Tender For bid to ras bid to ras bid to ras bid to ras corrigendum : supply of fqa lab mechanical for talcher project - group 1 - 1 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - digital radiography , group 1 - 2 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - radiation survey meter , group 1 - 3 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - radiography film viewer , group 1 - 4 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - personal digital dosimeter , group 1 - 5 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - radiography film densitometer , group 1 - 6 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - radiography film samples - asme , group 1 - 7 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - computed radiography - cr - scanner , group 1 - 8 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - ultrasonic testing machine -conventional with probes and calibration blocks , group 1 - 9 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - ultrasonic testing machine - paut with scanner, probes and calibration blocks , group 1 - 10 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - tofd equipment for weld inspection , group 1 - 11 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - magnetic particle inspection-yoke type , group 1 - 12 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - magnetic particle inspection-coil type with cables , group 1 - 13 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - pie gauge for mpi , group 1 - 14 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - gaussmeter for mpi , group 1 - 15 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - ni-cr panel for dpt , group 1 - 16 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - uv lamp for fluorescent mpi and dpt , group 1 - 17 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - remote field eddy current testing - advance electromagnetic testing , group 1 - 18 - non - destructive testing - ndt equipment - total lump sum price for stay at site including lodging, boarding, local conveyence etc for sup of e and c etc at site , group 1- 19- ndt equipment- total lump sum price for site visit - should include travel expenses to-fro site, visa- insurance-if applicable, intermediary stay - for sup of e and c etc at site , group 2 - 1 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - hardness tester - rebound type , group 2 - 2 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - hardness tester - uci method , group 2 - 3 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - ultrasonic thickness meter - d-meter-digital , group 2 - 4 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - vernier 300 mm scale , group 2 - 5 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - vernier 600 mm scale , group 2 - 6 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - outside micrometre , group 2 - 7 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - inside micrometer 25-750 - dial , group 2 - 8 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - measuring tape , group 2 - 9 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - helium leak detector , group 2 - 10 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - ultimate tensile testing m-c , group 2 - 11 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - paint thickness meter- elcometer --ultrasonic digital , group 2 - 12 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - paint adhesion testing kit , group 2 - 13 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - hardness tester , group 2 - 14 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - abi - automated ball indentation - tester for mechanical properties , group 2 - 15 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - exfoliation meter for ss tubes , group 2 - 16 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - oxide measurement for boiler tubes , group 2 - 17 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - thermography camera , group 2 - 18 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - holiday detector , group 2 - 19 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - engineering stethoscope , group 2 - 20 - mechanical testing and measuring equipment - portable vibration meter , group 2 - 21 - mechanical testing and measurin
Tender For corrigendum : certain maintenance work under ge east jabalpur - m & l for painting carefully (by taking necessary shut down from respective sub-station) on steel tubular poles 9 m high from (above grnd 7.5rm) upto top of the pole, including cross arms, bracings, clamps, cable protection pipes, street light clamps & pipe (fix to poles) with two coats of 1st quality aluminium paint after preparation of surface by wire brush and painting with two coats of synthetic enamel paint, after preparation of surface with different colour code from ground level to 1.0 m high with writing pole no. of suitable size of letters as directed. note : size of lettering and colours of paints will be directed by engr-in-charge., m & l for painting carefully (by taking necessary shut down from respective sub-station) on lt pcc pole 9 m high from (7.5 metre above natural ground ) upto top of the pole, applying two coats of cement base paint over a coat of alkalines resistant primer to surface of concrete pole with cement based paint after preparation of surfaces of poles including cross arms, bracings, clamps, cable protection pipes, street light clamps & pipe (fix to poles) with two coats of 1st quality of synthetic enamel paint, after preparation of surface with different colour code from ground level to 1.0 m high with writing pole no. of suitable size of letters as directed. note : size of lettering and colours of paints will be as directed by engr-in-charge., diasmantling of acsr or aac conductors of any size from lt poles or distrubution span of complete all as specified & directed., fixing only binding from disc/shackle/loop insulator etc and rebinding after tightening/restringing of aacsr/aac/lt over head conductors of any size with and including 14 swg binding wire and testing, complete all as specified & directed., m&l for acsr conductor lt (6 in 1) weasel type ,restringing and fixing it properly in between poles and connecteing it with insulator properly all as per required and directed by engg in chrge, dismantling gi wire of any size from lt poles or distribution span & removal from site, complete all as specified and directed., fixing only binding from disc/shackle/loop insulator etc and rebinding after tightening/restringing of galvanised steel wire 3.15 or 4 mm dia lt over head earth wire, complete all as specified & directed., m&l for over head galvanised steel wire 3.15 or 4mm dia on existing lt poles and stretching and then strengthening including binding & jointing the conductor and testing complete all as specified and directed., m & l for danger notice plate of 1.6mm thick mild steel sheet, vitreous enamelled white, with letters, figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour and fixed with m.s. clamps, bolts and nuts of approved size, for lt, 20x15cm size complete all as specified and directed., dismantling old unserviceable insulators of any type including ms spindles, gi washers, nuts etc and s&f shackle type, porcelain, vitreous, white/brown or green insulator including galvanised mild steel straps(31x5mm), two gi washers & one gi nut, 100 mm height and 115 mm dia(max) suitable for working pressure 1100 volts grade, complete all as specified and directed., s&f pvc separator 2 way for lt overhead electric line complete all as specified and directed., s&f pvc separator 4 way for lt overhead electric line complete all as specified and directed., supply and fix, erection steel tubular swaged poles type 410 sp-31 (9 meter long), painting with two coat of aluminium paint over one coat of red oxide primer and marking pole nos with black sythetic enamelled paint including tarring one coat of steel surface embedded in concrete complete excluding earth work and pcc work and taking out old unserviceable lt pole complete all as specified and as directed., dismantling lt steel tubular poles and setting aside for re-use within 50 metres complete all as specified