Tender For supply of lab and xray equipment - blood group (abo-rh ty pirg), upt card, spl'tut\1 for am sti\ining, ecg roll log t\1t\1, uri( flcid sx20 ml, abx minidil lmg , abx lysebio bio , abx cleaner , minotrol 16 (2l) , minotrol 16(2n) , minotrol 16 (2h) , minotrol calibrator , minoclair , hbg meter 1 &hbg strip 500 , blood sugar(glucometer) digital 1 &(glucometer strip 500) , malaria rapid card test , hiv rapid card test , dengue combo , visual inspection , vdrl rapid cardtest , smear for filaria , rapid test kit syphillis , test for iodine in salt kit , water testing by strips method h25 test , blood urea reagent 5x20 ml , s. creatinine reagent 4x60 ml , s bilirubin (t) reagent 4x60 ml , sgpt reagent 5x20 ml , sgot reagent 5x20 ml , s. alkaline phosphates reagent. 676 ml , s total protein reagent. 5x50ml , s. albumin reagent 5x50 ml , s total cholesterol reagent. 5x20 ml , s triglyceride reagent. 5x20 ml , s vldl reagent 20 ml , s hdl reagent 80 ml , s amylase reagent 12ml , (acetic acid 5%) 500 ml , pay film 10x12 150 sheet , 7 pay film 10x8 150 sheet , thyphoid rapid card test , esf tube , hev rapid card test , widal kit
Tender For supply of reagents and chemicals to central diagnostic laboratory - kits and consumables for fully automatic biochemistry analyzer (dirui cs-400) (dedicated system pack), alp kit (456ml) (dedicated system pack), alt kit (456ml) (dedicated system pack), ast kit (456ml) (dedicated system pack), aso kit (60 ml) (dedicated system pack), bile acids kit 40 ml (dedicated system pack), total protein kit 630 ml (dedicated system pack), albumin kit 252 ml (dedicated system pack), total bilirubin kit 300 ml (dedicated system pack), direct bilirubin kit 300 ml (dedicated system pack), gamma gt kit 456 ml (dedicated system pack), amylase kit 252 ml (dedicated system pack), lipase kit 50 ml (dedicated system pack), urea kit 456 ml (dedicated system pack), creatinine kit 240 ml (dedicated system pack), microalbumin kit 50 ml (dedicated system pack), uric acid kit 456 ml (dedicated system pack), glucose kit 300 ml (dedicated system pack), g6pd kit 100 ml (dedicated system pack), hba1c kit 40 ml (dedicated system pack), hba1c lyse 100 ml (dedicated system pack), total cholesterol kit 639 ml (dedicated system pack), triglycerides kit 630 ml (dedicated system pack), hdl-c kit 164 ml (dedicated system pack), ldl-c kit 41 ml (dedicated system pack), calcium kit 240 ml (dedicated system pack), phosphorous kit 252 ml (dedicated system pack), magnesium kit 252 ml (dedicated system pack), lactate kit 30 ml (dedicated system pack), ldh kit 100 ml (dedicated system pack), crp kit (quantitative) 60 ml (dedicated system pack), rf kit (quantitative) 60 ml (dedicated system pack), ck-nac kit 60 ml (dedicated system pack), ck-mb kit 50 ml (dedicated system pack), d-dimer kit 40 ml (dedicated system pack), iron kit 312 ml (dedicated system pack), ferritin kit 32 ml (dedicated system pack), transferrin kit 50 ml (dedicated system pack), uibc kit 125 ml (dedicated system pack), urinary protein kit 240 ml (dedicated system pack), csf protein kit 240 ml (dedicated system pack), adenosine deaminase (ada) kit 54 ml (dedicated system pack), copper kit 90 ml (dedicated system pack), ceruloplasmin kit 50 ml (dedicated system pack), cholinesterase kit 153 ml (dedicated system pack), fructosamine kit 210 ml (dedicated system pack), homocysteine kit 36 ml (dedicated system pack), c3 kit 50 ml (dedicated system pack), c4 kit 50 ml (dedicated system pack), beta microglobulin kit 50 ml (dedicated system pack), lambda chain kit 55 ml (dedicated system pack), kappa chain kit 55 ml (dedicated system pack), lipoprotein (a) kit 24 ml (dedicated system pack), alpha 1 glycoprotein kit 50 ml (dedicated system pack), anti-thrombin iii kit 50 ml (dedicated system pack), cuvettes for cs-400 (segment of 20) (dedicated system pack), halogen lamp for cs-400 (dedicated system pack), seracon n 30 ml (dedicated system pack), seracon p 30 ml (dedicated system pack), seracal 18 ml (dedicated system pack), hba1c calibrator 25 ml (dedicated system pack), crp calibrator 01 ml (dedicated system pack), rf calibrator 01 ml (dedicated system pack), alkaline detergent 02 litre (dedicated system pack), acid detergent 500 ml (dedicated system pack), antibacterial po4 free detergent 500 ml (dedicated system pack), kits and consumables for urine analysers, uro color strips (10 parameter) for abbott sd urometer 120 (100 nos), uro color strips (10 parameter) for transasia erba laura (100 nos), thermal paper for abbott sd urometer 120, calibrator strips for transasia erba laura, thermal paper for transasia erba laura, kits and consumables for electrolyte analyzer (erma el-120), solution cartridge (isepak) (system pack), thermal paper for electrolyte analyzer (erma el-120), other kits and consumables, crp kit (qualitative), rf kit (qualitative), hbsag (qualitative), hcv (qualitative), widal kit, vdrl devices, pregnancy cards (hcg), strips for glucometer (accusure), lancets for glucometer, digital hb meter, strips for digital hb meter, hydrochloric acid (concentrated), hydrochloric acid (n/10), sodium hypochl
Tender For corrigendum : e tender for lab items - drabkin solution for hb estimation, tlc dilueting fluid, tlc pipette, dlc diluting fluid, dlc pipette, platelate count fluid, esr pipette disposable, anti a sera, anti b sera, anti d sera ( igg & igm), anti human globulin ( coombs reagent), normal saline, test tube glass 12 x75, test tube glass 12x100, droper plastic, slide pkt iso mark, cover slips 18x18, giemsa stain, leishman stain, paraffin oil, slide tray aluminum, distilled water, methanol, reticulocyte count fluid, methylene blue soln, brilliant cresyl blue soln, eosinophill count fluid, hemocytometer ( counting chamber ), bt ct capillary, filter paper, stop watch/timer, alcohol swabs, sickling test for sickle cell anemia, sickling rapid test for sickle cell anemia, nestroft test for screening of thalessemia, dcip for screening for hbe hemoglobinopathy, quantitative test g6pd deficiency, malaria rapid card test, pt reagent, sodium citrate tube for pt test, aptt reagent, calcium chloride soln, hcg ( pregnancy card), urine strips for ph,sg,tlc,glu,bil,uro,ketone,protein,nitrate, urine container plastic 30ml, test tube disposable plastic 12x100 ( 4 " ), urine strips for microalbumin, urine strips for acr, test kit for stool for ova and cyst, test kit for occult blood, semen diluting fluid, dengue rapid card test (igg,igm & ns1 ag combo), typhoid card test antibody, rpr /vdrl test for syphilis ( rapid card tests), rapid test card for the simultaneous detection of malara pv/pf antigen, s.thphi ( igm antibodies) and dengue ns1 antigen from a single card ( combo), hiv rapid card test with single step procedure ( serum and plasma), hbsag rapid card test 0.1 iu/ml senstivity, anti hcv rapid card test, rapid test card for the simultaneous detection of hiv 1& 2,hcv,hbsag ,syphilis from a single card ( combo), afb stain kit, widal test kit, blood sugar kit, gtt test kit, bilirubin total & direct kit, creatinine kit, urea test kit, uric acid test kit, sgpt test kit, sgot test kit, alkanine phosphate test kit, total protein test kit, albumin test kit, globulin test kit, total cholesterol test kit, triglycerides test kit, vldl direct test kit, hdl direct test kit, ggt test kit, amylase test kit, iron test kit, tibc test kit, hba1c test kit, s.calcium kit, s.magnesium test kit, acid phosphatest test kit, grams stain soln, thorat swap for diphitheria, visual inspection acetic acid, rk 39 for kala azar by rapid card test, smear for filaria, montex test 5tu, montex test 10tu, tuberculin syring for montex test, troponin i rapid card test, trop t rapid card test, ra quantitative test kit, crp quantitative test kit, aso quantitative test kit, blue tips, clot activator non vaccum tube double cap, edta nonvaccum tube double cap, jsb stain 1, jsb stain 2, keto stix, lugol iodine, methanol 5ltr, microscope bulb, printer paper roll 57mmx10mtr, printer paper roll 57mmx20mtr, sodium citrate soln, sodium hypochlorite soln, tissue paper roll, urine strips 04 parameter, yellow tips, electrolyte analyzer as per enclsoed technical specifications, 5 part hematology analyzer as per enclosed technical specifications, fully automated immunoassay analyzer ( clia) as per enclosed technical specifications, semi automated bioschemistry analyzer as per enclosed technical specifications
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of hospital lab items - ra factor rapid test biolab , widal o antigen 2x5 h antigen 2x5ml r , vdrl syphilis test 50 test erba , hiv i ii 50 test erba , malaria 1x50 test erba , hbsag erba , blood grouping and typing anti a b d , urine strip albumin glucose 1x50 test , glucose stripe code free , dengue ns1 10 t biolab , lismans stain 500ml , glass slide 75x25x1point35 , labolene lab cleaner 5 lit , hyperchloride na 5 liter , roter em 100 , n 10 hcl 0point1 n 500 ml biolab , 3point8percent sodium citrate 500 ml , billirubin liquix 4x60 ml , cholesterol cho 5x11 ml , triglycerides tgl 5x11 5x4ml , glucose 10x44 ml , hdl cholesterol with calibrator , creatinine enzymatic 5x30 5x10 , urea 5x22 5x6point8 , uric acid 5x11 5x4 , sgot 6x44 6x12point5 ml , sgpt 6x44 6x12point5 ml , xl multical system 3x4 , erba path 1x5 1x6 , pm kit em100 , test tube 12x100 ml with rim , hb tubes , hb pipette , hb meter , test tube cleaning brush small , sample cups , urine kitone bodies strips , code free glucometer
Tender For supply of vaccum blood collection tubes with needles edta 3 ml , vaccum blood collection tubes without needles sterile tube with gel 5ml material plastic glass , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles sterile tube without gel 5ml , vaccum blood collection tubes without needles sodium citrate 3ml , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles and additives sodium fluoride sodium fluoride plus k3edta in tubes of vol 02 ml , keto diastix bott of 50 strips , kit for chloestrol 2 x 100 , kit for uric acid 2 x 50 , kit for creatinine 4 x 50 , kits for estimation of alkaline phosphatase 50x2 , kits for estimation of sgot ast 100x1 , kits for estimation of sgpt alt 2x50 , kit for triglyceride estimation 100 ml , kit for ldl cholesterol by direct estimation , microtips 200ul filter barrier and sterile , microtips 1000ul filter barrier and sterile , dengu kit 50x1 , widal kit , crp test kit 50x1 , ra factor kit 50x1 , kit for urea 4 x 50 , scalp vein set with luer fitting of disposable plastic size 24 g blister pack , test tube length 8cm x 13mm internal dia with rim , kit for glucose 2 x 250 , kit for total bilirubin 4 x 50 , slide 50x1 pkt , hbsag rapid test kit pack size 50 x 1 , pregnancy test kit 50x1 , ict malaria test kit 50x1 , urine disposable container , lancet disposable pre sterilised size 10 , hiv i and ii rapid test kit , aso test kit 50x1 , kit for estimation of ckmb 20x1 , entercheck rapid thyphoid kit igg igm pack size 50x1 , esr tube wintrob western green dispo , erba wash ml 50x4 , ph indicator blue litmus red pack size 200x3 , ph indicator red litmus blue pack size 200x3 , electrolyte sodium pottasium kit 96x1 , abx minidial pack size 10 ltr x 1 , abx minoculair 100 ml x1 pack size , abx lysebio 400 ml x 1 pack size , abx cleaner 1x1 ltr , semi auto analyser wash solution , drabkin solution diluting solution for heamoglobin estimation , kit for estimation of protein , salmonella typhi o , salmonella typhi h , strips albumin and glucose bottle of 100 strips , kit for estimation of hdl cholesterol , cover slip , kit for direct billirubin 4x50 , kit for estimation of ldh 12x5 , kit for estimation of amylase 12x5 , kit for estimation of calcium 50x1 , pt reagent kit of 25 test , kit for estimation of albumin 125x2 , 4th generation hiv rapid test , autodil plus solution blood cell counter erba company pce 210 , autocleaning solution for cell counter machine pce 210 , lysing reagent for cell counter machine pce 210
Tender For corrigendum : supply of lpo 283 lab 18 lines - abst amoxy and clavulanate 20 and 10mcg bott of 5 cart , abst norfloxacin 10mcg bott of 5 cart , abst pipercilin and sulbactum bott of 5 cart , xsp phosphorus for transasia erba em 360 , cell pack 20 ltr for sysmex xp 100 and xt 2000i , urine diurent for medica easylyte plus electrolyte analyser , erba path for em 360 , multical xl multi xl for transasia erba em 360 , xsp cholesterol for transasia erba em 360 , xsp albumin for transasia erba em 360 , xsp direct bilirubin for transasia erba em 360 , xsp ck for transasia erba em 360 , xsp micro protein for transasia erba em 360 , xsp hba1c for transasia erba em 360 , xsp calcium kit for transasia erba em 360 , hba1c control high for transasia erba em 360 , erba hbaic hba1c con-l for transasia erba em 360 , xsp total protein for transasia erba em 360
Tender For procurement of lab consumables for muvattupuzha - drugs and consumables, urea test kit ( agappe), total protein test kit ( agappe), creatinine test kit ( agappe), hdl cholesterol test kit ( agappe), spot bandage (pkt of 100), lancet(pkt of 100), kit for estimation of calcium (4*25ml)(agappe), erba wash of 100ml, filter paper, kit for estimation of alkaline phosphate (agappe) (2*50)ml