CTN :39576866
26 Mar, 2025
19.82 Lacs
Tender For emergency repairs to upper dome and floor of main mausoleum at taj mahal, agra -supply of materials - dry river coarse sand - kalpi, uttar pradesh (free from dust). (rate including gst)., surkhi of ist class brick- iglas, aligarh, uttar pradesh. (rate including gst)., unslaked lime ist quality - katni, madhya pradesh (sealed bags). (rate including gst)., red sand stone thick required size - bansi paharpur, rajasthan. (rate including gst)., brick aggregate of ist class brick- iglas, aligarh, uttar pradesh. (rate including gst)., marble dust/powder- makrana, rajasthan. (rate including gst)., gum babool. (rate including gst)., gur/sheera. (rate including gst)., batasha. (rate including gst)., belgiri. (rate including gst)., text-red-selected">copper s
trip (5-7mm
thick). (ra
te including gs
t)., s
teel clamp required size - 304 grade. (ra
te including gs
t)., red oxide powder. (ra
te including gs
trolley wi
th driver and disel for removal of malwa from monumen
t to ou
tside of municipal limi
t capaci
ty of
trolley 2.5cum. approx. (ra
te including gs
t)., providing and fixing s
tainless s
teel ( grade 304) railing made of hollow
tubes, channels, pla
tes e
tc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curva
ture (wherever required) and fi
the same wi
th necessary s
tainless s
teel nu
ts and bol
ts comple
te, i/c fixing
the railing wi
th necessary accessories & s
tainless s
teel dash fas
teners , s
tainless s
teel bol
ts e
tc., of required size, on
top of
the floor or
the side of wais
t slab wi
th sui
table arrangemen
t as per approval of engineer-incharge, (for paymen
t purpose only weigh
t of s
tainless s
teel members shall be considered excluding fixing accessories such as nu
ts, bol
ts, fas
teners e
tc.). (ra
te including gs
t)., poly
thine shee
t - isi mark. (ra
te including gs
t)., hdpe pipe 1" dia. - isi mark. (ra
te including gs
t)., ju
te rope/co
tton rope for jhula/kamand. (ra
te including gs
t)., wa
ter s
triple layer (200l
tr. cap.) - sin
tex or eq. (ra
te including gs
t)., wa
ter s
triple layer (500l
tr. cap.) - sin
tex or eq. (ra
te including gs
t)., safe
ty helma
t - isi mark. (ra
te including gs
t)., safe
ty bel
t - isi mark. (ra
te including gs
t)., green clo
th for covering of si
te. (ra
te including gs
t)., safe
ty ne
t of size 5m x 10 m
tr.(green). (ra
te including gs
top wood body 4 four wheel hand car
t heavy du
ty, load capaci
ty: 500kg - 600kg comple
te as per si
te in-charge. (ra
te including gs
t)., cen
trifugal hi-flow cms20 monoblock pump 1.1kw/ 1.5hp - havells or eq. (ra
te including gs
t)., 2.5 mm
ted">copper wire bundle (90 m
tr.) (havells or eq.). (ra
te including gs
t)., supply of 25mm mild s
teel wire rope including ins
to main mausoleum pinnacle (appr. heigh
t 240 f
t) comple
te as per si
te in-charge. (ra
te including gs
t)., hiring charges of elec
tric lime mixer grinder for mor
tar wi
th opera
tor comple
te. (ra
te for 1 cum.). (ra
te including gs