Tender For repairing of steering system of bh35 dumper sl no 35226 and repairing, thread making in rear left side and right side final drive and slack adjuster of bh35 dumper sl no 35226
Tender For (a)repairing of steering system of bh35-2 dumper sl no: 35226 (b) repairing/thread making in rear left side and right side final drive and slack adjuster of bh35-2 35226.
Tender For bangalore -jolarpettai section: sw-i: through sleeper renewal (p) of existing 60kg psc with 60g wider based slack gauge psc (class-1) for a length of 1.152kms at isolated locations from 351/930 - 353/864 on curve no. 9, 10, 11 and 12 on up line. sw-ii: through fitting renewal for a length of 1.379km in isolated locations from 352/305-354/566 up line in sse/p.way/sbc section. sw-iii: through sleeper renewal (p) of existing 60kg wider based slack gauge psc (class-1) for a length of 1.193kms from 352/753-966, 352/966-353/456, 353/704-864 and 354/578-908 (dn line) (curve no. 10, 11, 12 and 16). sw-iv: through fitting renewal for a length of 0.553kma from km 352/200-753 (dn line) (curve no.13) in sse/p.way/sbc section.
Tender For corrigendum : supply, installation, testing and commissioning of variable frequency drives(vfd) and dynamicbrakingresistor(dbr) for eot cranes at chlorination plant, panjrapur.