Tender For corrigendum : repair/maint of lt feeder pillar box, mccbs,security light control panel, cable, high mast dist system for security light, earthing,lightning arrester service conntn,distri board,building sub main and allied work at afs khills under ge af thane
Tender For ge/khu-97/2024-25 repair/ replacement of lt panelboard, switch gears, bus bar, earthing, lt cable and other allied wks at khaltsi, lamayuru, hanuthang, achinathang, biamah and batalik in the aor of age b/r-ii khaltsi under ge khumbathang
Tender For repair replacement of damaged cable including lt panelboard and connected items wiring at otm md accn broken of sewage lines drain fencing etc pipeline including mains distribution lines and connected items and repairs servicing of dg sets amf panel
Tender For repair replacement of damaged cable including lt panelboard and connected items and repairs servicing of dg sets amf panels including repairs to swimming pool installation at wellington station under ge wellington
Tender For repair/maint of external lt supply lt panelboard lt switchgear overhead line and allied works at various sub stn of chcc bh sho soi pda cmdc echs and college of nursing under age e/m (hosp) under ge e/m lucknow
Tender For special repair replacement of vintage lt panels xlpe cable meter board and dbs meter panelboard and allied wks at building no p8 of annual maintenance contract c and c under ge east lucknow
Tender For corrigendum : special repair by addition/ alternation to lt panel, led board fittings and certain e/m installation at khanabal military station and provision of new low tension cable in upper garrison awantipur under ge 861 ews