Tender For tender for supply of sdl spares second phase oem oes opm proven source - kit for track part part no 611m100000239 , shaft tension end part no 625c000003248 , sprocket part no 625c000003249 , seal kit of lift cyl c part no eea0002958 , led lamp for head light 7w 12v part no eea0030279 , bush part no mbh506050s , hex-sock head cap screw part no 3702643 , hex nut part no 3690116 , kit commando part no eea0017406 , hex head bolt part no 3700612 , gasket part no 627b000000121 , hyd hose part no stdb025007 , cartridge crv part no eea0018939 , drive sprocket part no 611c030000002 , pin part no 611b060000008 , pin part no 611a060000017 , counterbalance valve part no eea0020817 , bush part no 625a050000128 , pin part no 611b060000003 , pin part no 611a060000005 , bush part no mbh405050a , bush part no mbh506050a , bush bucket chain part no eea0018390 , link pin part no 625a000003261 , flat washer part no maw10gg , hex head bolt tank part no 3700306 , bearing part no g438g443 , hex head bolt or cage part no 3700404 , hex head bolt or collar part no 3700807 , oil seal pump part no eea0003784 , hyd hose part no 623a01515008 , lamp holder with clamp part no eea0018520 , lighting transformer part no eea0023426 , transformer part no eea0017342 , mcb 20a part no eea0023431 , micro switch part no 250a000000586 , pilot relay part no eea0027674
Tender For open tender for lab items and - seed incubator , hot air over , electronic micro balance , double distillation unit (1.5 ph) , brix meter digkal , fire extinguisher , pan balance , micropipette , disease display box wooden , weighing balance 200kg , air cooler fibre body , hand held trolley heavy
Tender For providing of supply and installation of liquid besd physicology machine - supply and installation of liquid besd physicology machine , supply and installation of electrophorsis apatos , supply and installation of grajuated cylinder for verious sapecity raning fram 100 cc to 1000 co , supply and installation of whote plate , supply and installation of digigal sklr at list 20 megapixel with micro, mecro, wide , supply and installation of digital perafin dispencing module cold plate holdingmore than 1000 ca , supply and installation of balance chemical with vetus , supply and installation of microscope , supply and installation of processing station (stenless still, with control panel. air filtration syste , supply and installation of three part fully automated sel counter , supply and installation of quaglemter , supply and installation of weight machine adult , supply and installation of seltaras baby weight machin , supply and installation of harpenden calybar , supply and installation of hight machuring stand , supply and installation of smart tv , supply and installation of public address system (2 portable for fild besd activity and one inch r , supply and installation of cloroscope , supply and installation of herijack approtas , supply and installation of muaac tep , supply and installation of bp apretus (digital) , supply and installation of sound level meter , supply and installation of water samplig bottle form any depth , supply and installation of nidle shudder , supply and installation of vekey carrier , supply and installation of cropt water testing kit , supply and installation of treatment kit asper national health program , supply and installation of idone testing kit , supply and installation of glucometer , supply and installation of mayseuto kaching kit , supply and installation of clinical tharmexmeter , supply and installation of fast and kit , supply and installation of autoscope , supply and installation of fast aid banding and spliting kit , supply and installation of basic cpr half body nanikin with monitor , supply and installation of advance infut cpr training modul , supply and installation of advance child cpr training modul , supply and installation of imbriyo model , supply and installation of fetas with vhisera and plesenta , supply and installation of the development process of fetas , supply and installation of female internal and external genital orgon model , supply and installation of gayenology examination model , supply and installation of brist examination model , supply and installation of fertilizan process model , supply and installation of female cattithretion training modul , supply and installation of male cattithretion training modul , supply and installation of adult instra mescular injection modul , supply and installation of adult sub cantiview injection training modul , supply and installation of adult instra venious injection training modul , supply and installation of new bonr baby model , supply and installation of unisex torso 23 part 85 cm , supply and installation of computer system , screw 850 half threded