Tender For printing and supply of printing items of age b/r-ii (west) lko under ge (west) lucknow - job for printing and supply of printing items age b/r-ii under ge (west) lucknow, (a) gate pass book 200 pages in each book as per sample duly printed 50 nos(b) complaint slip book 200 pages in each book duly printed as per sample 280 book(c)baby indent 200 pages in each book duly printed as per sample 10 book(d) complaint register 200 pages duly printed and as per sample 20 nos(e) complaint register 200 pages duly printed and as per sample 20 nos(f) tally card (both side) duly printed and as per sample - 300 nos , (item one only)
Tender For fabrication, designing and printing of "safety first (in loading of fertilizers bcn/bcna type wagons follo w the prescribed loading pattern) avoid uneven loading" white glossy board of size 4x3 sqft and sticking with alluminum beading in photo shop with multi color printing on the eco solvent vinyl media with 120 microns and fixing on white glos sy board of thickness 18 mm,non reflective clipping facility is provided. (english and telugu as per the attached sample copy) sample piece may be provided before supply of bulk quantity [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitted: max 8 lacs ]
Tender For fabrication, design and printing of "safety first (in unloading of bulk/loose commodities) ensure no left over material in wagons after unlading " white glossy board of size 4x3 sqft and sticking with aluminum beading in phot o shop with multi color printing on the eco solvent vinyl media with 120 microns and fixing on white glossy board of thic kness 18 mm non reflective, clipping facility is provided (english and telugu as per the attached sample copy) sample p iece may be provided before supply of bulk quantity [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitted: max 8 lacs ]
Tender For supply of acrylic sheet size 430mm(l)x150mm(w)x5mm thick with printing as per annexure. all to be printed in bold letter. each item to be printed once
Tender For sealed quotations are invited from reputed firms /agencies having adequate experience in all types of publications /printing along with paper cost item and hologram
Tender For supply of stationary - tc booklet with school name printed , student daily attendance register of class vi to xii , staff attendance register , teachers diaries lesson plan revised according to back to basics , class wise daily teachers diary , order book , service book revised with latest instruction as per chaudhari s , character certificate book , admission and withdrawal register , generator log book , vehicle log book , blank register 1 quire ruled , blank register 2 quire ruled , file tag nylon , daily consumption report register mess 300 pages register , mess attandence register house mess , duty master report register mod , t abill forms loose sheets cs17 , ta da delcaration form cs 17a , stock register non-consumable , stock register consumable , miscellanious receipt and payment register , leave salary and pension contribution ac register cs28 , losses write off acc register , dispatch registr cs30 , student identity card , gate entry register , out pass register , night roll call register , hostel night attendance register , p t morning attendance register , class absentee diary , hostel equipment distribution register for student , toilet item issue register , uniform distribution register , medicines issue register , register of funds received form nvs , daily attendance register on superior paper with an additional sheet for details about the students , lecture attendance register , receipt books for miscellanious income , casual leave register , earned leave register , medical reimbursement forms , movement register , loss and damage register for each laboratory , examination answer book 11x 9 8 pages , supplimentry answer sheets 11x9 4 pages , stationary issue register , bedding items distribution register , file cover with single fold , file board , four folder file , practical note book general science and maths , geography practical book , drawing book 40 pages , graph book 32 pages , envelop size 254 x 44 cm 4 x45 , envelop size 12 x 10 inch 3048x25 4 cm , application for advance form cpf gpf account , application for final withdrawal from cpf gpf account , note sheet , a4 size paper for certificate printing light green , white board marker pen blue , white board marker pen black , white board marker ink blue , white board marker ink black , long exercise book 140 pages , geometry box doms , sharpner doms , cello pen blue , plastic scale , rubber erazor , chart paper
Tender For t-509/t-510: authority to receive a train on an *obstructed/non signaled line book co ntaining 100 leaves each i. e. 50 sets in duplicate, finished size 21.10 cm x 19.60 cm. (plus minus 2 m m tolerance). paper to be used maplitho paper 70 gsm conforming to is specification:- 1848/2007 or l atest for inner pages and paper kraft 110 gsm (gr ii - finishing) conforming to is: 1397/1990 or latest for cover. the book to be printed in hindi and english bilingual in single colour with blue ink on one sid e with numbering at one place in duplicate as per specimen. binding:- two wire stitch on left with kraf t paper. numbering shall be given by cmm/p&s/printing press/ssb. the art work for printing and sampl e book complete in all respect should be got approved from consignee before bulk supply. as per spec n. as mention in description above. [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitt ed: max 8 lacs ]