Tender For auction sale of scrap aluminium conductor of overhead lines,scrap conveyor belts of different sizes and conveyor belt strips,scrap hdpe/ pvc bags,scrap rubberised spare parts,misc. scrap spare parts of m.s./ci/ fabricated etc.,scrap motors, stator and rotor etc,scrap aluminium pumps, spares parts, pistons, doors, frames, fluid couplings,iron chips released from lathe machines,old & used desert coolers & miscellaneous obsolete assets on,old & used obsolete furnitures & fixtures,old & used obsolete assets of e-waste
Tender For auction sale of condemned p&m: ss auto etc- list attached,condemned p&m: ebosa semi automatic m/c etc- list attached,condemned p&m: stamping press etc- list attached,condemned p&m: cridan threading m/c etc- list attached,condemned p&m: centre lathe etc- list attached,condemned p&m: spinning m/c- list attached,transformers- list attached
Tender For auction sale of old, used, waste, scrap electrical & electronics items, as per lot annexure.,old, used, waste & scrap machine drilling with motor 3 h.p,old, used, waste, & scrap machine lathe with motor 5 h.p,old, used, waste, & scrap machine shaping with motor 3 h.p,old, used, waste & scrap textile, as per lot annexure.,old, used, waste, & scrap 10 inch raising & table law bench with 1 h.p. motor