Tender For running maintenance of rws scheme/ post flood maintenance and restoration work for damages caused in pump house, pipeline, water reserviour, motor set etc of several drinkingwatersupplyscheme of the state due to flood under salemna rd block/ s.h.:- maintenance of existing package type irp of 2500gph/ 5000gph/ 7500gph/ 10000gph capacity with replacement of filter media and allied works under dws sub-division salema during the year 2024-25. group-iii(three)
Tender For running maintenance of rws scheme/ post flood maintenance and restoration work for damages caused in pump house, pipeline, water reserviour, motor set etc of several drinkingwatersupplyscheme of the state due to flood under salemna rd block/ s.h.:- maintenance of existing package type irp of 2500gph/ 5000gph/ 7500gph/ 10000gph capacity with replacement of filter media and allied works under dws sub-division salema during the year 2024-25. group-ii(two)
Tender For running maintenance of rws scheme/ post flood maintenance and restoration work for damages caused in pump house, pipeline, water reserviour, motor set etc of several drinkingwatersupplyscheme of the state due to flood under salemna rd block/ s.h.:- maintenance of existing package type irp of 2500gph/ 5000gph/ 7500gph/ 10000gph capacity with replacement of filter media and allied works under dws sub-division salema during the year 2024-25. group-i(one)
Tender For implementation of drinkingwatersupplyscheme at kallali anganwadi and krishibhavan in bedadka gp and alingal dwss and mannatta -ekkal dwss at ajanur gp-deposit work
Tender For eye2/2571103/24-amc for operating pumping system for dewatering of surplus water and manually removing slurry and other waste materials from under pass at division 34 and 37 (for the period of one year) under kochi municipal corporation