Tender For supply of set of tpu rings consisting of 02 items. (1) tpu ring inner 6mm thick for primary suspension to rdso drg no.cg-20049 item-1,alt-1, qty per set-12 nos (2) tpu ring outer 6mm thick for primary suspension to rdso drg no.cg -20049 item-2, ,alt-1,qty per set-12 nos to be procured from blw approved vendors of thermoplastic polyurethane spri ng pads(happy pads) for locomotives. blw vendor id:-2201253 warranty period : upto 30 months from the date of sup ply) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For set of spares for reverser/ctf for conventional locomotives consisting of 03 items: - (1) finger contact spring - ref. 2 of rdso skel- 4694, rev.0 sheet 12 of 12 suitable for 1500 amps ctf & reverser - 200 nos/set. (2) spring retainer - ref.1 of r dso skel-4694, rev.0 sheet 12 of 12 suitable for 1500 amps ctf & reverser - 200 nos/set. (3) special stud m8 as per clw drawin g no. 4twd.102.040 suitable for 1500 amps ctf & reverser - 200 nos/set. note: supply by sources as per clw item id: 2100561 in ireps vendor directory. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For stripping & cleaning of pneumatic valves of locomotives, cleaning & painting of under frame pneumatic pipeline of locomotives and welding work in pneumatic pipeline including associated item/equipment damaged due to cro/rusting.
Tender For group bm - design, manufacture, supply,installation, commissioning ,training and maintenance of desktop simul ator console for 3-phase electriclocomotives as per frs rdso/2024/el/rm/0203 (rev.2), july'2024 of rdso (bidder should be solely responsible for its maintenance along with operation performance. item 1: cost of desktop simulators for 3-phase electri c locomotives [ warranty period: 24 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of dry sand for use on diesel/electriclocomotives confirming to size fineness 850/425 (grad e "c") as per is:1987:2002 (with table 3 clause 11.3 of is 1987:2002 should be read as 70 % instead of 85 % & silica in table 1 clause 8 for grade 'c' should be read as over 70 % instead of over 90 % ) . to b e supplied in 20 kg polypropylene or similar type new bags. [ warranty period: 30 months after the d ate of delivery ]
Tender For supply of fuel oil tank sight glass assembly to dlw part no ? 17452820, drg. no. ? 9337341 suitable fo r hhp locomotives. material to be procured from past proven supplier indian railway for similar item. ]
Tender For supply of cleaning solvent for electrical rotating machines of dieselelectriclocomotives, spec. n o. mp.0.8000.01 (rev-03) may 2021. [ warranty period: 18 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of cleaning solvent for electrical rotating machines of dieselelectriclocomotives, rdso s pec. no . mp.0.8000.01 (rev 03) may 2021. [ warranty period: 24 months after the date of delivery ]