Tender For 1) construction of field road ts no921 2) construction of cc road ts no926 3) construction of underground drainage ts no924 4) construction of water tank for animal ts no923 5) construction of cc road ts no922 6) construction of underground drainage ts no 927 7) construction of cc drain ts no623 8) r/o samaj mandir in tanda ts no925
Tender For construction of customs commissionerate building gf plus 3 inluding iws & si, drainage, development of site, internal cc roads, bulk services and electrical and mechanical works at mamidipally, hyderabad. sub head: providing 1no. computer operator and 1 no. of attendant in the office of assistant engineer, hysd-ii/1, cpwd, gachibwoli, hyderabad.
Tender For construction of customs commissionerate building gf plus 3 including iws & sanitary installations , drainage development of site, internal cc roads, bulk services and electrical and mechanical works at mamidipally, hyderabad. sub head: providing inspection vehicle on hire basis along with services of driver holding a valid license during the year 2024-25.
Tender For 1) r/o pump house tsno797 2) r/o drainage tsno795 3) construction of urinal near deviche mandir tsno916 4) construction of gp hall tsno915 5) r/o samaj mandir tsno793 6) construction of cc drain tsno798 7) r/o pump house tsno802 8) r/o of smashanbhumi tsno803 9) r/o of drainage tsno791
Tender For construction of drains, cross drainage works (four culverts) and cc road at village limits along the road from rajanakunte to join razakpalya via thimmasandra and vidyanagara cross at ch 3.90 7.20 7.55, 10.60 and 14.45km in bangalore north taluk