Tender For supply of signaling cable, size:12corex1.5 sq.mm,armoured, conforming to rdso specification no.:i rs:s-63/2014(rev.4.0)with latest amendments/version. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For signaling / telecom work related to utility shifting in connection with provision of rob/rub in lieu of 09 (nine) lc gates in between manmad - igatpuri section and trenching, laying, jointing, splicing testing and commissioning of optical fiber & 4/6 quad cable, passenger amenities in connection with in entire section of borvihir - new dhule - nardana new line work in bhusawal division of central railway
Tender For supply of pvc insulated armoured, unscreened, underground railway signaling cable spec: irs:s-63/2 014 (rev.4.0) or latest 2 core x 25 sq. mm. aluminum [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deli very ]
Tender For supply of pvc insulated armoured unscreened, under ground railway signaling cable 2 core 2.5 s q mm copper to spec.no.irs:s-63/2014(rev. 4.0) with latest amendment/specification [ warranty p eriod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of pvc insulated armored unscreened, under ground railway signaling cable 12 core 1.5 s q mm copper to spec.no.irs:s-63/2014(rev. 4.0) with latest amendment/specification. [ warranty p eriod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of underground, armoured unscreened railway signaling cable (heavy duty) with high conductivity copper conductor of size 12 core by 1.5sq mm as per specs. no. irs s-63 2014
Tender For "design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of microprocessor based electronic interlocking system (with inbuilt block instrument in ei) (rdso spec no. rdso/spn/192/2019 ver. 2 with latest amendment) at badi sadri (alteration, indoor & outdoor work), jaloda jagir, chhoti sadri, narani, nimach (outdoor work only) stations along with supply, installation, testing and commissioning of various indoor & outdoor signaling & telecom systems/gears. the work includes addition/alteration in the existing electronic interlocking (kyosan make ei ) at badi sadri station (alteration in existing kyosan make ei & associated indoor and outdoor works) and outdoor work at nimach station in c/w new bg line in nimach-badi sadri section. the work includes excavation of trench, laying of cables in rcc half round pipes/gi pipe/dwc/hdpe/trench etc., casting of foundations of macls signals/apparatus cases, supply-installation of point machines, apparatus cases, macls signals, electric lifting barrier along with emergency slide boom, track circuit equipment (dc track circuit & single msdac in all stations yards ), earthing, data loggers, eld, facs, afdas, iot based rdpms etc. the work also includes signaling and telecom work for shifting of existing s&t gears (lc gates, signals and location boxes, s&t cables, hassdac, etc.) for removal of infringements of s&t gears coming in alignment in c/w new bg line in nimach-badi sadri section.the telecom work includes design, supply, installation, configuration, testing and commissioning (sitc) of telecom indoor and outdoor equipment including ip-mpls system with power supply arrangement, trenching, laying, jointing and termination of 4x48 fibre optical fiber cable (two on each side of the track) cable and 6 quad cable along with provision of passenger amenities and other telecom works at stations, block sections, tss/sp/ssp etc. in c/w new bg line in nimach-badi sadri section of ajmer division of north western railway".
Tender For supply of underground railway signaling cable unscreened, pvc insulated, pvc inner sheathed, armoured and pvc ou ter jacket with high conductivity annealed copper conductor, size: 24 core x 1.5 sq.mm conforming to rdso specn no. ir s: s-63/2014 [ rev 4.0 ]