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Curve Switch Tenders

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Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38604524 Due date: 09 Jan, 202509 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For manufacture and supply of 10125mm curved switches as per rdso drg. no. t-6155 [with lat est alterations ]

CTN :38605041 Due date: 23 Dec, 202423 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For manufacture and supply of 6mm thick nylon cord reinforced grooved rubber sole plates for 60 kg 1 in 12 turnouts with or curved switch on psc sleepers to rdso drg. no. t-4218 alt 8, conforming t o irs specification t- 55-2023 with latest alteration if any upto date of closing of tender. [ warranty perio d: 30 months after the date of delivery ]

CTN :38568285 Due date: 19 Dec, 202419 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For manufacture and supply of 6 mm thick nylon cord reinforced grooved rubber sole plat es for placing beneath rails at turnout conforming to rdso drg. no. t-4865 (as amended up to date) f or 1:8.5 / 60 kg turnout with over riding curved switch conforming to irs specifications no. irs/t-55/ 2023. the list of 6 mm thick nylon cord reinforced grooved rubber sole plates to be supplied in a set is given in annexure-a. (the alterations in drawing and specification issued by rdso up to one month prior to tender opening date shall be applicable. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deli very ]

CTN :38582736 Due date: 09 Jan, 202509 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For construction of store building (size 18mx7m), cement concrete flooring(100mx12m),complete renewal of turn out with new 60kg (1 in 8.5) curve switch with cmsc on psc layout and linking of track in connection with development of sick line facilities at r-yard at jharsuguda.

Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :38525285 Due date: 06 Jan, 202506 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For rate contract for manufacture and supply of 6400 mm curved switches as per rdso drg. no. t- 9775 (with latest alterations] with zu-1-60 / 60 e1a1 thick web grade 880 class-a tongue rails and uic/60e1 60 kg per m grade-880, class a or b stock rails with elastic fasteners, spring operated setting device [rdso-t-6216 with latest alterations] and anti creep device [rdso t-9777 & t-9778 with latest alterations], complete with all fittings for 1 in 8.5, bg 60 kg turn out for fan shaped layout on psc sleepers i.e. all fittings for switch portion as per sub assembly no. t-9775 [with latest alteration] in accordance with rdso's standard drawing no. t-9774 [with latest alterations] excluding elastic rail clips, metal liners and insulating liners. any addition/ modification to the list of fittings, issued by rdso in subsequent alterations up to the date of closing of tender is also to be supplied by the firm for which no additional payment would be made. specification: t-10-2023 with latest alteration if any up to the date of closing tender.. validity is 1 (one) year

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38523000 Due date: 09 Jan, 202509 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of fitting of curved switches

Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :38401252 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For corrigendum : rate contract for manufacture and supply of 6400 mm curved switch with zu-1- 60e1a1 thick web tongue rails for 1 in 8.5 turnouts bg for 60kg (uic)/ 60e1 rails on psc sleepers conforming to rdso drg. no. t-6280, alt-5 with all fittings as per drawing excluding standard fish plates, fish bolts and nuts, e.r clips, liners (as per annexure-a). specification: irs specification irs:t-10-2023. this is a safety item

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38466473 Due date: 06 Jan, 202506 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of interior stickers with braille script for lhb scn coaches., as per drawing: ls 64007 alt b item no.1,2,6,8,13 to 17,19,21,23,25 & 26 with braille script as per mcf's specifi cation no. mmdts-22001 rev. nil or latest, packing instruction: pi136 ver 2.0, lettering inside : one complete set of lettering inside should be packed in cardboard box. different sub sets should be made & a list of items should be pasted on each packet of subsets. lette rs packed in each subset under different headings are as under:- plumbing : emergency flush button, press for flush, notice for bio toilet moulding:- duties of coach attenda nt, push, pull, no smoking, alarm and penalty notice, door closes automatically, safety message near gate, notice for luggage capacity. lavatory:- dust bin, fire extinguisher, soap dispenser, no drinking water, no waste into toilet, western style, press for flush , fire prevention and safety, marking of lavatories / body side door, notice for lavatories, drinking water, unified notice for fire prevention & safety. seat & berth:- st icker for seat number, berth numbers, letter for chaining luggage, notice for unreser ved coaches. air brake:- reset emergency brake, feed pipe, brake pipe, closed, open, hand brake panel : furnish plate, complaint book. window & ceiling: pull window glass inside, indication plate & sticker for emergency window, emergency openable window. note : fi rms have option to provide qr code the cardboard box shall carry a qr code having de tails as listed below : " name of the manufacturer " purchase order numb er " purchase order date " unique serial number (or lot number for bu lk items) of the manufacturer or " date of manufacture " delivery challan no. " delivery challan date the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be available as xml using t he tags detailed above. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38466474 Due date: 06 Jan, 202506 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of interior stickers with braille script for lhb ac 3 tier coaches., as per drawin g: le64016 alt b item no 1 to 7, 9 to 11,13, 15, 18 to 22,27 & 29 with braille script as per mc f's specification no. mmdts-22001 rev. nil or latest, packing instruction:pi136 ver-2.0, letteri ng inside: one complete set of lettering inside should be packed in cardboard box. diffe rent subsets should be made & a list of items should be pasted on each packet of subse ts. letters packed in each subset under different headings are as under:- plumbing : em ergency flush button, press for flush, notice for bio toilet moulding:- duties of coach attendant, push, pull, no smoking, alarm and penalty notice, door closes automatically, safety message near gate, notice for luggage capacity. lavatory:- dust bin, fire extinguisher, soap dispenser, no drinking water, no waste into toilet, western style, press for flush, fire prevention and safety, marking of lavatories / body side do or, notice for lavatories, drinking water, unified notice for fire prevention & safety. s eat & berth:- sticker for seat number, berth numbers, letter for chaining luggage, noti ce for unreserved coaches. air brake:- reset emergency brake, feed pipe, brake pipe, clo sed, open, hand brake panel : furnish plate, complaint book. window & ceiling: pull wind ow glass inside, indication plate & sticker for emergency window, emergency openable window. note : firms have option to provide qr code the cardboard box shall carry a q r code having details as listed below : " name of the manufacturer " purc hase order number " purchase order date " unique serial number (or l ot number for bulk items) of the manufacturer or " date of ma nufacture " delivery challan no. " delivery challan date the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be availa ble as xml using the tags detailed above. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deli very ]

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38341342 Due date: 19 Dec, 202419 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For rate contract for manufacture and supply of 60 kg. 1 in 12 over riding curved switches to rdso drg. no. t-4219 alt-6 complete with all fittings
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