Tender For supply of m and l for dismantling of existing coldstorage complete with accessories and deposite inner and outer units at mes store yard as specifed and directed , m and l for submain wiring with 2 run of 10 sqmm frlsh pvc insulated 1100 v grade copper cond 1 core cable and inc pvc conduit of adequates size and fittings , s and f as in repair mcb db tpn dd 4 way incl bus bar neutral link earth bar and din rail recessed with wall surfaces by chase cutting and making good surfaces of wall as specifed and directed , s and f as in repair mcb db spn dd 8 way incl bus bar neutral link earth bar and din rail recessed with wall surfaces by chase cutting and making good surfaces of wall as specifed and directed , s and f inrepair mcb tpn 63 amps 415 v breaking cap 10 ka comp all as directed , s and f in replacement mcb sngle pole 240 v of cap 6 to 32 amps ce series breaking cap 10 ka , s and f in repair mcb spn 16 to 32 amp 240 v breaking cap 10 ka , vmc machine (v1) (q3)