Tender For corrigendum : improvement to mangknhi telgavhan karajgaon road odr-12 length 9.00 km in part 7/00 to 7/350 and 8/300 to 8/700 cd work 5/650 rcw 4/450 tq. darwha distt. yavatmal
Tender For sinking of replaced 1 (one) no. 250 x 150 mm dia and 230 m deep tubewell drilling by direct rotary method with upvc pipe (cd) and upvc deep well screen (rds) all complete at barunda pwss at bagnan-ii block under uluberia sub division within howrahdiv
Tender For renovation of diet building including replacement of damaged doors, windows, ceiling, treatment of dampness, structural repair etc. in administrative block and auditorium building at garacharma under cd-i, apwd, sri vijaya puram.