Tender For supply of equipments to the department of blood bank, trauma care centre, mmc and ri mysuru - plasma thawing bath , plasma expresser (manual), platelet incubator with agitator (22 degree c to 24 degree c), cell counter (3 parts or 5 parts ), c deep freezer (-20 degree c to -40 degree c), blood component extractor , b p apparatus (manual), stethoscope , photo electric colorimeter , tube sealer (portable), multichannel pipettes (8 channel, 50 to 300 ui), micro pipettes (2 micro litre to 1000 micro litres), air conditioner (1.5 ton), vdrl rotator , binocular microscope , serological water bath 37 degree celsius, bench top centrifuge (16 tubes), domestic refrigerator , refrigerator (store for ice pack), elisa kits refrigerator (2 degree c to 6 degree c) 300 lts, blood bank refrigerator (2 degree c to 6 degree c) 600 lts, blood mixer & shaker , donor weighing machine , donor couches