Tender For corrigendum : repair renovation of hwc ratnal including tile work installation of new gate and construction of two washrooms and one shed as waiting area for patients under health sector electrical part.
Tender For renewal work with general repair of brahmpur prathamik phc se lallan diwadi inter collage hote hue nimbeswar nath mandir gate tak link road length1.20 km
Tender For repair and renovation of iron grill gate and wooden door located at the entrance of hospital kitchen and other allied works in kitchen room of rampurhat govt. medical collage andhospital at rampurhat under rampurhat sub-divn in the dist of birbbum
Tender For repair replacement of garden lights, solar lights, area lights and associated miscellaneous works at officers accn, main gate area and pm marg, periodical maint of ht transformer, vcb and ht cable related works including painting of ht equipments at nms
Tender For repair maint of ht lt system transformers lt panels o h lines lt ug cables street light fittings security lights gate lights garden lights and allied works in residential area at tech area at diat du and mility girinagar pune 25