Tender For providing of custom bid for services - supply and filling of coarse grain sand silica sand in diesel and electric locomotives as per rdso spec 91651 car locomotive at bti bathinda for the period of two years,custom bid for services - supply and filling of coarse grain sand silica sand in diesel and electric locomotives as per rdso spec 91651 car locomotive at dui dhuri for the period of two years,custom bid for services - supply and filling of coarse grain sand silica sand in diesel and electric locomotives as per rdso spec 91651 car locomotive at umb ambala for the period of two years,custom bid for services - supply and filling of coarse grain sand silica sand in diesel and electric locomotives as per rdso spec 91651 car locomotive at sre saharanpur for the period of two years,custom bid for services - supply and filling of coarse grain sand silica sand in diesel and electric locomotives as per rdso spec 91651 car locomotive at cdg chandigarh for the period of two years
Tender For supply of material for roof panto mainte [supply of material for roof panto maintenance of three phase locomotive (1) bond set adhesive (one hardener and one resin), make- bond set or similar,.... supply of material for roof panto maintenance of three phase locomotive (1) bond set adhesive (one hardener and one resin), make- bond set or similar, qty= 101kg/set, (2) sand paper, grit size-80, make- taparia or similar, qty= 300 nos/set, (3) stainless steel hex bolt m8 x 25mm with nut, flat washer and spring washer, qty= 2000 set/set, (4) stainless steel hex bolt m8 x 30mm with flat washer, spring washer and nut, qty= 2000 set/set, note- make of bolt, nut and washer- unbrako/tvs. ]