Tender For supply of mcode- 41300 total bilirubin test kit(r1- 7x45 ml ,r2 - 3x5 ml) for fully auto mated biochemistry analyser compatible with em 200 erba mannhem ]
Tender For supply of mcode- 41302 sgot test kit for fully automated biochemistry analyser (r1- 6 x 44 ml , r2 - 6 x 12.5 ml ) compatible with em200 erba mannhem ]
Tender For tender for supply of swas spares - sensors ph sensor model no 3900 01 10 , specific cond sensor model no 400 11 , spc cond and ph tx mod no 1056 03 20 32 an , spc cond tx model no 1056 03 20 38 an , orp analyser orp sensor make emerson , 1056 ph single channel transmitter
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - repair of two leonova diamond muti channel analyser; ms spm instrument india pvt ltd; yes; service provider premises