Tender For procurement of various items for the kalahandi north forest division - flatbed scannerwith adf , gps tracking device forvehicle withmultiuseraccess
Tender For supply of facing device for radar tracking system - facing device for radar tracking system , sheet cover for crew , printed fol vaoucher , printed work order voucher , printed flag for equipment
Tender For procurement of various items for the kalahandi north forest division-, flatbed scanner with adf , gps tracking device for vehicle with multiuser access
Tender For supply of vehicle location tracking device lt vehicle , equipment for installation of vehicle location tracking device lt vehicle , services for installation and commissoning for vehicle location tracking system lt vehicle , sim subscription for 1 years lt vehicle , operation and maintenance for vehicle location tracking device for 1 years post installation lt vehicle
Tender For supply of vehicle location tracking device 2 point 5 ton , equipment for installation of vehicle location tracking devices 2 point 5 ton , services for installation and commissoning for vehicle location tracking system 2 point 5 ton , sim subscription for 1 years 2 point 5 ton , operation and maintenance for vehicle location tracking device for 1 years post installation 2 point 5 ton
Tender For supply of veh loc tracking device als , equipment for installation of vehicle location tracking device als , service for installation and commissoning for vehicle location tracking system als , sim subscription for 1 year als , operation and maintenance for vehicle location tracking device for 1 year post installation als