Tender For providing of handling ,transport and other mining services - percentage quote based - handling & transport service, handling and transport contractor at rh kannauj for silo kannauj
Tender For for appointment of transport contractor for handling and transportation of paddy for procurement centres to rice mills and coarse grainsfrom procurement centres to state storage points under msp operations for kharif rabi marketing season 2024-25 and 2025-26 in the chamarajanagara, haveri, shivamogga, dharawad and gadag districts except for haveri district paddy procurement for the year 2024-25 and 2025-26
Tender For for appointment of transport contractor for handling & transportation of paddy from procurement centres to rice mills and coarse grainsfrom procurement centres to state storage points under msp operations for kharif/ rabi marketing season 2024-25 and 2025-26 in the districts engaged by kfcsc.