Tender For providing of custom bid for services - outsourcing the work of data entry in cms handling of walkietalkie spm analysis and data entry maintenance of running room management system software in nagpur division central railway for a period of 2 years ie 730 days
Tender For providing of handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 1100000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 1100000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 1100000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 1100000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 1100000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 1100000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 1100000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 1100000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 2200000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 2200000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 2200000,handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - 2200000,handling ,transport and other mining services - perc
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - support services for material handling preservation miscellaneous works of central stores at ntpc kudgi for the year 2024 2026 two years
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - annual rate contract annual rate contract for maintenance of ms emerson automation solutions intelligent platforms private limited make plc system and rio panel of ash handling plant csu dm plant of ctps