Tender For supply of terminal connector on la to suit 2 acsr moose c1 , terminal connector on bpi to suit 4.5 ips al tube c5 , terminal connector expansion type on cb to suit 4.5 ips al tube , terminal connector expansion type horizontal take off on iso to suit 4.5 ips al tube c2 , terminal connector horizontal take off on iso to suit 2 htls conductor c2 , terminal connector rigid type horizontal take off on iso to suit 4.5 ips al tube c2 , terminal connector expansion type on ct 3000a to suit 4.5 ips al tube c3 , terminal connector on ct 3000a to suit 2htls conductor c3 , terminal connector on cvt to suit 2acsr moose c4 , terminal connector on emvt to suit 2htls conductor c5 , terminal connector expansion type on cb to suit 4.5 ips al tube c6 , terminal connector on wave trap to suit 2 htls conductor c7 , terminal connector on bpi to suit 2acsr moose c8 , tee clamp to suit 2htls to 2 htls conductor t1 , tee clamp to suit 2htls to 4.5 ips al tube horizontal take off t2 , tee clamp to suit 2htls to 2acsr moose conductor t3 , pg clamp to suit 2acsr moose to 2acsr moose conductor t4 , t clamp for inverted v connector to suit 4.5 ips al tube t2
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : procurement of clamps and connectors for ntpc talcher project - clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 3150a gis bushing connector suitable for al tube 4 inch ips, rigid type , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 3150a gis bushing connector suitable for al tube 4 inch ips, expansion type , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 3150a bpi connector suitable for al tube 4 inch ips, expansion - expansion type , supplyclamps and connectors - 400kv, 63ka for 1s, 3150a, bpi connector suitable for al tube 4 inch ips, sliding through type , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 2000a bpi connector suitable for twin moose , supply- clamps and connectors - 400kv, 63ka for 1s, 2000a, cvt connector suitable for al tube 4 inch ips, expansion type , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 2000a cvt connector suitable for twin moose , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 3150a wt connector suitable for al tube 4 inch ips, expansion type , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 3150a wt connector suitable for quad moose , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 2000a gt bushing connector suitable for twin moose , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 2000a st bushing connector suitable for twin moose , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 2000a reactor bushing connector suitable for twin moose , supply- clamps and connectors - 400kv, 63ka for 1s, 3150a, welding sleeve suitable for 4 inch ips al tube , supply- clamps and connectors - flexible spacer suitable for twin moose , spares- clamps and connectors - rigid spacer suitable for quad moose , spares- clamps and connectors - rigid spacer suitable for twin moose , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 3150a corona bell suitable for 4 inch ips al tube , sparesclamps and connectors - 420kv, 63ka for 1s, 3150a, tee connector suitable for quad moose to quad moose , supply- clamps and connectors - 420kv, 63ka for 1s, 3150a, tee connector suitable for quad moose to twin moose , supply- clamps and connectors - 420kv, 63ka for 1s, 2000a, tee connector suitable for twin moose to twin moose , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 2000a tee connector suitable for al tube 4 inch ips to twin conductor as per ts , clamps and connectors 400kv 63ka for 1s 3150a tee connector suitable for al tube 4 inch ips to quad conductor as per ts , supply- clamps and connectors - 400kv, 63ka for 1s, 2000a, pg clamp suitable for single moose to single moose , spares- clamps and connectors - pg clamp for shield wires of dia 10.98mm , sparesclamps and connectors - cleat type clamps for earthing down conductor 10.98mm dia , sparesclamps and connectors - earthwire strain or tension clamps bolted type with d-shackle assembly , clamps and connectors - pad connector to suit 10.98mm dia gs wire and 75x12 mm gs flat , supply- clamps and connectors - clamp for gi flat on lattice or pipe structure
Tender For tender for providing and fixing of additional items for 66/22kv substation at akpa - supply & erection of 220v sf6 gas density meter(abb make) for 66kv breaker model no:- 1hyb301303p0001, supply & erection of transformer hv bushing brass clamp for transformer connection of 20 mm dia rod & acsr mosse conductor connection on other side., erection testing and commissioning of 11kv 90kn anti fog disc insulator complete in all respect., supply & erection of 22 kv lightning arrestor polymer type, supply & erection of 220v tripping coil (abb make) model no:- exin 400833 r9, checking & re-filling of sf6 gas in 66kv circuit breaker(3 nos) as per abb standrard, dis-mentaling & re-construction of civil foundation of tower structure according to site requirement to fit tower structure at transformer end., modification and re-erection of 66kv tower structure (near transformer) due to change in civil foundation design. approx. weight of tower is 1600 kgs., dis-mentaling & re-construction of civil foundation of isolator structure according to site requirement to fit 66kv isolator., modification and re-erection of old 66kv isolator structure due to change in civil foundation design, dis-mentaling, overhauling, erection and re-wiring of control circuit of 66/22 kv, 1x6.3 mva old power transformer as per site requirement., providing & fixing bay marshalling box for 22 kv bay made of 3 mm thick alluminium sheet duly powder coated as per technical specifications(1600 mm(h)x1000 mm (w)x 600 mm (d) with four terminal block tb01-40,tb41-80,tb81-120& tb120-150.,(drawing can be seen in the office of sr. xen es division shimla), laying , testing & commissioning of following sizes of power cables i/c termination alongwith indoor & outdoor termination kits complete in all respect , 22 kv,3cx 185 mm2,xlpe,al conductor with armoured, laying of ms flat, gi flat & ms rods and its accessories as per specifications for earthing complete in all respect pipe type earthing electorde 40mm dia 3 mtr. long, erection testing and commissioning of 22kv solid core post insulator complete in all respect.., erection of gss earth wire 7/3.15mm for screening, providing & fixing of terminations kit for 22kv 1c 630mm2 xlpe cable matching relevent is., p&t fees and charges for testing of 66/22 kv bay along with 66/22 kv 6.3 mva transformer, cea inspection charges for 66/22kv bay including 66/22 kv 6.3 mva transformer, 66kv & 22kv circuit breaker, isolator, ct, pt, la, acsr moose conductor, earthing, ht cable, etc.