Tender For supply of contactor 3 pole, 24v dc, 50 amps suitable for starter battery charging control panel for use in diesel generator set equipped in lhb power car as per edts-116 rev-a or lat. make as per bom of edts -116 rev-a of abb cat no. af50-30-00, 24v dc or equivalent of schneider / siemens / c&s / eaton.
Tender For maintenance of electrical installation and fans, power plug and street/compound light and repair maintenance of sub station equipment stand by 320kva diesel generator set , pump set for water supply,, wetriser i/c sprinkler system, automatic fire alarm, pa and sound system in ccras building at janakpuri, new delhi during 2024-25(sh- providing fixing of led light fixture and rewiring work in compuer lab and pota cabin at 3rd & 4th floor in ccras building,subwork/packages:providing and fixing of led light fixture and rewiring work in computer lab and pota cabin at 3rd and 4th floor in ccras building
Tender For maintenance of electrical installation & fans, compound light diesel generator set of gpra quarters at narkeldanga, kolkata during 2024-25 (sh: providing and laying cable for the new power plug for cctv).
Tender For hiring generator of 30 kva 3 ph cpcb iv plusl silent diesel generator set with operator, fuel, lubricants including installation and fitting, fixing etc. for supply of electric power to bishnupur rest shed and its adjacent area under bankura highway division.
Tender For corrigendum : operation of 2x1010 kva, 160 kva diesel generator sets at new cdri complex and 1x320 kva diesel generator set at old cdri campus, manually /auto synchronizing panel, shifting of load during utility power outage in institute areas of cdri
Tender For supply of diesel generator set for power house - i , e &c of diesel generator set for power house - i , diesel generator set for power house - ii , e & c of diesel generator set for power house - ii , mandatory spares for diesel generator set