Tender For corrigendum : provn of stone wall around bpi at logistic section, aluminium door and window works in power room, volumetric flow meter (neogi meter) for bpi tank, addn/alteration to watch tower, building no p-35 and upgradation of certain offices at af stn borgad
Tender For construction of watch tower at compt.no.121 of akkannapet rf & beat of ramayampet range in medak district during the year 2024-25 under nagar van yojana scheme
Tender For supply of aphalt base 25mtrx45mtr ground,all weather acrylic synthetic surface with layered ultra cushion 25mtrx45mtr,handball ground accessories complete with supply and installation,high beam light tower led lighting with installation,score board digital with stand 85 inch and digital stop watch with installation,around garden fencing iron 55mtrx75mtr,coutline marking and iron handball goal post