Tender For supply of brake pad front change , brake shoe rear change , front caliper assy change , rear brake drum , ignition coil change , spark plug change , realy change , plug wire change , electronic injector repair , seat adjuster , horn assy change , steering assy , the above mentioned parts removing the veh and all reqires portion service and all new parts fitting, engine tuning electrical check and wheel alignment and balancing , rotary pump assy and feed pump removing the veh and taken to the pump house and stripping all parts and cleaning checking. injector nozzle , pump full service and assembles above mentioned burned and damaged change and full packing change nozzle fitting injector , feed pump service with kit vehcile overbeating and produce white smoke. engine required for overhauling , engine liner set change , piston change , main bearing change , bigend bearing change , thrust washer change , piston ring change , valve inlet and exhaust change , valve guide change , head gasket change , gasket kit change , crunk shaft seal change , water pump change , engine mounting pad change , oil filter change , air filter change , fuel filter change , fan belt change , timing belt change , timing tensoner change , clutch plate change , pressure plate change , release bearing change , fly wheel skimming change , fly wheel bearing change , hub seal inner and outlet change , annabond paste , radiator hose set change , front brake pad change , rear brake shoe change , suspension bush kit change , radiator repair and service , self and alternator repair and service. lathe machine works , engine bore boring and new liner fitting and boning and finishing and piston seting , crank shaft main and both bearing setting , cylinder head stripping, cleaning and old valve guide, removing and new guide fitting and valve seat, grinding, vlave fixing and head assy and pressure testing , engine assy removing the veh and stripping and cleaning all parts and engine assy and mounting the veh and self, alternator raditor fitting and veh started testing cooling labou charge , electrical system checking and wheel alignmnet and balancing , timing shain kit change , brake shoe front and change , chain sprocket kit change , kiker change , engine bore reboring, boning and finishing , the above mentioned all parts removing and new parts fitting labour charge , self starter ssy repair service with unservicable parts change, field coil, armature soldering and brush holder and brush change
Tender For supply of electrical equipments for 132 kv substation hasari under etd, jhansi - crc 2-26 electrical contactcleaner (400ml), (material code- 4100000723), 36kv jaw, 1250a for isolator (as per sample), (material code- 4000001016), silica gel (material code- 4100000786), supply of blade for isolator, 1250 a for 36 kv (material code- 4000001008), mcb, 32a, 3p, 415v, 10ka, (material code- 4000003971), isolator clamp for panther conductor. (material code- 4000003971), 36 kv jaw, 800 a for isolator (as per sample) (material code- 4000001018), the rates qouted by the bidders should be without taxes. taxes to be paid extra, if applicable.
Tender For supply of repair oblic work is required for flt 5 ton sl no 171073 at ge ep jodhpur , parts of vehicle to be replaced , fuel pipe intake and return , accelerator cable , fuel filter set of two , hose pipe set , air filter , engine oil , transmission oil , hydraulic pressure pipe , fan belt , exhaust bellow spring , coolant , grease , oil filter , rubber pad for accelerator , hub packing kit , shaft seal , gasket , brake cylinder pipe , roof hood , hydraullic oil , brake fluid , high pressure line for fuel injection , maintenance and labour work required , brake bleeding , levling the hydrualic oil , welding of exhaust spring , greasing of wheel and hub , repair to hydraulic pump , cleaning of lifter chain and forks slide , auto electrical wiring , servicing of vehicle , denting and painting , adjustment of clutch , fuel pump repair , caliberation of injector nozzle
Tender For supply of repair oblic work is required for flt 3 ton sl no 30153 at ge ep jodhpur , parts of vehicle to be replaced , fuel pipe intake and return , accelerator cable , fuel filter set of two , hose pipe set , air filter , engine oil , transmission oil , hydraulic pressure pipe , fan belt , exhaust bellow spring , coolant , grease , oil filter , rubber pad for accelerator , hub packing kit , shaft seal , gasket , brake cylinder pipe , roof hood , hydraullic oil , brake fluid , high pressure line for fuel injection , maintenance and labour work required , brake bleeding , levling the hydrualic oil , welding of exhaust spring , greasing of wheel and hub , repair to hydraulic pump , cleaning of lifter chain and forks slide , auto electrical wiring , servicing of vehicle , denting and painting , adjustment of clutch , fuel pump repair , caliberation of injector nozzle