Tender For supply of dpt smart class - wall tile for room no 1and 2 , floor tile for room no 1 and 2 and teaching platform in room no 1 and 2 , grid celling with all fittings light and fan electrification cabling of room 1 and 2 , smart boardpanel with accessorie swooden podium all in one dsp wall mount speaker and electrification cabling etc , doors
Tender For c26c250015 procurement of spares for surface area analyzer and density meter for cpcl manali chennai - 9156409571 surface area pore size analyser and parts , 9156403031 valve clippard 2 way mm 193593 , 9156400021 vacuum pump oil pfeiffer 1l pn 193678 , 9156400131 heating mantel pn 01313 e make quantachrome , 9156400031 oring viton 9mm brown pack of 2 pn 193821 unit 1 each 1 pack having 2 pieces , 9156400121 ln2 level sensor pn 00080 ln2 rtd make quantachrome pn 197484 , 9156401591 valve spider disc 15410 item no 193761 , 9156401581 valve washer shim item no 193763 , 9156400041 surface area reference material 2005 make anton paar p n 193441 , 9104400761 export dsp sac board dma 4500 m
Tender For construction of administrative building cum farmer training centre in demonstration cum seed production (dsp) farm including internal electrical installations, compound lighting, water supply pumps, fire fighting system & manual fire alarm system for coconut development board at dapoli, distt. palghar. sh:- balance work.
Tender For tender for sale of cashewnuts from 155 nos. of cashew trees at coconut development board dsp farm, neriamangalam, ernakulam district, kerala
Tender For tender for sale of 3441 nos. of normal sized matured coconuts and 392 nos. of medium sized matured coconuts at coconut development board dsp farm, neriamangalam, ernakulam district, kerala