Tender For corrigendum : supply of control box assembly for ador make welding machine thyroluxe 600 part no. 170102548 , thyristor for ador make welding machine thyroluxe 600 part no. 222882012 , controller pcb for adore make thyroluxe -600 welding rectifier part no. s17.01. 002.0368 , choke assembly for ador make welding machine. model- thyroluxe 600. part no. -s17.01. 002.0644
Tender For electronics lab items - semiconductor & power semiconductor device trainer, rectifier, filter, zener regulator experiment trainer, power semiconductor trainer, power electronics trainer, digital multimeter 3 digit) ,4000 counts, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, pcm,dpcm / adpcm modulator and demodulator trainer, delta, adaptive delta, sigma delta, cvsd modulator & demodulator, ask, fsk, psk, qpsk bpsk modulator & demodulator, frequency modulation & demodulation techniques, am / fm radio receiver trainer, pam-ppm-pwm and line coding techniques, microwave test bench (klystron based), advanced microwave test bench (gunn based), antenna training setup (big version) antenna training system, cdma modulation / demodulation trainer, fiber optics cable trainer, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, digital multimeter 3 digit) ,4000 counts, local area network (lan) trainer kit, digital logic gates trainer, half/full adder, subtractor, alu trainer, flip flop, counters & shift register trainer, multiplexer, decoder & encoder, digital trainer, 8051/89c51 microcontroller development and training platform, arm micro controller development platform, dc/ac bridge trainer, calibration of voltmeter and ammeter trainer, calibration of wattmeter using phantom loading, lcr meter (digital), displacement sensing transducers trainer, temperature sensing transducers trainer, strain gauge transducer trainer, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, operational amplifier circuit trainer, analog to digital and digital to analog trainer, experimentation with astable and monostable multivibrator, understanding and experimentation with digital ics, digital multimeter 3 digit) ,4000 counts, lrc meter, tong tester, pcb prototype machine, voltmeter, ammeter, ammeter, dc/ac bridge trainer, dc slide wire potentiometer, cromptpn potentiometer, single phase energy meter, q-meter meter, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, displacement sensing transducers trainer, advanced microwave test bench (gunn based), fiber optics cable trainer, cdma trainer kit, plc trainer kit, control system trainer kit
Tender For construction of cc road and drain in sc area 1) mallayya temple shivalinganadvinkeri house 2) rachanna anagadi to shivayogi chalkeri house 3) new anganwadi to electricaltransformer 4) malkappa house to kamalabai house 5) samdan dundar house to mallamma santi house 6) shivalingappa doddamani house to raju doddamani house in ravoor village in chittapur taluka under kkrdb micro for the year 2024-25 & 2025-26 scp (klb249221560)
Tender For supply of stamp account officer , stamp annual atock taking board , weight machine up to 300kg , water dispenser bottle , ro set kent , plastic table , stabilizer for 1.5 ton ac , base for inverter battery for 15 batteries , vaccum cleaner for computer , rectifier for fountain lights
Tender For supply of portable single operated rectifier type dc arc welding set suitable for manual arc welding process as per is 4559 (q2) , tungsten inert gas (tig) welding equipment as per is 9604:1994 (q2) , single operator ac and dc arc welding transformers gtaw welding machine as per is 6008 (q2)
Tender For tender for supply of dismantling and taking out unserviceable spare parts oblique items and supply comma replacement of unsv parts , fuel filter element make mico , oil filter make mico , clutch wire , air filter element make mico , accelerator cable , v belt as per existing size , fuel hose pipe , water pump , coolant , fuel tank cleaning with washing material , break oil , replacement of ignition switch , dismantling clutch assembly and replacement of the unsv parts oblique items , clutch and pressure plate assembly complete , clutch release bearing , clutch cylinder lower , clutch cylinder upper , opening and taking down all wheels hub from the vehicles and greasing of vehicles , wheel brake cylinder , ball bearing , taking out self starter assembly and replace of the unserviceable parts , carbon bush , solenoid switch , armature rewinding , repair to the alternator and replace the defective part that is cut out switch comma seal comma rotor comma rectifier plate comma bearing etc and reassemble , disconnecting of complete radiator assembly and reassemble after repairing and replacement of unsv spares , computerized balancing and alignment of the wheels complete , denting , painting of the vehicle side and front view of body incl scrabing existing paint and painting incl over two coat of red oxide primer complete , m and l for complete servicing of vehicle tunning to engine including washing , repair oblique replacement of door window machine complete set , repair oblique replacement of door lock complete set , repair oblique replacement of steering lock complete set
Tender For supply of taking out self starter assembly and replace of the unserviceable parts , carbon bush , solenoid switch , armature rewinding , repair to the alternator and replace the defective part that is cut out switch comma seal comma rotor comma rectifier plate comma bearing etc and reassemble , taking down the wheels comma opening comma dismantling cleaning and greasing of all wheel , disc pad front left and right , disc rotor front left and right , wheel brake cylinders , wheel alignment through computerized system , water servicing of the complete veh with vacum cleaner including washing material , opening comma dismantling and taking down water pump assy due to leakage and refixing with new one , water pump assy , fan belt for water pump , opening comma dismantling and taking down the steering due to hard turning comma ckeck it comma repair oblique overhauling the same and refitting and replace the unsv parts , steering barum , steering bearing , steering seal , steering cross , dismantling and taking out unserviceable wipper assembly and replace the same new set , dismantling and taking out unserviceable spare parts of suspension assembly with replacing the defective parts , suspension bush , suspension rubber kit , opening comma dismantling and taking down the propeller shaft slip joints with universal joint and refixing the same , universal joint , opening comma dismantling and taking down clutch plate assy and refixing , clutch pad , clutch pressure setting lathe work , axle boot , clutch pressure plate , repair oblique replacement of door window machine complete set , repair oblique replacement of wiring of head light assembly complete
Tender For supply of dismantling clutch assembly and replacement of the unsv parts oblique items , clutch and pressure plate assembly complete , clutch release bearing , clutch cylinder lower , clutch cylinder upper , opening and taking down all wheels hub from the vehicles and greasing of vehicles , wheel brake cylinder , ball bearing , shocker observor , end suspension , slip joint , tie rod end joint , dismantling and taking out unserviceable spare parts oblique items and supply comma replacement of unsv parts , fuel filter element make mico , oil filter make mico , clutch wire , air filter element make mico , v belt as per existing size , fuel hose pipe , coolant , fuel tank cleaning with washing material , break oil , repair to the alternator and replace the defective part that is cut out switch comma seal comma rotor comma rectifier plate comma bearing etc and reassemble , computerized balancing and alignment of the wheels complete , denting comma painting of the vehicle side and front view of body incl scrabing existing paint and painting incl over two coat of red oxide primer complete , m and l for complete servicing of vehicle tunning to engine including washing , repair oblique replacement of door window machine complete set , repair oblique replacement of door lock complete set , repair oblique replacement of steering lock complete set