Tender For supply of microprocessor based electronic speed indicating recording system and 01(o ne) evaluation software for every 10(ten) sets of spm (without memory card reader unit & communication cable for master to slave) for wag- 9 / wap-7 & wap-5 type three phase loc os to rdso spec. no.- elrs/ specn./ spm/0002 rev-4 july 2018 or latest . each set consist of (1 ) recorder cum indcator -01 no. (2) speed indicator -01 (3) pulse generator-01 no (4) junctio n box-01 no. (5) sens con clamp -01 set (6) connecting cable -01 set , with all mounting acce ssories. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of micro controller based electronic speed indicating and recording system withspeed signal confirming to rdso specn.no. mp-0-3700.07 rev.-7 august -2017 scale range 0-120,voltage-24 v dc .each set consisting of following items. 1) recording cum indicator unit - 01no. 2) speed indicator -01 no. 3) pulse generator -01 no. 4) junction box - 01 no. 5)connectingcable - 01 set of 05 nos. (record to to indicator communication cable 25 mtrs.)
Tender For supply of microprocessor based energy cum speed monitoring system for conventional tap chang er electric locomotives. each set consists of 09 items. (1) recorder cum indicator (master)-01 no. (2) s peed indicator (slave-01 no. (3) pulse generator-01 no. (4) junction box-01 no. (5) signal conditioning unit-01 no. (6) c.t. unit -01 no. (7) potential transformer -01 no. (8) connecting cable -01 set (9) mou nting accessories-01 set. as per drg.no. not applicable as per specn. rdso%u2019s specification no. elrs/spec/spm/0002 rev.04 july 2018. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]