Tender For supply of one rake set of axle box front cover for vb/ts consisting of (1) axle box front cover with one sensor (lh) to medha drg no c-a675uv2-135627,rev-03- qty.-28 nos. (2) axle box front cover with one sensor (rh) to medha drg. no. c-a675uv2-135334, rev.-02- qty.- 28 nos. (3) axle box front cover with two sensor (lh) to medha drg. no. c-a675uv2-135962, rev.-02- qty.-04 nos. (4) axle box front cover with two sensor (rh) to medha drg. no. c-a675uv2-135335, rev.01- qty.- 04 nos. (5) axle box front cover for tacho generator to medha drg. no. c-a675uv2-135336, rev.-02- qty.- 04 nos.
Tender For cylindrical roller bearing for tacho generator, nu-306 ec3 with steel cage. note: 1) the bearing should accompany with p re-despatch inspection certificate for the lot supply. 2) oem delivery challan to be enclosed along with the supply. 3) bearing make:- skf/fag/ntn/nsk/nbc/aec are only will be accepted. 4) offer should accompany with valid dealership certificate from oem. 5) manufact urer should indicate their identification mark & bearing number with suffix/prefix (if suffix or prefix available) at a suitable location by using a suitable method without affecting the performance of the product. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of replacement/refurbishment of auto control unit ba- 245d , replacement/refurbishment of position transmitter dp-113 , replacement/refurbishment ac control & protection unit bzu-sb-376t , replacement/refurbishment of ac regulation unit brn- 120t5a-2s , replacement/refurbishment of control and protection unit brz-1 , replacement/refurbishment of phase sequence unit bchf-208 , replacement/refurbishment of forward nav light bano- 7m-3l , replacement/refurbishment of forward nav light bano-7m-k , replacement/refurbishment fo tail cone nav light khs-2a , replacement/refurbishment of temp sensor dt-211 , replacement/refurbishment of fire amplifier unit is -5mg-1 , replacement/refurbishment of tacho generator d-3-2 , replacement/refurbishmenht of automatic control unit kau-29-2 , replacement/refurbishment of gear ratio mechanism mpch-29-2 , replacement/refurbishment of pressure switch mstv-0.3 , replacement/refurbishment of helmet altitude sensor dvgm , replacement/refurbishment of differ pressure transmitter dpdg , replacement/refurbishment of heat resistance pressure switch mst-100 , replacement/refurbishment of heat resistence pressure switch mst-100as-2 , replacement/refurbishment of pressure txr mst-3a , replacement/refurbishment of pressure measurung set ikd27df-1.6 , replacement/refurbishment of pressure relay ikdrda-400- 360-0 , replacement/refurbishment of pressure relay ikdrdf-0.025-0.022-3 , replacement/refurbishment of pressure relay ikdrdf-0.4-0.38-0 , replacement/refurbishment of pressure relay ikdrdf- 830-510-0 , replacement/refurbishment of main pitot static tube , replacement/refurbishment of s/by pitot static tube pvd-7 , replacement/refurbishment of mach switch schm-1-0.45 , replacement/refurbishment of mach switch schm-1-1.5 , replacement/refurbishment of mach switch schm-1.15 , replacement/refurbishment of seat hight mechanism mps-7 , replacement/refurbishment of seat position sensor ao032001a-00 , replacement/refurbishment of sps assy, copilot seat 032002a-00 , replacement/refurbishment of pressure indicator mst-2.5-ak , replacement/refurbishment of pressure measuring set ikd27da-220-780
Tender For corrigendum : electrical lab equipment - colour digital storage oscilloscope 100mhz 1gs/s with fft, voltmeter 0-500v (analog ), voltmeter 0-500v (analog ) moving iron type, ammeter 0-1-2a (analog ) moving iron type, ammeter 0-2.5-5a (analog ) pmmc type, ammeter 0-5-10a (analog) moving iron type, wattmeter lpf dynamometer type, wattmeter 5-10a, 75-300-600v upf dynamometer type, megger 500v 1000m digital insulation tester, single person push button operation, bridge trainer kit, digital earth tester, energy meter 1-phase, trivector meter, dc motor cut section for lab application with manual, transistor characteristics npn-pnp trainer kit, trainer kit for turn off circuit of scr for laboratory purpose, smps trainer kit power supply : 230 v ac , 50 hz, ups trainer kit input voltage 180-260 volts, 50 hz, three phase induction motor cut section for lab application, three phase 6 cage induction motor trainer kit ,, universal motor phase single phase, stepper motor voltage 24-48 vdc, three phase squirrel cage induction motor trainer kit for speed control using auto transformer and vvvf method mains supply : three phase, 415v 10%, 50hz, lux meter, house & commercial wiring installation trainer, speed control of dc shunt motor trainer, speed control of dc series motor trainer, functioning of ct, pt and isolation transformer complate trainer, voltmeter and ammeter method for measurement of medium resistance., clamp meter, dc, ac & wave shaping circuit trainer, oil testing kit, transformer trainer 300 va, dc motor coupled to dc motor trainer, 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor trainer, single phase ac inducation motor trainer, dc motor coupled to 3 ph ac motor trainer, 3 phase ac integrated motor coupled to dc integrated motor setup (motor-generator setup):, electrical load power factor trainer (apfc), complete house wiring installation trainer, 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor trainer, control of 3 ph. squirrel cage induction motor trainer, 3 phase slip ring induction motor trainer, 1 ph. ac induction motor trainer, 3 phase salient pole alternator coupled to dc integrated motor setup (motor-generator setup) trainer, ac servo motor trainer with pid controller, dc servo position control trainer with pid controller, measurement of linear displacement by lvdt transduser trainer, strain gauge transduser trainer, temperature sensing transduser trainer, pressure measurment by piezo resistive transducer trainer, angular speed measurement using stroboscope & tacho meter transduser trainer, op-amp trainer, adc & dac circuits trainer, pelton turbine trainer (assemble & dismantle of micro hydro plant), microcontroller trainer 8051, solar and wind turbine trainer, fuse & mcb characteristics trainer, air circuit breaker trainer (dismantle acb), induction type electromagnetic relay trainer, electromagnetic over current reley i numerical relay trainer, percentage biased differential relay trainer, motor fault simulator trainer, on transmission line protection simulation trainer., lcr meter, digital multimeter, tachometer, wire striper, pliers, ball pen hammer, earth tester, took kit, soldering iron 25 watt with lead
Tender For supply of tacho generator (pulse generator) part no. 2000e2-ma-1003 for esmon. laxven model: lax2000e2. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of ioh kit for laxven e2 esmon speed recorder, speed indicator and tacho generator, make -laxven for 3 phase electric locomotives. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]