Tender For repairs to drain, sewage lines, cleaning lines, manholes, septic tank, replacement of soil/ waste/ vent pipe, repair to chain link fencing and other miscellaneous works at army land under ge(i) campbell bay
Tender For corrigendum : provn of false ceiling and other connected works, bty charging room with electric fittings, chain link fencing around premised of repair insp bay parking shed and qm store, acs alongwith stablizer and water supply pipe line for reutilisation of exi
Tender For repair maintenance to compoundwall, chain link fencing, gates, hard standing and other connected external works at area no.2 under ge belgaum
Tender For repairs to compoundwall, fencing, barbed wire, gates, gate pillars, footpath, hard standing and miscellaneous repairs works in area of age b/r-iii under ge (west) jabalpur