Tender For supply of following lt distributionpanelbox for 100kva of various sub-divisions working under operation circle, hpsebl, bilaspur under ceohz, hpsebl, hamirpur
Tender For construction of 120 seated dining hall and girls toilet in ground floor and one unit additional class room in 1st floor at gobardhantola junior basic school ( udise code 19060701501 ) under mdb
Tender For construction construction cement concrete road from mdb vata to pond of prasanta mondal mondal at dakshin media san ix mouza punra at jl 89 activity code 97181721 in bajitpur gp under baduria block
Tender For replacement and laying of defective 300 sqmm 3 1/2 core underground armored power cable to new one from ess#4b to main mdbpanel of physics department in iitg campus