Tender For annual maintenance of water supply network duly arresting water leakages, rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chowkages/blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievance for smooth functioning of system for the period of (1) year under domalguda section, sub division-i of operation and maintenance division-v. (3rd call) (reserved for sc)
Tender For annual maintenance of water supply network duly arresting water leakages, rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chowkages/blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievance for smooth functioning of system for the period of (1) year under gandhi nagar section, sub division-i of operation and maintenance division-v. (3rd call)
Tender For annual maintenance of water supply network duly arresting water leakages, rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chowkages/blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievance for smooth functioning of system for the period of (1) year under baghlingampally section, sub division-ii of operation and maintenance division-v. (4th call)
Tender For annual maintenance of water supply network duly arresting water leakages, rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chowkages/blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievance for smooth functioning of system for the period of (1) year under vigyanpuri section, sub division-iv of operation and maintenance division-v. (3rd call) (reserved for sc)
Tender For annual maintenance of water supply network duly arresting water leakages, rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chokages/blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievances for smooth functioning of system for a period of one year under fathenagar section, sd-iii, operation and maintenance division no.vi.
Tender For annual maintenance of sewerage network (raising and benching of manholes, reconstruction of completely damaged manholes/partially damaged manholes, replacement of damaged pipes of various diameter for the period of one year under special repair nagar section, sd-iii, operation and maintenance division no.vi.(as per g.o. ms no.59 dt:21.05.2018 only sc contractors are eligible for the tender)
Tender For annual maintenance of water supply network duly arresting water leakages, rectification of pollution in water supply lines, clearing chokages/blockages, replacement of damaged pipes and repair and replacement of sluice valves and addressing various water supply grievances for smooth functioning of system for a period of one year under film nagar section, sd-i, operation and maintenance division no.vi.(as per g.o. ms no.59 dt:21.05.2018 only waddera/sagara contractors are eligible for the tender)
Tender For annual repair and maintenance of water supply under sd-i, cd, apwd, diglipur during 2025-26. sw- repair and maintenance of water supply network from aerial bay to lamiyabay water source for 01 year from april 2025 to march 2026
Tender For repair/ maint of internal wiring, external water supply and external electric supply network at dawar, bandipore and kanzalwan under the aor of ge 874 ews.
Tender For repair/maintenance/renewals to distribution pipelines at naval dockyard, ins satvahana, ins virbahu and attending emergency breakdown to water supply distribution network and other allied work under ge (u-ii) visakhapatnam