Tender For corrigendum : swas - primary racks(with ibr certified isolation valves and ibr certified ss316h cooler coils)(isolation valve shall be with the plug & spindle should be single piece & of non-rotating type. the plug should be guided throughout its travel), wet panel - open type with canopy, dry panel, chiller unit - 2x100% redundant - min. 5 tr rating (with 25% extra capacity), conductivity(specific, cation) analyser - single channel, conductivity(specific) analyser for hotwell - single channel, ph transmitter- single channel, ph sensors, dissolved oxygen analyser transmitter- single channel, dissolved oxygen analyser sensor with electrolyte filling solution, sodium analyser (multi channel- 6 channel including spare channel), silica analyser (multi channel- 6 channel including spare channel), hydrazine analyser - single channel, degassed cation conductivity analyser, orp analyser transmitter - single channel, orp analyser sensor, free residual chlorine analyser - single channel, chloride analyser- single channel, loose supply items as per annexure-a, mandatory spares as per annexure- b, commissioning spares- reagents /calibrators/standard solutions as required for commissioning & handing over of system to owner, erection supervision and commissioning of swas at each 800 mw unit, price for one line of high pressure & high temp. - primary & secondary cooling to be considered along with other instruments as per p&id applicable for the project. (optional item for ordering), price for one line of low pressure & low temp. - secondary cooling to be considered along with other instruments as per p&id applicable for the project. (optional item for ordering), freight charges for complete scope of supply for each 800 mw unit upto respective project site
Tender For chlorination plant for water. supply, testing & commissionin of microproccesor contr olled on- line high precision bacteriological treatmen comprising of following accessories ncludingtheir ins tallation etc complete) chemical tank of usable capacity of 100 ltr with loose lid. the tank should be resista nt to solution i) high precision sustem of capacity 0-50 lph vith 0-100% capcity adjustment with stroke len gth against a maximum back-pressure. of kg/sq.cm coupled with suitable electric motor pperating at 220 v olts a.c supply as suitable according to site requirement, ii) injection & siphon system iv) polyethylene inter connecting tubeline of suitable size capable of bearing upto 10.6 kg/sq. cm pressure as required to comple te the dosing system y) chlorine testing kit. vi) inbuilt features/c auto cut off, dry run?revention, flow contr ol, time controls etc site: piliphit. supply of sodium hypohlorite solution for charging to bacteriological trea tment `plant. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]