Tender For up gradation of storm water pumps at bp block pitampura and shakti vihar i/c electricalpanel replacement, installation of apfc panel, cables, rising main, suction and delivery pipe lines, provision of bar screen etc. as reqd
Tender For corrigendum : supply of part a, which include sitc of 2 nos of transformer, vcb, apfc and ht metering items , part b, which inlcude the sitc of lt panel and synchronazation lt and emergency panel items , part c, which include the sitc of ht and lt cable items with their accesoories like gland and lug , part-d, which include the sitc of earthing and lightning arrester and safety equipments items , part-e, which inlcude the foundation work, room for substation and civil miscellaneous work
Tender For armo of electrical and mechanical services for (access control, cctv, pa system, hvac, split ac, water cooler) at regional passport office building, bkc, mumbai. (2024-2025). sh-1) comprehensive maintenance of 3 nos. 140 tr water cooled chiller. 2) comprehensive maintenance of low side equipment of water cooled hvac system i/c electricalcontrolpanel and operation of air conditioning, ventilation system. 3) comprehensive maintenance of split a/c units, vrf, water coolers.subwork/packages:1) comprehensive maintenance of 3 nos. 140 tr water cooled chiller. 2) comprehensive maintenance of low side equipment of water cooled hvac system i/c electricalcontrolpanel and operation of air conditioning, ventilation system. 3) comprehensive maintenance of split ac units, vrf, water coolers.
Tender For up gradation of storm water pumps at rana pratap bagh i/c electricalpanel replacement, installation of apfc panel, cables, rising main, suction and delivery pipe lines, provision of bar screen etc. as reqd.