Tender For bid to ras supply of engine vibration dataacquisitionsystem - data acquision hardware , data acquision software , post processing features , sensors , charge amplifier , cableaccel to charge amplier , cable charge amplifier to daq , digital multi meter , multifucntion portable calibrators , pressure calibration , signal function generator , cro , workstation laptop , workstation specfication , warranty 3 years and calibration 1 year
Tender For corrigendum : supply of supply of 3 axis ultrasonic scientific anemometer system onboard orv sagar nidhi as per specification , supply of 3 axis ultrasonic scientific anemometer system onboard orv sagar manjusha as per specification , supply and installation of dataacquisitionsystem with necessary software and repeaters in sagar nidhi as per specification , supply and installation of dataacquisitionsystem with necessary software and repeaters in sagar manjusha as per specification , installation of 3 axis ultrasonic scientific anemometer system onboard sagar nidhi as per specification , installation of 3 axis ultrasonic scientific anemometer system onboard sagar manjusha as per specification
Tender For tender for purchase of: procurement of electrical spares for indaid vaccum furnace - igmm v fur.zone 1 converter spel032388 , igmm v furzone 2 converter spel032389 , igmm v furzone 3 converter spel032390 , igmm v furprogram controller zone 1 spel032391 , igmm v furteparature controller zone 2 spel032392 , gmm v furtemparature controller zone 3 spel032393 , gmm v fur. thermocouple zone 1 spel032394 , gmm v fur. thermocouple zone 2 spel032395 , gmm v fur. thermocouple zone 3 spel032396 , igmm v fur.safety controller 1 spel032397, igmm v fur. vacuum regulator with probe spel032398 , igmm v fur. pressure sensor spel032399 , igmm v fur.vaccum valve complete with co spel032400 , igmm v fur.nitrogen inlet valve complete spel032401 , igmm v fur. nitrogen outlet valve comple spel032402 , igmm v fur.door lock and unlock valve co spel032403 , igmm v fur.door close and open valve com spel032404 , igmm v fur. hot room rear door open and c spel032405 , igmm v fur. motor terminal connection con spel032406, igmm v fur. motor terminal connection con spel032407 , igmm v fur.plc with i/o's suitable for spel032408 , itc services for plc
Tender For supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of ultrasonic clamp-on fixed type flow meters on bulk water supply main lines, offtakes of transmission division-i including programming and integration into existing supervisory control and dataacquisitionsystem (scada) for monitoring the bulk water supply quantities on major off takes under transmission division-i, himayathsagar
Tender For supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of ultrasonic clamp-on fixed type flow meters on bulk water supply main lines, offtakes of s.d ii, lingampally, transmission division-iv including programming and integration into existing supervisory control and dataacquisitionsystem (scada) for monitoring the bulk water supply quantities on major off takes under s.d ii, lingampally, transmission division-iv, control room.
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - software and plc modification in existing tas as per latest fdr for compliance of tas audit at pune terminal