Tender For supply and delivery of 2hp submersible motor pump sets and 7.5hp, 3hp, 2hp controlpanel boards and 2.5 samm, 4.0 sqmm copper cables for the maintenance of power bore wells in tirupati municipal in tirupati municipal corporation.
Tender For supply and delivery of 7.5 hp, 3h.p submersible motor pump sets, 7.5 hp controlpanel boards and 40mm, 50mm gi couplings for the maintenance of power bore wells in tirupati municipal corporation.
Tender For deequipping and destoring ofinfac t82 - 1 removal of fwd gun mount, qty-01. 1 no 2 removal of aft gun mount, qty-01. 1 no 3 blanking of fwd gun mount post, qty-01. 1 no 4 blanking of aft gun mount post, qty-01. 1 no 5 removal of small arms post- qty-02. 2 no 6 ra for removal of capstan. 1 no 7 blanking for weather proofing post removal of capstan. 1 no 8 removal of soft patches for both main engines, both gearbox, fwd da, ac plant. qty 02. 2 no 9 fitment of soft patches post removal of both main engines, both gearbox, fwd da, ac plant. qty 02. 2 no 10 removal/ degutting of both main engine and asd pump. 2 no 11 manufacturing of cradle (mat iron) and box (matwooden) for transportation of main engine.qty - 02. 2 no 12 manufacturing and fitment of dead weight and bilge plates. 1 no 13 removal of both main engine compensator bellow, qty 04. 4 no 14 removal of both main engine fuel water separator, qty 02. 2 no 15 removal/ degutting of both gearbox. 2 no 16 manufacturing of cradle (mat iron) and box (mat wooden) for transportation of both gearbox. qty - 02. 2 no 17 manufacturing and fitment of dead weight and bilge plates for both gear box. 18 manufacturing and fitment of dead weight for both asd - 14 2 no 19 manufacturing and fitment of dead weight for both propellers. 2 no 20 removal/ degutting of ac plant and its auxiliary. list of auxiliaries:- (a) tev (thermostat expansion valve. (b) heat exchanger (condenser). (c) heat exchanger (chiller). 1 job 21 manufacturing and fitment of dead weight for ac plant. 1 no 22 decouple and removal/ degutting of fwd da 1 no 23 manufacturing of cradle (mat iron) and box (mat wooden) for transportation of fwd da. 1 no 24 manufacturing and fitment of dead weight and bilge plates for fwd da. 1 no 25 decouple and removal/ degutting of aft da. 1 no 26 manufacturing of cradle (mat iron) and box (mat wooden) for transportation of aft da. 1 no 27 manufacturing and fitment of dead weight and bilge plates of aft da 1 no 28 removal of hp pump of ro plant. 1 no 29 removal/ de-gutting of ro plant. 1 no 30 manufacturing and fitment of dead weight and bilge plates for ro plant 1 no 31 removal of soft patches for aft da and ro plant. 1 job 32 fitment of soft patches for aft da and ro plant. 1 job 33 removal/ de-gutting of mcs 5 control system with it s auxiliary. list of auxiliaries:- (a) lop 02 (b) junction box 02 (c) rcs 04 (d) ecs -02 (e) throttle lever 04 1 job 34 blanking of patches post removal of mcs 5 control system to maintain weather proofing. 1 no 35 removal/ de-gutting of asd steering control box with accessories and it s auxiliary. list of auxiliaries are as follows:- (a) steering trim indicator 02 (b) main control 1 job page 3 / 13 panel 01 (c) asd controller 01 (d) trim controller lever 02 36 blanking of patches to maintain weather proofing for asd control box system. 1 no 37 removal of halon bottle 2 no 38 removal/ de-gutting of both shaft & support bearing 2 no 39 manufacturing of cradle (mat iron) and box (wooden) for transportation shaft & support bearing. qty 02. 2 no 40 requirement of tractor & trailer for shifting of items from ship to center for 20 days. 20 days 41 transport requirement (01 tonner) for shifting of items from ship to center for serviceability checks, 40 days. 40 days 42 requirement crane with sling (15,10,05,02 and 01 ton) for 40 days 40 days 43 removal of radar vm display, atu and antenna. 3 no 44 removal of existing cables of radar vm. 3 no 45 blanking and fitment of patches to maintain weather proofing 1 no 46 ra for degutting and de-equipping of ecdis display, ups, processor unit and interface unit with removal of cables. 4 no 47 removal of wind speed sensor and its dispaly unit and cables 1 no 48 blanking and fitment of patches to maintain weather proofing 1 no 49 removal of mss mk ii system, antenna and cables. 2 no 50 mk ii blanking of patches to maintain weather proofing. 1 no 51 removal of 07 in number navigation and emergency light. 7 no 52 manufactu
Tender For construction of quarter guard mens club and bin type magazine building i.c internal ei and fans fire alarm system fire fighting system vrv system and development work at rtc crpf amethi up sh- controlpanel for high mast terrace pump and timer.subwork/packages:electrical work
Tender For supply & install borewell items (submersible motor-pump set with control-starter panel, submersible cable, and column pipes, accessories, etc...)
Tender For installation testing and commissioning of 3000 gph x 200 meter head hc pump set, fabrication and installation of gi shed along with allied works at pumping station bathuni and providing installation testing and commissioning of lt controlpanel for 7