Tender For corrigendum : supply of goods, tools & equipmentforan international standard itotin welder tradeat iti rajkot, gujarat, indiapackage 2: welder trade - electrode holder, h.p. welding torch with 5 nozzles, welding transformer with all accessories (400a, ocv 60-100 v, 60 percent duty cycle), welding transformer with all accessories (300a, ocv 60 - 100 v, 60 percent duty cycle), inverter-based welding power source, d.c arc welding rectifiers set with all accessories, gmaw welding machine, ac/dc gtaw welding machine, spot welding machine to15 kva with all accessories, gas welding table with firebricks, arc welding table with positioner, oven, electrode drying, table for gas cutting, welding simulator for smaw / gtaw / gmaw, seam welding machine(longitudinal) 75 kva with accessories, submerged arc welding machine with accessories (1000amps), friction welding machine, welding motor generator, fume extractor system connecting all the welding booths, mag welding robot with all standard accessories, welding booth with forced fume extractor, for welding machines, carriage welding system, 400 amps with industry 4.0 ready multi process welding set, gas manifold system, magnetic particle testing machine probe type with all standard accessories, oxygen gas pressure regulator double stage, acetylene gas pressure regulator double stage, co2 gas pressure regulator, with flowmeter, argon gas pressure regulator with flowmeter, flash back arrester (torch mounted), flash back arrester (cylinder mounted), air plasma cutting equipment with all accessories, air compressor suitable for air plasma cutting system, portable gas cutting machine capable of cutting straight & circular with all accessories, pedestal grinder fitted with coarse and medium grain size grinding wheels, bench grinder fitted with fine grain size silicon carbide green grinding wheel, ag4 grinder, hand shearing machine capacity to cut 6mm sheets and flats, power saw machine, work bench, oxygen, acetylene cylinders, co2 cylinder, argon gas cylinder, anvil 12 sq. inches working area withstand, swage block, portable abrasive cut-off machine, potable cnc profile cutting system with all standard accessories, ultrasonic flaw detector with accessories, eddy current tester
Tender For corrigendum : supply of goods, tools & equipmentforan international standard itotin welder tradeat iti bhilad, gujarat, indiapackage 2: welder trade - electrode holder, h.p. welding torch with 5 nozzles, welding transformer with all accessories (400a, ocv 60-100 v, 60 percent duty cycle), welding transformer with all accessories (300a, ocv 60 - 100 v, 60 percent duty cycle), inverter-based welding power source, d.c arc welding rectifiers set with all accessories, gmaw welding machine, ac/dc gtaw welding machine, spot welding machine to15 kva with all accessories, gas welding table with firebricks, arc welding table with positioner, oven, electrode drying, table for gas cutting, welding simulator for smaw / gtaw / gmaw, seam welding machine(longitudinal) 75 kva with accessories, submerged arc welding machine with accessories (1000amps), friction welding machine, welding motor generator, fume extractor system connecting all the welding booths, mag welding robot with all standard accessories, welding booth with forced fume extractor, for welding machines, carriage welding system, 400 amps with industry 4.0 ready multi process welding set, gas manifold system, magnetic particle testing machine probe type with all standard accessories, oxygen gas pressure regulator double stage, acetylene gas pressure regulator double stage, co2 gas pressure regulator, with flowmeter, argon gas pressure regulator with flowmeter, flash back arrester (torch mounted), flash back arrester (cylinder mounted), air plasma cutting equipment with all accessories, air compressor suitable for air plasma cutting system, portable gas cutting machine capable of cutting straight & circular with all accessories, pedestal grinder fitted with coarse and medium grain size grinding wheels, bench grinder fitted with fine grain size silicon carbide green grinding wheel, ag4 grinder, hand shearing machine capacity to cut 6mm sheets and flats, power saw machine, work bench, oxygen, acetylene cylinders, co2 cylinder, argon gas cylinder, anvil 12 sq. inches working area withstand, swage block, portable abrasive cut-off machine, potable cnc profile cutting system with all standard accessories, ultrasonic flaw detector with accessories, eddy current tester
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - phase array ultrasonic testing for boiler tube welding joints and oxide scale measurement of boiler tubes phase array ultrasonic testing for boiler tube welding joints and oxide scale measurement of boiler tubes no
Tender For supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of ultrasonic clamp-on fixed type flow meters on bulk water supply main lines, offtakes of transmission division-i including programming and integration into existing supervisory control and data acquisition system (scada) for monitoring the bulk water supply quantities on major off takes under transmission division-i, himayathsagar
Tender For supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of ultrasonic clamp-on fixed type flow meters on bulk water supply main lines, offtakes of s.d ii, lingampally, transmission division-iv including programming and integration into existing supervisory control and data acquisition system (scada) for monitoring the bulk water supply quantities on major off takes under s.d ii, lingampally, transmission division-iv, control room.
Tender For phased array ultrasonic testing (paut) of flash butt welded joints using rdso verified paut weld tester in hubballi division for period of three years.
Tender For supply of set of test benches and testing equpments consisting of (1) master controller( 2)l.c.c. (3)starting motor(4)head light focus(5)digital ultrasonic flaw detector(6)flash point & fi re point (7)hot plate (8)digital kinematic viscosity bath test benches [ warranty period: 30 mo nths after the date of delivery ]
Tender For design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of mechanical equipment at bhobha mps 1-, submersible sewage non-clog vertical pump, , ms pipe :-, , lowering, laying, jointing & welding in position to correct line & level m.s. pipe with outer gunniting & inside lining/epoxy painting on pedestal or chairs upon prepared formation or prepared bedding in trenches the rates include conveyance from store to site of work loading, unloading, joint plastering, hydrotesting etc.complete, , sluicevalve, , refluxvalve, , lowering,layingandjointinginpositionfollowingc.i/d.frefluxvalves,butterflyvalves,sluicevalvesandairvalveincludingcostoflabour,jointing,material,includingnutboltsandgivingsatisfoctoryhydraulicstesting etc complete:- for sluive valve & nrv, , expansionbellows, , pressureguage, , ultrasonic type level transmitter with integral display, , sitcoflvmccpaneltotallyenclosed,dust&berminproof,indoortype,minimumdegreeofprotection-ip52asperis:2147,operationon3-phase,4wire,415v,50hz,neutraleffectivelygrounded,withinstrumentationcompartmentsaccomodatingledtypeindicatinglamps,controlcontactorsasperis:13947,ctofaccuracyclass-iasperis:2705,relays,meters&controlmcbs,airinsulatedelectroliticgradealuminumbusbarforthreephase&neutralsystemwithincommingbreaker-microprocessorbasedaircircuitbreakers(electricallyoperateddrawouttype)/airbreakfixedtypemccbwithtripfreemechanism,currentlimitingtypeasperis:8828,motorcontractor(aspertype-2coordination),overloadrelaywithbuilt-insinglephasingpreventionfeature&auxiliaryfeedersasperslddrawings,momentarycontacttypepushbuttons,equipmentfittings,busbars,cableboxes,cablegland,incoming&ougoingcableconnectionfor1100vgrade,aluminium/copperconductorxlpe/pvcinsulated&pvcsheathedarmouredcable,10%spareterminals,powerwiringusing1100vgrade,frlsinsulatedcopperconductorwiresconformingtois:694&8130,cablecompartments/alleysofminimum300mmsize,gi/alearthbusbarforentirelength.mccshallbefabricatedfromcoldrolled,coledannealed(crca)sheetsteel&minimumthicknessofvariousmembersshallbeasfollows:baseframe/channel/glandplate:3mm,loadbearingmembers/doors:2mmandinternalpartitions: 1.6 mm. microprocessor based soft starter with built-in by pass contactor,semiconductorfuses,harmonicfilters,castresintypect,digitalmfm,analogueammeter&minimum10channeltemperaturescanner with rs 485 communication port - 75 kw, ,
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - pipeline ut testing of wall thickness,custom bid for services - long range ultrasonic testing lrut testing,custom bid for services - dcvg survey of ug pipeline,custom bid for services - efrvt tanks diamore than 50 m tank ut testing,custom bid for services - efrvt tanks dia between 18 to 25m tank ut testing,custom bid for services - ifrvt tanks dia between 18 to 25m tank ut testing,custom bid for services - ifrvt tanks dia between 12 to 18m tank ut testing,custom bid for services - open roof tanks of dia 26m tank ut testing
Tender For design, engineering, manufacturing, procurement of materials and bought out components, assembly at shop, testing at manufacturer works, inspection by tpia, packing for the supply of ultrasonic flow meter including mandatory spares etc. as per mr