Tender For repair i section girder at ph bhalau tibba & old pump house taranagar and repair of foundation work for centrifugal motor pump sets at pump house bhalau tibba & taranagar under sub div taranagar.
Tender For corrigendum : nib no-34/2024-25 repair and rewinding of submersible pump set and monoblock centrifugal motor pump sets under sub. div. lalsot
Tender For special repair of unserviceable centrifugal pump, motor, starter and connected accessories installeld at various units in sector c and d and provn of three phase electric supply to office, officers complex at nccsr under ge 865 ews, leh
Tender For corrigendum : nib no-35/2024-25 repair and rewinding of submersible pump set and monoblock centrifugal motor pump sets under sub. div. ramgarh pachwara