Tender For corrigendum : supply, installation, testing, commissioning, reading, analysis, integration with billing system and 1 year operation and maintenance of power quality meters complying to iec 61000-4- 30 class a
Tender For corrigendum : request for proposal (rfp) for appointment of detailed design consultant for : conducting slope stability analysis of deep cuttings and slopes of minor bridge locations, land slide areas, design/suggestion for stable slopes and submission of scheme for remedial measures to protect deep cutting, subsurface drainage, covered drains, design of tunnel adits, tunnel extension, tunnel integration, etc., preparation of gad, detailed drawings and boq for each analysed location, and monitoring, supervision and quality control of work during execution in khongsang-imphal section in the jurisdiction of dy ce/con/imphal-3 and dy.ce/con/imphal-4, in connection with construction of jiribam-imphal new bg line project (manipur) of n f railway
Tender For corrigendum : supply of benchtop spectrophotometer - nuclear magnetic resonance better spectrophotometer tabletop , nmr tubes of 5mm standard high quality with stand and washing brushes , software with spectra for post- dataanalysis , mestre nova software for nmr data processing perpetual license with 2 user licenses , deduterated any different solvents
Tender For corrigendum : selection of system integrator for supply, establishment, operation and maintenance of center of excellence on digitalization through simulation at government college of engineering ,amravati - hardware part, battery charge and discharge test system, data acquisition and logging system, thermocouple/ rtd for temperature measurement, battery tester for internal resistance testing, electric vehicle bldc motor training system, bldc (brushless) inner rotor brushless dc motor coupled with dc shunt motor to study the load characteristics and study of drive parameters, battery characteristics training system, pmdc motor training system, power and transmission system study models for ev application, pmsm motor coupled with dc generator test bench setup, switched reluctance motor coupled with eddy current dynamometer test bench setup, pwm charge controller training system:, sectioned electric vehicle two-wheeler chassis, sectioned electric vehicle four-wheeler chassis, battery resistance spot welding machine, dc /ac clamp meter, non-contact type tacho meter, computing workstations for ev design and simulation, multi-body dynamics analysis research software bundle for ev (10 user), power train/ gearbox design research software package, 1d+3d thermal modelling, bms modelling, electric motor, ic engine modelling research software package, multi-physics cae research software package with battery modelling and analysis capabilities, nmc cell ( size 18650), nmc cell ( size 26650), lfp cell, smart bms training system, electric vehicle scanner, diy kits for 20 students, advanced driver assisting system (adas) training system for e-mobility, ac ev charger 10kw, dc fast charger: 20kw, multifunction installation tester, electric vehicle service equipment test adapter kit, battery tester with inbuilt printer, digital infrared thermometer, digital multifunction meter with vfd, ef-detection & 3-phase rotation, vde approved insulated tool set for ev, electric vehicle safety equipment, ev battery assembly & testing centre setup, ev battery pack cell equalizer, regenerative charging and braking training system, ev assembly disassembly kit, three phase power clamp-on meter with harmonics measurement, digital insulation multi function meter, phase sequence indicator, battery quality anaylyzer with data logger, laptop, hybrid display module, hybrid trainer module motorized, professional wall charts (approx 4 ft x 3 ft ), professional lab layout and design, computing workstations / pc, engineering simulation software multi-physics cae research software (includes pre-processor and post processor) 10 users, 3d cad package ( 60 user), laptops, professional wall charts (approx 4 ft x 3 ft ), professional lab layout and design, video conferencing set-up, electromagnetic (em) simulation with circuit design, rf circuits and system design (5g) academic research software :, integrated circuit (ic) design & verification academic research software :, soc development board with software, emc/emi test equipment, spectro radiometer for measurement of the luminous flux, spectrum, color, and color rendering indices of single leds (hand held device), high end computers, 3d printer for prototyping, laptop, professional wall charts (approx 4 ft x 3 ft ), professional lab layout and design, revolving chair with arm centre pivot mechanism, computer table, white board with stand, revolving office chair with arm centre pivot mechanism for faculty, laboratory wooden table, office table for faculty, major almirah with glass type doors, seminar chairs with desklet, executive office table, executive office chair, sofa set (3+2+1 seater), teapoy/coffee table, visitors chairs with cushion, major almirah, multi function/ all in one printer for office and lab, necessary electrification and networking, matting area with labour work (in sq ft), false ceiling (in sq ft), window sliding door, window curtains with fitting, gypsum plaster with wall putty, wall colori
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - 44442473 annual maintenance contract of stack air quality monitoring for high temperature higher than 50 c for a period of 2 years which includes sample collection analysis and submission of reports as per kspcb requirements 9 x 24 months,custom bid for services - 44442473 annual maintenance contract of stack air quality monitoring for low temperature lower than and equal to 50 c for a period of 2 years which includes sample collection analysis and submission of reports as per kspcb requirements 51x 24 mon..,custom bid for services - 44442473 annual maintenance contract of ambient air quality monitoring indoor outdoor shops for a period of 2 years which includes sample collection for required duration of 8 hrs analysis and submission of reports as per kspcb requirements 9 x 24..,custom bid for services - 44442473 annual maintenance contract of noise monitoring for a period of 2 years which includes during day time in leq dba 5 x 24 months,custom bid for services - 44442473 annual maintenance contract of noise monitoring for a period of 2 years which includes during night time in leq dba 5 x 24
Tender For annual tender (empanelment basis) for supply of material for various location of bhopal city zone 01 to 21 - annual tender (empanelment basis) for supply of material for various location of bhopal city zone 01 to 21, providing & laying of p.v.c. pipe for roof top harvesting from roof slabto ground floor (each building higt up to 6.00 metar) including allfittings, jointing material with bypassarrangement.( tee,bend,socket nad clamp )with all lead and lift orhight.etc complet.as par disgin. size of pipe 110 mm dia mack of pipekasta, kisan and plasto .working pressir of pipe 4.00 kg / sqmt, pvc gate valve (size of valve 110 mm dia ) up to 1000 sq.fit, water harvasting filter "water harvasting filter consists of a polyvinylchloride (pvc)pipe 140 mm indiameter and 1.2 metr.long .there are threechambers .the first purification chamber has pebbles varying between2.6 mm ,the second chamber has slightly larger pebbles,between 6 and 12mm and the third chamber has the lagest 12-20 mm pebbles.there is a meshat the outflow side throught which clean water flows out after passingthrought the three chambers. up to 1000 sq.fit", artistic painting work as per design of mandana folk painting art of madhaya pradesh. acrylic colours ofapproved quality two and more coats, preapretion of surface base coatetc. complete job as per directed by engg in charge(with repairing of wall), c.i. bench, r.c.c bench, providing & fixing rcc post, acupressure tiles 50 mm, acp sheet designing fabriating testing installing and fixing in postion curtainwall with amuminium coposite panel cladding with open groovers forlinear as well as curvilinear portions of the builiding for all heightsand all levels etc. including.a). structural analysis and design and preparation of shop drawwings forpressure equalisation or ain screen princilae as required properdrainage of water to mae it watertight including heeking of all thestrutural and functional design.b). providing fabriating and supplying and fixing panels of aluminiumcomposite panel clading in pan shape in metalic colour of approvedshades. the aluminium composite panel clading sheet shall be coilcoated,with kynar 500 based pvdf/lumiflon based fluoropolymer resincoating of approved colour and shade on face #1 and polymer (service)coating on face # 2 as specified using stainless steel screws nutsbolts, washer,cleats weather silicone sealant,backet rods etc.c). the fastening brakests of alumininuim allly 6005 t58ms with hot dipgalvanised with serrations and serrated washers to arrest the wind loasmovement fasteners ss 316 pins and anhor bolts of appraved make inrequired.1. 4mm thick alummininium compsite pannel material consisting of 3.5 mmthick fr grade mineral core sandwiched between two alummininium sheets(each 0.25mm thich), stone dust zero metal, hard copra, rcc post 4"x4" in size 2 meter in hight, fibre glass (frp) ornamental articlefibre glass frp ornamental article as perdesign, frp casted article tobe fixed on c.c. padestal with holdfast, primer and duco painting applyon it.size 6 x3 , inagural stone(graynite stone p&l), writing work on stone, s.s. bench, wooden chair, cement bag, narmada sand, b.s. metal 6 to 10mm
Tender For purchase of various books - integrated drought management , integrated drought management volume , groundwater recent advances in interdisciplinary , advanced hydroinformatics machine learning , hydrology and its discontents john t van stan ii jack simmons springer , python for water and environment anil kumar , uncertainty analyses in environmental sciences and hydrogeology , hydrological processes modelling and dataanalysis vijay , modern river science for watershed management , hydro climatic extremes in the anthropocene , sustainable technologies for water and wastewater treatment , wastewater treatment with the fenton process , aquatic environmental systems an interdisciplinary approach for scientists and engineers , decentralized sanitation and water treatment concept and technologies , aquatic environment management pramod kumar pandey , soil and drought basic processes , statistical methods for climate scientists , polar ice and global warming in cryosphere regions , resolving the climate crisis edited , ecohydrological interfaces , climate change in the himalayas , isotope geochemistry , wetlands william james g gosselink , ground and surface water hydrology larry w mays wiley india pvt ltd , introduction to probability and statistics , water resources engineering and management , groundwater hydrological model simulation , groundwater hydrology conceptual and computational models , remote sensing and gis , earth engine and geemap geospatial data science with python , python machine learning sebastian raschka , let us python kanetkar yashavant fourth edition bpb publications , applied hydrogeology cw fetter , mastering geospatial analysis with python explore , water supply engineering publisher khanna publishers , sewage waste disposal and air pollution , groundwater hydrology david k todd larry w , groundwater assessment and modelling c p kumar , drainage engineering daniel william murphy , soil erosion edited by henry wang publisher callisto reference , risk assessment and risk management publisher royal society of chemistry , river engineering santosh kumar publisher khanna publishing house , glacier glaciationdouglas benn evans david , water quality indices tabassum abbasi , interpretation of dreams sigmund freud , memories dreams reflection aniela and carl jung , atomic habits an easy proven way to build good habits , stat with why purpose simon sinek , rich dad poor dad wealth robert t kiyosaki , the power of habit control charles duhigg randm house publishing group , think and grow rich success