Tender For supply of l-type non-asbestos compositionbrakeblock for freight stock with 1000 mm wheel dia meter to rdso drg no. wd-99062-s-01 alt-04.spec no. wd-13-abr-2019 [ warranty period: 18 mon ths after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of 'k' type compositionbrakeblock conforming to rdso spec. no. wd-14-abr-2019 to rd so drg no.wd-00006-s-01 alt - 3. [ warranty period: 24 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of "non asbestos based low frication compositionbrakeblock l type for application on coaching stock to drg.no.rdso/sk-99048 alt.-3 & rdso sp ec c-9907-rev-4.' specn: u [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of k-type compositionbrakeblock for casnub bogie 1000mm wheel dia freight stock to drg. no. wd-00006/s-01, alt. no. 3, specn. no. wd-14- abr-2019 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]