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Di Calcium Phosphate Tenders

Get complete information related to latest Di Calcium Phosphate Tenders . from India at Classic Tenders. Search the best available tenders from Indian government tenders, domestic Di Calcium Phosphate Tenders , private tenders, online tenders, tender invitation notice, business tender notices, online tenders and bidding Di Calcium Phosphate Tenders .


Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value


CTN :38560586 Due date: 27 Dec, 202427 Dec, 2024 4.20 Crore
Tender For purchase of mmcf raw materials -hassan - vitamin e - hassan, vitamin ad3 - hassan, lacto vanilla coconut flavour - hassan, sodium bi-carbonate - hassan, protected methionine - hassan, live yeast culture - hassan, bypass fat - hassan, di calcium phosphate - hassan, sucram - hassan, zinc sulphate - hassan, chromium chelate - hassan, copper glycinate - hassan, sodium thiosulphate - hassan, potassium iodide - hassan, manganese sulphate - hassan, magnesium oxide - hassan, ferrous sulphate - hassan, copper sulphate - hassan, cobalt sulphate - hassan

CTN :38591656 Due date: 19 Dec, 202419 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For quotations for supply of pre-mix mineral mixture materials - zinc sulphate(zn-min-30) , manganese sulphate , cobalt sulphate , potassium iodine , flavouring agent , sucram , copper sulphate , vitamins ad3 , di-calcium phosphate , copper sulphate

CTN :38503939 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For tender for supply of 10415312 h1(b) 7930-000014 soap laundry , 10414237 h1(b) 7930-000003 polish metal potassium , 10381332 k7 ikg/bum-bur-22-24 ext fire dry chemical powder 1.8 kg , 10412461 h1(b) 6810-000568 blue laundry , 10411045 h1(b) 6810-000042 solution solvent naptha coal tar , 10409075 g2 3439-000001 electrodes welding , bronze 3.15mm , 10382299 k7 4210-002521 ext fire , dry powder 1 kg capacity , 10415852 g2 3439-000015 electrodes welding steel mild general pu , 10546725 h1(d) 8110-000027 1 can round with lever lid 0.5kg , 10547662 h2 8305-000293 1 stockinette mk-2 , 10308213 h2 8305-000265 web thick og 25 mm , 10412754 h1(b) 5350-000010 abrasive cloth glass is grit 180 size of , 10410482 f1 5120-002999 screw drivers electrician 300 mm , 10546435 f1 5110-000289 1 bld hack saw h& flxb medium nom/l 300mm , 10596993 f1 8020-400003 b/paints and varnishes flat 50 mm (2 in)
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