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Tender For supply of communication lab equipments - am transmitter kit board , am receiver kit , frequency modulation and demodulation kit , frequency division multiplexer and demultiplexer kit , pam, ppm and pwm modulation demodulation techniques kit , pcm, dpcm, cvsd modulator and demodulator kit , ask, fsk, bpsk, dbpsk modulator and demodulator kit , qpsk, oqpsk, dqpsk modulator and demodulator kit , analog noise generator and testing kit
Tender For supply of unslacked lime, packed in 40kg hdpe bag,purity 98 percent,white,state solid , water delivery hose r2,double wire braided,size 1.25 inch , ear plug corded , protective safety goggles for u g use , safety slogan board 3 feet x 4 feet , reflective fluorescent strip jacket with cil logo and ecl printed on both side , dust mask,half mask respirator with clear communication , safety slogan board 1 feet x 2 feet , danger tape barricade tape,size 2 inch,50mtr per roll , safety belt,3mtr long,10mm,2000kg load capacity, as per is3521 1999 , g.i.wire netting mesh 2 inch x 2 inch , ht hand gloves 11kv , safety slogan board 5 feet x 7 feet , ms chain,0.25 inch, with test certificate,load bearing capacity 5 tonne , 6mmflexible wire rope,6x19,rhl,ungalvanised , g.i.wire 10swg , intrinsically safe and bis certified audio visual alarm with dgms approved , bobbin insulator 2 inch with bolt and nut bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5818642 dated/ + : 14-01-2025 bid document/ 3 3 1 / 29
Tender For supply of g.i.wire, 10 swg , reflective fluorescent strip jacket , ht hand gloves,11kv , insulating rubber mat,33kv , pvc,heavy duty suction discharge helical water hose,size 3 inch , pu coated hand gloves,heat resistant , cutting wheel 4 inch , grinding wheel 8 inch x 1.5 inch x 0.75 inch,rough , air sample sampling bag , aspirator having facilities of fitting to drawing point and sample bag , check board,1 feet x 1 feet , check board,1 feet x 2 feet, , check board,4 feet x 3 feet , safety belt,3mtr long,10mm,2000kg load capacity, as per is3521 1999 , taper shank twist drill 25mm , g.i.wire netting mesh 2 inch x 2 inch, , protective safety goggles for u g use , dust mask,half mask respirator with clear communication with head harness
Tender For corrigendum : rate contract for yokogawa make dcs spares for ntpc group stations - cable,er bus,ycb141-m003,yokogawa, er bus terminator,ycb148, cable,er bus,ycb301-c300, cable,er bus,ycb141-m005, cable,prefab,5m,ks1-m005, cble: dcs:prefab cable - akb331- 5 mtr, cable,esb bus,ycb301-c400, cable,prefab,ks1-10*b, cable,prefab,ks2-05*b, cable,prefab,ks2-10*b, cable,prefab,akb331-m010, board,dist,power distributor,yokogawa, i/o mod,aat141-s50/t4s00,yokogawa,16ch, analog input module,aai143-s00/k4a00, analog i/p module:aai143-s50/k4a00;yokgw, analog input module,aai143-h50/k4a00, analog output module,aai543-s00/k4a00, analog o/p module: aai543-s50/k4a00;yoko, bus interface mod,eb-401-50,yokogawa, field control module,afv30d-s41451, esb bus module: ec401-50; yokogawa, esb bus i/f slave module: sb401-50; yoko, opt.esb bus repeater mdl-ant401-50/cu1n, opt.esb bus rptr.slv.mdl: ant502-50/bu1a, esb bus cplr module,ec402-50,yokogawa, sys bus cbl,esb bus,ycb301-c200,yokogawa, system esb bus cable,ycb301-c100, 10/100 mbps esb bus sys cbl,ycb301-c020, prefab ic cable,ks1-04-a,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,akb331-m005,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,akb.4,yokogawa,dcs, prefab ic cable,ks1-3,yokogawa,dcs, prefab interconnecting comm.cable akb*3, prefab comm cable,yokogawa, prefab comm cable,ks1-m003,yokogawa, prefab ic cable,akb331,yokogawa, prefabricated cable,ks2-m010,yokogawa, serial interface mod,alr121-s00,yokogawa, serial communication card: alr121-s50;yk, comm.model for giu: ale111-s50; yokogawa, 32ch.dig.i/p module:adv151-p,yokogawa, 32ch.dig.input module:adv151-e,yokogawa, 32 ch di mod,adv151e60d5a00,yokogawa, digital output module:adv551-p,32 channl, digital o/p terminal board: yaed5d;yok, digital o/p module: adv559-p00; yokogawa, node ir unit,anb10d440/c+,yokogawa, node interface unit,anb10d-445/cu2n/ndel, node unit,anb10d-445/cu2t/ndel,yokogawa, node for dual red.remot: anb11d-245/bu2a, vnet interface card: vi702; yokogawa, cpu battery,s9129fa,yokogawa,das, fan fail detect unit,ffdu-21,yokogawa, foundation field bus card, model:alf-111, dcs pwr source,s9548fa,yokogawa, dist board,pdbfcstd-240@b,yokogawa, power supply module: pw484-50; yokogawa, dcs pwr source,s9548fa,yokogawa, cpu module: cp461-50; yokogawa, processor module: cp471-00; yokogawa, rtd input module: aar-181; yokogawa, terminal board module: yaea4d-a,yokogava, term.board with connctr: ytbadv559*a;yok, termination board - model-tetc; yokogawa, t/c input module:aat145,make:yokogawa
Tender For comprehensive annual maintenance contract for single line double faced at a glance display board (agdb), main data communication hub (mdch), platform data communication hub (pdch), ups 5 kva, led based coach guidance display board (cgdb) at vskp, vzm, rgda & che stations of waltair division for 02 (two) years.
Tender For supply of set of spare parts consisting of 05 items having 05 nos in a set for medha mrt 921 speedometer of conventional emu motor coaches. (i)serial communication card -921 to medha part code no. sp921501002 -01 no. (ii) mother board for recorder 921 to medha part code no. sp921601001 - 01 no. (iii)input card (standard)-921 to medha part code no. sp921701002 - 01 no. (iv)energy card -240v/150a to medha part code no. sp921701005 -01 no.(v) mlf filter box 921 to medha part code no. sp921801000 - 01 no.
Tender For corrigendum : lifts (passenger & goods), technical confirmation list for lifts (passenger & goods, job specification (static & machinery equipment), for lifts (passenger & goods), data sheet for lift (000-lz-l01 a/b), data sheet for lift 1000-lz-l02), data sheet for lift (000-lz-l03), location & landing platform for lift in pfs shed of sru, instrumentation cum mechanical building, standard specification for electric fraction lift, vendor data requirements, job specification for lifts, vendor data requirements for lifts, maridatory spare list (electrical)-lift package, approved vendar list (electical)-lif package, data sheet mv ind motor for lift, data sheet vfd for lifts, data sheet lift package pdb, data sheet mv swbo compilift package), hardware datasheet for outgoing motor feeder (rating55kw), hardware datasheet for outgoing mccb leeder, hardware datasheet for outgoing mccb contactor feeder, specification for mv switchboards fixed type for package equipment, specification for industrial type control stations, specification for medium and high voltage cables & accessories, specification for communicaton and fire alarm cables., specification for energy efficient medium voltage induction motor, specification for electrical equipment installation, specification for cable installation, specification for lighting installation, specifications for earthing installation, specification for electrics of package equipment, itp for mv fored hype switch board for package equipment, itp for industrial type control stations, itp for mv vanable frequency drive system, itp for my & hv cables & eccessories, itp for communication & fire alarm.cables, inspection and test plan for energy efficient medium voltage motors, equiment earthing schedule, instructions to vendor for sile performance guarante, requirements for peckage units, standard specification for health, safety & environmental management at construction sites, specification for quality management system requirements from bidders, specification for documentation requirement from contractors, specification for documentation requirement from suppliers