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Dental Medicines Tenders

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CTN :39429835 Due date: 08 Mar, 202508 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of medical kits - hcv rapid test kits (q2) , hiv rapid test kits (q2) , albumin , alp , ammonia , ada kinitic , amylase , bilirubin , cholinestrease , creatinine , ck mb , ck nac , calcium ocpc , cholesterol , cholesterol sr , triglycerides sr , sgpt , sgot , urea uv , uric acid , urea berthlot , lipase colorimetric , ldh , hdl direct , glucose , protein , ferrtine , hba1c , homosystine , rf turbilatex , aso turbilatex , crp trubilatex , csf protein , uniplastine , liquicellin , cacl2 , vitamin b12 acive , vitamin d , uristix gp , keto diastix , multistix , anti abd , anti a , anti b , anti d igm , anti d igg plus igm , anti ab , anti human globulin , bovine albumin , anti a1 lectine , anti h lectine , hiv elisa 4th , hbsag elisa , hcv card , hepacard viruchek , syphilis card , malaria falcivax , malaria stain kit , virdict 4 , vdrl rpr , matrix ahg coombs card , matrix diluent , matrix grouping f and r , matrix forword gr.confor.card , micropipett 10 to 100 , micropipett 100 to 1000 , micropipett 5 to 50 , lancet , t3 elisa , t4 elisa , tsh elisa , hiv 1 and 2 card , pregnancy device , liqueceline , widal set , uristix , vitamin b12 active , dengu qualisa , dengu elisa ns1 , dengue day 1 card , sickle cell solubility kit , pap rapid , crp turbilatex , hav cards , hev cards , laptospira , trop i card , trop t card , typhiod card , scrub typhus , rf latex , aso latex , crp latex , hematoxylin harris , isopropyl alcohol , fine d dimer , fine ferritine , fine hba1c , fine t3 kit , fine t4 kit , fine tsh kit , fine afp kit , fine cea kit , fine ck mb kit , fine cortisol kit , fine estradiol kit , fine free t3 kit , fine free t4 kit , fine fsh kit , fine hscrp kit , fine il6 kit , fine lh kit , fine microalbumin , fine nt probnp , fine pct kit , fine progestone , fine prolactine , fine psa kit , fine tni plus ckmb plus myo kit , fine trop i kit , fine vitamin d kit , fine trop t kit

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39419601 Due date: 07 Mar, 202507 Mar, 2025 1.59 Crore
Tender For supply of urine strips - hb meter with 100 strip , hcg rapid card , multiparameter urine strip , gluco meter with 100 strips , malaria rapid card , hiv rapid card , dengue rapid card , visual inspection chart , hbsag rapid card , syphilis rapid card , test for iodine in salt , water testing by strip method , sputum container for afb , hb sline method , tlc , dlc , platelet count , esr , aborh , pbf , absolute eosinophil count , bt and ct , malaria rapid test , urine for hcg , urine for multi test strip , stool for occult blood , test for dengue repid card , rpr vdrl test for syphilis , hiv rapid test , hbsag rapid test , sputum for afb , typhoid test widal , blood sugar , bilirubin t and d , serum creatinine , blood urea , uric acid , sgpt , sgot , alk , total protein , albumin , total cholestrol , serum tgl , serum hdl , serum ldl , serum calcium , throat swap for dipthiria , tb mantoux , ra quantitative , crp quantitative

State Government

CTN :39089212 Due date: 28 Feb, 202528 Feb, 2025 187
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply and installation laboratory equipments on cost per reportable test basis to at bmcri super speciality hospital(cprt) - hivrapidcardtest, nmo nmog antibodies ( csf ), nmo nmog antibodies ( serum ), para neoplastic profile ( csf ), para neoplastic profile ( serum ), auto immune encephalytic profile, myiasthesnia gravis workup, wilsons disease workup, peripheral smear for acanthocytes, apla profile igm, apla profile igg, anti thrombin 3 leiden, gram stain test, pap smear, platelet count test, indirect coombs test, direct coombs test, aec ( absolute eosinophil count ), pcv, bile salt and bile pigments in urine, fnac, biopsy hpe 4, biopsy hpe 3, biopsy hpe 2, biopsy hpe 1, serun procalcitonin, serum cholinestrace, serum ldh, brucella antibody igm, brucella antibody igg and igm, brucella antibody igg, aspergillus antibody igm serum, aspergillus antibody igg serum, aspergillus antibodies panel igg and igm serum, chikkangunya igm, dengue profile ( igg , igm , nsi ), serum digoxin level, helicobacter pylori panel igg and igm, helicobacter pylori igm, helicobacter pylori igg, koh for fungus ( sputum , blood and others ), pneumocystis carinii stain -sputum, pneumocystis carinii stain -fluid, montoux test, perpheral smear for malaria, automated semon analysis, serum complement(c4), serum complement(c3), sputum for culture and sensitivity, sputum afb smear, sputum analysis for cytology and malignant cell, toxoplasma antibodies panel igm, toxoplasma antibodies panel-igg, toxoplasma antibodies panel-igg and igm, serum copper test, vdrl, vidal test ( solmonella typhe o , h paratype ah & bh ), urine urobilinogen test, urine microalbumin-creatinine ratio (mcr ), urine for fungal hyphe, urine ketone bodies test, upt(urine pregnacy test), stool occult blood , stool for hanging drop preparation, stool for culture sensitivity, stool for afb stain, bile duct stent for culture and sensitivity, catheter tip for culture and sensitivity, cvp tip for culture and sensitivity, endotracheal aspirate (et) for culture and sensitivity, csf analysis, pericardial fluid analysis, pleural fluid analysis, asctic fluid analysis, afb smear (zn stain), serum phenobarbitone, serum sodium valproic acid test, serum phenotoin, serum cbz ( carbamezapine ), urine culture sensitivity, automated blood & sterile body fluid culture & sensitivity, blood culture and sensitivity ( automated ), estradiol, serum testostirone test, progesterone, c-peptide, pth (serum - parathyroid hormone), cartisol, prolactin test, fsh test, lh test, cea ( carcino embrionic antigen ), cancer antigen 15.3, cancer antigen 19.9, cancer antigen 125, beta-hcg, alpha pheta protein, anti-parietal cell antibody, amh test test, anti ccp antibodies, achr binding antibody ( acytile colin receptor ), urine protein (micro protein) 24 hr, urinary 5 hiaa urinary vma 24 hr, urinary vma 24 hr, urine osmolality, serum osmolality, serum ace ( angiotensine converting enzyme ), urine bencesjohns protein, urine homocystine, serum homocystine, urine routine ( ph , specific gravity , sugar protein and microscope ), portein s functional, protein c functional, ama ( anti mitochondrial antibody ), anca ( panca , canca ), anti ds dna antibody, serum electrophoresis test, anti ds dna, aslo titre, ana, hcv core antibody, hepatitis e antigen, hepatitis e igb, hepatitis a igm, cd4/cd8 ratio, hiv 1 and 2 wetern blot, hcv rapid cord test, hcv elisa cpr, hbsag rapid card test, hbsag elisa cpr, hiv elisa cpr, ada profile, ana profile (anti neuclear anti body), ra factor, c - reactive protein (crp) quantitative, nt probnp, d dimer test, prostate specific antigen ( psa ) free, prostate specific antigen ( psa ) total, anti tpo antibodies, free t4, free t3, tsh test, total t3 and t4, tft ( t3 , t4 , tsh ), serum thyroid profile, serum procalcitonin, cpk mb / ckmp, serum troponin i ( quantitative ), serumtroponin t ( quantitative ), serum troponin i ( qualitative ), serum troponin t ( qualitative

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39054922 Due date: 28 Feb, 202528 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of serology cards and consumables - serology cards and consumables - urine container , cover slip 18x18mm , cover slip 22x40mm , tissue paper roll , microscopic glass slide , lancets(blood glucose testing) , litmus paper(blue) , litmus paper(red) , band aid , wash proof plaster , micro tips(tarson) 1000/pack 200ui , micro tips(tarson) 1000/pack 1000ui , test tube-(10x75) 3 ml(borosil) , test tube-(12x100) 5 ml(borosil) , pregnancy (hcg) card , trop-t card , glucose strip , dengue rapid card , malaria card , widal test card , uristick (protein & glucose) , syphlis card , hiv 1&2 spot test , anti a , b&d , pathology , reagents blood test , hbsag test strip , single pk , hepatitis-c test , aso antigen , ra factor antigen , crp qualitative , lishman s stain solution , rbc diluting fluid , wbc diluting fluid , carbol fuchsin , barium chloride solution , anti a , b&d , pathology , reagents blood test

CTN :38858428 Due date: 21 Feb, 202521 Feb, 2025 96.03 Lacs
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : supply of lab reagents - haematology thiazin stain concentrate dilutes in 500 ml when prepared pack of 200 ml , haematology reagent a buffer ph 6.8 concentrate dilutes in 5 ltrs when prepared pack of 30 ml , haematology reagent a buffer ph 7.2 concentrate dilutes in 5 ltrs when prepared pack of 30 ml , haematology eosin stain concentrate dilutes to 500 ml when prepared pack of 220 ml , haematology aeroix additive for meoh pack of 135 ml , cartridge no 12a for hp laserjet , occult blood test rapid , reticulocyte stain ready to use , rapid procalcitonin test , scrub typhus igm rapid test kit , typhoid rapid test card for igg and igm antibodies , vdrl rpr rapid card ict based , leptospira rapid test card for igg igm antibodies , widal kit 4x5 ml th ,to, ah, bh , ra factor latex agglutination test , antistreptolysin o test latex agglutination principle, complete with control serum , c reactive protein kit for 50 tests , kits for tumour markers beta hcg kits for elisa 96 wells , vdrl antigen rpr latex pkt of 1 x 5 ml , serum ferritin elisa kit kit of 96 tests , kits for tumour markers afp kits for elisa 96 wells , kits for tumour markers psa kits for elisa 96 wells , kits for tumour markers ca 19.9 kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for toxoplasma for igm kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for tumour marker ca 15.3 kit for elisa 96 tests , kit for torch test having kits for rubella for igg kits for elisa 96 wells diesse , kit for torch test having kits for rubella for igm kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for toxoplasma for igg kits for elisa 96 wells , canca elisa kit kit of 96 test , hav igm elisa kit kit of 96 tests , panca elisa kit kit o f 96 tests , ige elisa kit kit of 96 tests , kits for tumour markers cea kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for cmv for igg kits for elisa 96 wells , kits for tumour markers ca 125 kit for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for cmv for igm kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for herpes for igg kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for herpes for igm kits for elisa 96 wells , anti nuclear antibody elisa detection kit with 96 wells. , anti-ds dna elisa kit kit of 96 tests , hev igm elisa kit kit of 96 tests , , hiv elisa kit for both hiv 1 antigen and hiv 1 and 2 antibodies kit for 96 tests , acla igg elisa 96 test kit , acla igm elisa 96 test kit , hla a ssp 20 test , hla b ssp 20 test kit , hla dr ssp test, 20 test kit , hla b- 27 ssp 96 test , anti hla negative control 0.5 ml vial , anti hla positive control 0.5 ml vial , rnase decontaminant spray, bottle of 250 ml , light cycler 480 sealing foil pack of 100 foil , dna molecular ladder 100 bp vial of 200 micro ltr , dnase and rnase free sterile microcentrifuge tube 1.5 ml 500 tube pack , genomic dna extraction for hla typing with uv spectrophotometere a 260 280 ratio for ectracted dna being 1.8 and with batch certificate of analysis coa , microtips 200 microliters with filter sterile box of 96 tips , taq polymerase 5 unit micro lit 50 microliters vial , lymphoprep solution pack of 500ml , invitrogen fetal bovine serum size 500 ml , phosphate buffer saline q3 , 10x tbe buffer pack of 500 ml , micropipettes sterile filter tips for 0.2 to 10 micro ltr pack of 96 10 extended length tarsons , sterile terasaki plates of 72 well , rpmi 1640 bottle of 250 ml , micro pcr hbv test kit , micro pcr hcv test kit , serum anti human globulin , serum anti d igg polyclonal , serum anti -h , serum anti-a1 , anti human igg card column agglutination technology , liss combs card by column agglutination technology , abo forward grouping with rh grouping and direct antiglobulin dat test by column agglutination technology , abo rh forward and reverse grouping card by column agglutination technology , a and b blood cells reverse typing for column agglutination technology pack of 2 vials , pooled cell o for column agglutination te

CTN :38488430 Due date: 22 Feb, 202522 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For bid to ras supply of dglp re 163 btd - hiv antibody , rapid card screening for hcv , 4th generation hiv rapid , rapid plasma reagin rpr test kit ,serum anti human globulin , serum anti a 1 hiv antibody 1 & 2 detection rapid test kit, rapid card | quantity - 7920 | msme exemption - yes | startup exemption - no

State Government

CTN :39397643 Due date: 25 Feb, 202525 Feb, 2025 9.00 Lacs
Tender For as per bid document, cbc mindray diluent, , blood group (abo-rh typing), , mindray lights up, , mindray cleanser, , serum bilirubin (d&t), , kit, , sgot, , sgpt, , serum alk. phosphate kit, , total protein, , serum creatinine kit, , blood urea kit, , serum total cholestreol kit, , serum triglyceride kit, , serum hdl kit, , gulco strip, , glucometer, , lancet, , edta vile, , plain vial with cap, , plain vial without cap, , capilary tube, , urine container, , sputum mug for afb, , esr tube, , vdrl kit/syphlis, , widal slide test kit, , widal raid kit, , hiv rapid card, , hbsag rapid test kit, , dengue rapid test kit, , mp raipd test card, , syring (05 ml), , syring (02 ml), , glass slide, , hb meter, , urine complete by strip method kit, , pregnancy strip/kit, , cotton, , bandage, , b.p.instrument auto, , sprit, , blue tips, , yellow tips, , pipette, , filter paper for bt test, , jsb stain-i, , jsb stain-ii, , hemcheck strip with lancet, , urine strip for glucose and protein, , sodium citrate 3.8%, , tonicate, , cbc roller, , lab register, , tb register, , test slip, , reporting slip, , cbc print roll mindray

CTN :39130800 Due date: 21 Feb, 202521 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For bid to ras supply of printing - do pad , a and d book , lab investigation form hiv , prescription pad , long roll register , medical case sheet , birth certificate , intiake output chart , pre anaesthesia check form , kilometer card , clincial chart , bio chemistry form clinical pathology , lrc form , death form , special investigation form , histopathology report , microbiology report form , bone marrow report , bp chart , blood transfusin form , consent form both side , medical case sheetn delivery and antennal note , anetanatal case sheet , daily expense voucher anaes , feedback form patients , willing unwilling form , hsr book , dmo register , mlc form pad , diagnosis pad , tally card yellow , log and service book , x ray register , anaesthesia register a3 size , lab register

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39336441 Due date: 24 Feb, 202524 Feb, 2025 1.94 Crore
Tender For supply of gloves 100nos , absorbent cotton wool ip 500gm , gauze cloth 90cm x18mts than , sputum afb container 50milli litre , hcg or upt test kit 50t , hiv test kit 50t , syphilis test kit 25t , hepatitis b surface test kit 25t , multiparameter urine strip 100t , strip for blood sugar pack of 50 , lancet 100nos , strip for hb pack of 50 , rapid card test for combined pfalciparum and pvivax malaria test kit 30t , rapid card test for ns1 antigen and igm antibody 10t , povidone iodine solution 5 percent w by v 100 millilitre bottle , surgical spirit greater than 99 percent pure 500 millilitre bottle , colour coded bags for bmw 4 colour 30 nos each , water testing for chlorination 100 strips , iodine in salt testing kit 25t , water testing for fecal contamination

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39336548 Due date: 24 Feb, 202524 Feb, 2025 1.30 Crore
Tender For supply of gloves 100nos , absorbent cotton wool ip 500gm , gauze cloth 90cm x18mts than , sputum afb container 50milli litre , hcg or upt test kit 50t , hiv test kit 50t , syphilis test kit 25t , hepatitis b surface test kit 25t , multiparameter urine strip 100t , strip for blood sugar pack of 50 , lancet 100nos , strip for hb pack of 50 , rapid card test for combined pfalciparum and pvivax malaria test kit 30t , rapid card test for ns1 antigen and igm antibody 10t , povidone iodine solution 5 percent w by v 100 millilitre bottle , surgical spirit greater than 99 percent pure 500 millilitre bottle , colour coded bags for bmw 4 colour 30 nos each , water testing for chlorination 100 strips , iodine in salt testing kit 25t , water testing for fecal contamination
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