Tender For supply of labour charge for complete vehicle drain out and refiling of engine oil comma , engine oil , diesel oblique fuel filter , oil filter , coolant water , steering oil , brake oil , clutch oil , air filter , labour only for dismantling and overhauling of front suspension and repair oblique replacement , stabilizer linkage , suspension metal busing kit , suspension rubber bush kit , tie rod end set , upper arm boll joint set , lower arm boll joint set , center drag link rod assy , labour charge for complete dismantling of four wheel for alignment and wheel balancing and refixing the same , labour only for complete servicing and overhauling of brake system , rear break liner set , rear break liner lock kit , fr break pad liner set , rear wheel cylinder kit , labour charge for complete dismantling of fuel tank and refixing the same after cleaning all as directed by eic , labour charge for complete dismantling of propeller shaft assembly and refixing , labour charge for complete dismantling of steering and repair replacement of worn out spares cost of spare paid separately , steering center line assembly , steering center pin kit , labour charge for complete servicing repair of dash board hanging parts , labour for complete checking of wiring harness , head light assembly halogen bulb , indicator light bulb , indicator light cover box , labour charge for checking tightness of oil bolts and nuts comma cracks and signs in differential housing , labour charge for dismantling the silencer from the vehicle cleaning the same , silence packing , silence rubber , mufflar assembly , tail pipe , labour charge for servicing of radiator assembly and water pump assembly , radiator hose pipe set , radiator hose clip with locking , water pump assembly , labour charge for complete servicing of door , m and l for servicing washing and greasing of vehicle
Tender For carrying out various instrumentation works for part a as per standard specification by providing all required materials in connection with the composite works for setting up of hpg-2, butene-1 and psa units at lepetkata, assam of m/s bcpl-instrumentation"pressure gauges and accessories (excl. supply of impulse pipe / tubing materials)"installation of line mounted or remote mounted or local gauge board mounted pressure gauge/ pressure gauge with pulsation dampener / syphon / over-range protector (direct / surface mounted / diaphragm seal type) inclusive of mounting of instrument, supply and erection of supports / tray, mounting on support (if support required), laying of capillary on tray, fabrication and installation of manifolds / impulse lines with supports as per standards indicated below, hydraulic testing and painting of supports but exclusive of supply of instrument, gauge board, yoke, piping material and calibration.in stainless steel as per standard 7-52-0432/1112in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-0432/1112in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-1222in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-1210in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-0433/1113in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-1120in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-0459/1158"pressure instruments (excl. supply impulse pipe / tubing materials)"installation of pressure transmitters/ pressure switches (with or without pulsation dampener, over-range protector)/ diaphragm seal type pressure transmitters/ diaphragm seal type pressure switches including mounting on yoke/ surface, supply of supports for capillary, supply and erection of supports for impulse lines wherever required, fabrication and installation of manifolds/ impulse lines with supports as per standard indicated below, laying of capillary on supports, hydraulic testing and painting of supports but exclusive of supply of instrument, piping/tubing materials, all electrical/ pneumatic connections, yoke and calibration.in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-0437/0438/1131/1132in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-1222in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-1223in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-2103in stainless steel as per standard 7-52-1223in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-1143in stainless steel as per standard 7-52-1143"differential pressure instruments (excl. supply of impulse pipe/tubing materials)"installation of differential pressure transmitters (including one side capillary type)/ differential pressure switch(including one side capillary type)/ diaphragm seal type dp transmitters/ diaphragm seal type dp switch including mounting on yoke/ surface, supply and erection of supports for impulse lines wherever required, fabrication and installation of manifolds/ impulse lines with supports as per standard indicated below, supply and fabricating of supports for capillary, laying of capillary on supports, painting, installation of flushing connection, hydraulic testing of impulse lines as per standard indicated below but exclusive of supply of instrument, piping material, all electrical/ pneumatic connections, yoke and calibration.in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-0452/1171in carbon steel as per standard b348-7-52-4062in stainless steel as per standard b348-7-52-4062in carbon steel as per standard b348-7-52-4063"differential pressure (flow) transmitters (excl. supply of impulse pipe/tubing material)"installation of differential pressure(with or without integral manifold)/ diaphragm seal type differential pressure flow instruments including mounting on yoke, supply of supports for impulse lines/ manifolds/ capillary, fabrication and installation of manifolds/ impulse lines with supports as per standard indicated below, laying of capillary on supports, hydraulic testing and painting of supports but exclusive of supply of instruments, piping material, all electrical/ pneumatic connections, yoke and calibration.in carbon steel as per standard b348-7-52-3339in carbon steel as per standard 7-52-1305in stainless steel as per