14 inch , envelope cloth coated 9 inch x 12 inch , envelope size 10 inch x 14 inch , envelope size 6 inch x 12 inch , paint roller 4 inch , paint roller 7inch , distemper white , roller paint 6 inch , paint brush 4 inch , paper napkin , dvd rw , envelope cloth coated 12 inch x 10 inch , synthetic foot mat 3 ft x 2 ft , battery dry 1.5v extra small r 3 alkaline type , m seal 01 kg pack , candle wax dia 19mm , anti rust spray 420 ml capacity , tape transparent 1 inch approx 50 to 60 mtrs length , tape insulation 25mm steel grip isi mark bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5797045 dated/ + : 17-01-2025 bid document/ 3 3 1 / 39
Tender For tender for supply of expendable items - flux welding aluminium 100 g container , flux welding bronze 450 g container , iron cast super silicon 3.15 mm , iron cast super silicon 6.30 mm , rod welding copper 4.00 mm , welding metal rod copper 5.00 mm , abrasives cloth emery or corundum is grit 180 , abrasives cloth emery or corundum is grit 100 , abrasives cloth emery or corundum is grit 80 , abb cloth emery grit 50 , abrasivies paper glass is cert 120 , abrasivies paper emery or corundum is grit 180 , acid hydrocloric technical , abrasives paper emery or corundum is grt 36 , soap laundry 12cm x 55mm x 5 cm , paint rfu finishing , putty , fevicol sr 988 , adhesive syn rosin araldite ay 103 tube , glue ordinary , adhesive sealing metal to metal joints , quick fix , soap toilet cake 120 grams , borax technical , paint fu non bituminus acid resting brusing spraying black , paint rfu fin syn ena br spr signal red , paint rfu finishing air drying brushing spraying synthetic enamel white , paint rfu fin syn ena bra spr red oxde , resin gum , alcohol iso propyl technical , inhictor c vapour barrier water soluble , detergent solution general purpose , loctite grade a v 250 ml , cement for brass aluminium to rubber joint , adhesive universal , graphic flake for lubricant , malmal cotton white bleached 112cm wide , tubing rubber internal dia meter 20 mm , tubing rubber 5 mm , cloth hessian medium 102 cm wide , muslin white , tape adhesive transparent 40 05mm
Tender For procurement of consumable naval store ars items - brown sheet laminated , broom country , biodegradable polythene film with 18 thick 0.007 , battery aa 1.5 v , bag gunny , bags biodegradable garbage , aqua band , antirust spray , abrasive paper 230 mm x 280mm , abrasive cleaning pad scraber pad , cloth stocknite mutton cloth , cloth sponge 18 x 20 inch , jubilee clip 3 inch , cleaning liquid for utensils , cleaning bar for utensils 500 gms , cleaning white toilet harpic , can plastic 10 ltrs , candle wax , brush with long handle , brush sweeping hand , dust bin , door mat foot mat synthetic , distilled water , distemper white , disinfectant fluid white black pheonel , detergent powder , deodorant refill for ship head 8cm x 3cm , cotton waste , cotton rags , corrosion inhinbitor , fiber dust brush , feather broom , envelope size 6 x 12 , envelope size 4 x 10 , envelope size 10 x 14 , envelope cloth coated size 12 x 16 , envelope cloth coated size 10 x 14 , envelope cloth coated size 9 x 12 , dvd , dust cloth , ncml solution theoric , naphthalene ball , plastic mug , mosquito repellent machine with liquid , m seal , lamp cfl led , jerry can 20 ltrs plastic , hand wash liquid , hand towel , glass cleaner 500 ml , paper napkin , paint roller 9 inch , paint roller 7 inch , paint roller 6 inch , paint roller 4 inch , paint brush 4 inch , paint brush 2 inch , ncml solution teepol , ncml solution phosphoric acid , ncml solution oxalic acid , rrom preshner room spray , refill for automatic air freshener 250 ml , rat sticking gel , quick dry steel putty , polish metal brass , photo copier paper a3 , photo copier paper 210 mm x 325 fs , photo copier paper 210 mm x 297 mm a4 , pest seal hit spray , pencil cell 1.5v , tape transparent 2 inch , tape transparent 1 inch , tape insulation 25 steel grip , super spin mop refils , steel cleaning liquid , spray hand liquid insecticide , spin mop set , soap liquid toilet , scrubber with handle , safety gloves cloth , wonder tape 2 inch , wiper long handle , wet surface putty , varnish touch wood , tube flourescenr led cfl , torch cell 1.5 v medium size , toilet paper , telephone cable 4 core , teflon tape
Tender For supply of lp of naval store items against nac - disinfectant fluid white black phenol , synthetic liquid detergent for industrial purpose , detergent powder , cloth sponge , dust bin , cloth stocknite mutton cloth , deodriser refill for ships head 8cm x 3cm , cloth terry flax cotton 36 width , cloth hessain medium 102 cm wide rot proofed , alkaline battery aa 15v lr-69 , paint dark grey , paint brush 4 , paint brush 2 , paint fluorescent yellow , paint fluorescent red , paint fluorescent green , paint finishing for inter deck white , epoxy red oxide primer , paint epoxy aluminium primer , paint black heat resistant